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Messages - Mike Bencivenga

Pages: [1] 2 3
General Discussion / Re: sector files
« on: June 14, 2024, 07:41:00 PM »

As BW stated, VRC is no longer supported as a radar client in VATUSA. If you want to control Houston, I would suggest following the VATUSA process to join the ZHU ARTCC, there you will have access to their CRC files for Houston and all other airports in their ARTCC. But you will not be able to find the VRC files anymore as they are no longer maintained.

The Control Room Floor / Re: Application to do ATC
« on: February 03, 2024, 05:21:14 AM »
If you have questions or issues with the course the best place to ask would be in the VATUSA discord, you can open up a help ticket in there as well. It is more likely to get seen there than in here.

The Control Room Floor / Re: Application to do ATC
« on: February 02, 2024, 03:43:00 PM »
Hi Dylan,

Check out this link if you interested in being a controller in VATUSA. It should be able to answer most of your questions!

The Control Room Floor / Re: Training time frame and facility selection
« on: January 19, 2024, 09:51:49 AM »

Yes there is a training backlog at EVERY ARTCC. Some are longer than others, The best way to find out before you transfer is to email the Training Administrator for the ARTCC as they can give you the best information for that.

I can tell you at ZDV we don't necessarily have a long backlog, as students book when they can, but it takes about 5-6 sessions to complete your S1 training. So part of it is up to your availability as well.

I don't think this is going be something that will be advertised on webpages or the VATUSA page, but like i said, if you have an questions the TA is the best person to ask.

You also have to understand that every training staff is made up of volunteers and some ARTCCs training staffs are not as large as others. ZNY and ZLA training staffs don't match the size of ZDV or ZLC, so wait times will vary from ARTCC to ARTCC. We do what we can but we also have IRL things to take care of, as well as wanting to control ourselves.

Mike Bencivenga
vZDV/vZLC Training Administrator

General Discussion / Re: KDFW 50th birthday
« on: September 14, 2023, 04:45:55 AM »
I would email the staff at theZFW ARTCC directly as they are more likely to see that than a forum post.

Not sure what their events department has in the works but that sounds like an amazing idea!

The Control Room Floor / Re: Flight Sim being open.
« on: July 31, 2023, 02:44:25 PM »
ATC requires you to have specific controllking software, but does not require to have your flight sim open, unless you are using tower view. Which basically allows you to control, as well as get a tower vies of the aircraft in and around the tower. It is by no means required but many people like it. The software option right now are:

VCR - very user friendly, but will be stop being supported soon as there a new radar client being developed.

vSTARS- used mostly for App/DEP but also used for Tower and Ground, but also used by some ARTCCs to teach from the ground up

vERAM - only for enroute controlling. You wont need this until you start working on your C1

The ARTCC you join should have their own training policy and recommendations of which software to use. I would ask them, once you join an ARTCC and they will be abler to guide you in the right direction.

Events / Re: ZLA Live 2023
« on: June 10, 2023, 02:06:58 PM »
2359 Zulu is 5 PM PT so i would say the banner has the correct time. But the events team from ZLA can confirm

Events / Re: Anchorage Sundown Solstice
« on: May 24, 2023, 05:18:04 PM »
Im not sure what looks better, the banner for the event, or Ian's forum signature!! <3

The Control Room Floor / Re: ZFW ATC Discord
« on: May 05, 2023, 04:20:47 PM »
You should receive a welcome email from ZFW with all the pertinent information in it, including the discord info.

Not all ARTCCs publish their discords to the public.

 Your first step is ensure that you have submitted a transfer request to join ZFW, then once the appropriate ppl receive the request, they will accept and you should get a welcome email.b


Come join The Pilot Club and ZLA as we present another iteration of Fly In Thursday!! This time we are going to the desert and featuring Sin City, Las Vegas, NV!! come fly from anywhere into beautiful Las Vegas, keep in mind the main arrival push will be between 0100z-0200z (6-7 PM PDT) so some then if you want to join the conga line!!

Date and Time: 20APR23 2359z-0300z (8-11 PM EDT)

Featured Field: KLAS

Events / [13MAR23 2359Z-0300z] Spring in SoCal
« on: February 11, 2023, 05:51:39 PM »

Come join the ZLA ARTCC and vNAS testers as we staff up SoCal on a Monday evening and test the vNAS server, and all associated software and push it to the limit! IFR, VFR light prop, jet bring it all and fly into, out of and around SoCal on a cool Monday evening in March!!!

Featuring: The SoCal TRACON

Date and time:

Monday March 13, 2023. 2359z-0300z ( 7PM - 10PM ET)

News / Re: Position Posting: ZSE Events Coordinator
« on: January 29, 2023, 04:57:41 PM »
Hey I know I am not an s3 but if you guys don't have anyone and can maybe make an exception then I would be interested but if you can't I totally understand. Just let me know thanks

Brayden pierce

If you are interested in the position I would suggest following the post and submitting an application. They will not reach out to you. The only way to get considered is to submit an application as described in the post. Good Luck!

Events / [01/29/2023 2300Z- 0300Z] SoCal Sundays Presents: San Bernadino!!
« on: December 08, 2022, 11:35:22 AM »

ZLA is continuing our SoCal Sundays, back after taking a month off for some holiday time off! We will be staffing the wonderful Empire sector for the month of January! Come join us as we staff up Ontario, Chino, Palm Springs and San Bernardino on a nice wintery Sunday evening!

Date and time: Sunday January 29th 2300z-0300z (1500-1900 PT)

Event Fields: ONT, SBD, PSP, CNO

News / Re: ZAU Has a New EC and AEC!
« on: December 05, 2022, 03:18:26 PM »
Congrats Zakery and Joe!! Welcome to the EC team!!

Events / [11/17/2022 2359Z-0400Z] Fly-In Thursday: Nevada!
« on: October 22, 2022, 08:24:58 AM »

Come join The Pilot Club, Sky Blue Radio and the Virtual Los Angeles ARTCC as we present a nice Thursday fly into the outskirts of Las Vegas! Henderson Tower will be staffed for our GA friends and anyone looking to fly in the pattern, and about 10 miles East, Boulder City airport will be available for those wanting to practice uncontrolled field ops!

ZLA will be staffed from 2359-0400Z (4-8 PM PT) with a time on target of between 0200-0300Z (6-7 PM PT), so shoot for that gap if you want to come join everyone else!

Date and Time: Thursday November 17th 2359-0400Z

Event Fields: KHND (staffed) KBVU (uncontrolled)

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