An interesting thread has been developing in the Supervisor community regarding the initial request for assistance from Supervisors. This post is aimed at all current controllers and students, as well as all ARTCC Training Administrators to weave this information into their initial ATC student training syllabi.
Oftentimes, the way a request for assistance is phrased will allow a Supervisor enough information to start working a request for assistance directly, as opposed to playing 20 questions with the controller. This is all-the-more important when the Supervisors are already busy, juggling multiple cases, and can make the difference between getting your request for assistance worked on quickly, vs. waiting for a Supervisor to be available to start the 20 questions drill. A request for assistance should, when possible, indicate enough information to allow the Supervisor to start to understand the issue and the urgency of the request.
Examples of good requests for assistance:
.wallop ABC123 in my airspace not contacting ATC, and not responding to multiple requests for contact. No immediate conflict.
.wallop ABC123 using rude and vulgar language on frequency
.wallop Need help with someone who has a hot mic
.wallop ABC123 not squawking Mode C and says he doesn't know how to
Examples of not-so-good requests for assistance
.wallop Help
.wallop SUP
.wallop Hi
The more info you can give, in many cases, the faster the Supervisor can start working the issue, just asking clarifying questions and providing feedback/resolution to the controller. Of course, there will be some "unique" situations where this may not help, but it's generally felt that amplified requests for assistance will help in 90% or more of the cases.
Request everyone implement more descriptive requests, as appropriate.