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Messages - Jonathan Devine

Pages: [1]
The Classroom (Controller Tips) / University of North Dakota's ATCast
« on: February 12, 2012, 09:52:59 AM »
All the links are dead now.  

General Discussion / Do you know what would be cool
« on: February 12, 2012, 09:47:35 AM »
If someone could write a plugin that would mute Teamspeak when RX is active in VRC or vSTARS. That would make the world a better place.

The Flight Deck / need info on stars and route transitioning
« on: February 01, 2012, 08:49:07 PM »
Welcome Dale! I'm not entirely sure what you mean.

The transition is the point at which you enter the STAR or exit a DP. There is no audible for this in itself.

If you need to deviate from the STAR/DP, you need to make a request.

You: "Delta 241 with request."
ATC: "Delta 241, go ahead."
You: "Delta 241 requesting direct SUMMA." or whatever deviation you need
ATC: "Delta 241 proceed as requested." or "Delta 241 approved." or "Delta 241 request denied."

If denied, ATC may suggest an alternative.

If you can give the reason for your deviation, give it when you make your request. If it is reasonable it is more likely to be approved.

Ultimately, the safety of your aircraft lies on the pilot, so if you need to take immediate action to avoid weather or another aircraft you may do so without permission, but inform ATC as soon as possible and state your reason.

Does that answer your question?

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