Summer Never Ends in Texas

Darryl Roach

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Summer Never Ends in Texas
« on: August 15, 2016, 10:26:00 AM »

Are cloudy skies looming because summer's coming to a close, and the reality of having to return to work or school getting you down? We're not letting that happen at TexAir. Every day means blue skies in the Texas-friendly skies! But Texas-friendly skies aren't just over Texas, no! We've got hubs all over the country with a diverse fleet to operate scheduled flights. But in case you want to remind yourself of that great summer getaway when you're knee deep in assignments, we have a great charter subsidiary to get you in all the planes you love, and to the places big birds can't necessarily go. We want our pilots to be the best they can be, so we also entered into an exclusive training partnership with VATSTAR to help our pilots achieve their dreams. That doesn't come without rewards, either! We offer "fast track" hours and profile ribbons for every course completed.

Did I mention that our Fleet Modernization Program is in full effect? Just this weekend, we took delivery of our gorgeous new 738 and 752 repaints. Have a look for yourself.

In addition to smiling pilots, we're also looking for some well qualified individuals to fill a few staff positions. Specifically, we need someone to take on the role of our Brand Manager position - which is considered a combination of both branding and marketing. We also need to fill our Fleet Manager position - which should be noted will not have to complete repaints for us at the moment as we've already negotiated that, we just need someone around to help us test deliveries and troubleshoot pilot issues. (Repaints may be discussed down the road.) And yes, we do have a few Hub Manager slots still open, as well. If you may be interested in any of these and have applicable experience, swing by the Staff page to get an idea of what we need and how to apply.

So stop on by, take a look at what we're all about, and say Howdy! If you like what you see, go on and apply!
TexAir Virtual Airlines

Camden Bruno

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Re: Summer Never Ends in Texas
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2016, 02:30:05 PM »
I checked out your website because I know a BVA member who would most likely be interested in your VA. I happened to notice your "Fleet Remodel Donation Tracker" (attached below). Out of curiosity, how does that work? Donations are required in order for repaints/aircraft to be released to pilots?

Ryan Parry

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Re: Summer Never Ends in Texas
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2016, 09:47:47 PM »
I checked out your website because I know a BVA member who would most likely be interested in your VA. I happened to notice your "Fleet Remodel Donation Tracker" (attached below). Out of curiosity, how does that work? Donations are required in order for repaints/aircraft to be released to pilots?

Found this on the site:

Darryl Roach

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Re: Summer Never Ends in Texas
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2016, 06:08:08 PM »
Very sorry, the notifier didn't notify me of your reply.  :-[

No, we would never require any contribution for any of our fleet. We just couldn't afford to get it done and were simply asking for some help from our members to expedite what was probably going to take months. The thread Ryan found explains it pretty well. I am happy to say, that thanks very much to our great members, we were able to get a great new look to our fleet, which is now near completion.