« on: December 16, 2018, 06:38:44 PM »
Every time I do one of these I seem to learn a subject so good that I'm never able to forget the smallest details about it. So I figure I'll just keep adding to the collection with the thought that maybe some of you learn something from them as well.
In the last one I talked about how to establish radar identification with an aircraft, so it's only natural if this time I talked about how to transfer that radar identification to another controller. This can all be found in 5-4 of the 7110.65. But I will put below the paragraphs that are relevant to the network.
5-4-5 Transferring Controller Handoff
These are the responsibilities of the controller initiating the handoff.
a. Complete the radar handoff prior to an aircraft entering the receiving controller's airspace.
c. Prior to transferring communications:
1. All potential conflicts have been resolved.
2. Any restrictions issued to the aircraft are passed along to the receiving controller.
5-4-6 Receiving Controller Handoff
These are the responsibilities for the controller receiving the handoff.
b. Issue restrictions that are needed for the aircraft to enter your sector safely before accepting the handoff.
c. Comply with restrictions issued by the transferring controller unless otherwise coordinated.
It's pretty simple. Keep airplanes safe while you send them to someone else, and keep them safe while you receive them from someone else.
Phraseology For Manual Handoffs (using landline/teamspeak coordination instead of automation)
Caller: "Zanesville, Columbus, handoff"
Receiver: "Zanesville"
Caller: "Five miles east of Appleton VOR, United thee sixty-six"
Receiver: "United Three sixty-six, radar contact, A.Z.
Caller: "M.E."
This is an example of a basic radar handoff. Zanesville is initiating the handoff to Columbus. When Columbus says the magic words "Radar contact", they assume responsibility for that aircraft.
5-4-7: Point Out
The transferring controller must:
1. Obtain approval before permitting an aircraft to enter the receiving controller's delegated airspace.
2. Obtain receiving controller's approval before making any changes to the aircraft's flight path, altitude, speed, or data block information after the point out has been approved.
The receiving controller must:
1. Be responsible for separation between point out aircraft and other aircraft for which he/she has separation responsibility.
3. Issue restrictions to the transferring controller as necessary as long as point out aircraft is within the receiving controller's airspace.
Phraseology for Point outs
Caller: "Pomona, Stadium, point out.
Receiver: "Pomona,"
Caller: "Eight miles southwest of El Monte airport, Delta seven zero two, descending to two thousand, six hundred."
Receiver: "Delta seven zero two, point out approved, A.N."
Caller: "M.L."
So those are the basics. A handoff transfers radar and communications, and a point out transfers radar but not communications.