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Topics - Tom Huben

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General Discussion / How many days do i wait to transfer
« on: March 23, 2009, 04:08:36 PM »
I am currently at ZDV but do not like it there because they have documents that conflict each other. For example: for VFR they have an SOP Class B airspace  transponder codes that are different than other parts of their site.

 About a week ago  was controlling as DEN_GND and was sent a chat that I was issuing the wrong squawk code to VFR. VFR out of class B per the SOP is 5201,etc  BUT another document has it as 1201,etc. Therefore i was sent a chat "5201????" and I advising the TWR controller that  issued the squaek per the SOP and my trainer and he said it was wrong.

 therefore, i am asking to transfer to another Facility because ZDV has many docs that contridict each other. I want a region that has ONE SET OF RULES. At ZDV they use whatever document they want so there is no consistency there!

 So, I am looking to transfer. How do i find my start date with ZDV and when can i transfer out?


 Tom huben
 Certified at DEN thru DEL and GND.

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