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Messages - Daniel Sirota

Pages: [1] 2
Events / [03/23/2025] Maple in the Mountains
« on: January 28, 2025, 08:49:14 AM »

Have you ever wondered why your maple syrup tasted so dang good? Well, that's because it may have come from one of the best places in the whole world, New York! Join us as we celebrate Maple Weekend in the beautiful Catskills! (Pancakes will be provided.)

Event Fields: KSWF & KPOU
Date & Time: March 23, 2025, 3:00pm → 6:00pm Eastern (1900z - 2200z)

Events / [03/18/2025] Tuesday Nights in New York: Teterboro
« on: January 21, 2025, 05:11:03 PM »

Join the New York ARTCC for our monthly featured field series! Throughout the year, you’ll be able to enjoy our ATC services and bring the hustle and bustle of the Big Apple to our busy satellite airports like Teterboro, Westchester, Islip, and more.

Practice your approaches, fly a scheduled airliner, or start a cross-country journey - it can all be done right here on Tuesday Nights in New York!

This Month
Featured Field: KTEB
Date & Time: Tuesday, March 18th | 7pm - 10pm Eastern | 2300z - 0200z

Events / [02/18/2025] Tuesday Nights in New York: Islip
« on: January 16, 2025, 07:05:25 AM »

Join the New York ARTCC for the return of our recurring events! New for 2025, we’re excited to announce a retheme of this series to focus on our busy satellite airports. Throughout the year, you’ll be able to enjoy our ATC services and bring the hustle and bustle of the Big Apple to airports like Teterboro, Westchester, Islip, and more.

Practice your approaches, fly a scheduled airliner, or start a cross-country journey - it can all be done right here on Tuesday Nights in New York!

This Month
Featured Field: KISP
Date & Time: Tuesday, February 18th | 7pm - 10pm Eastern | 2359z - 0300z

Events / [02/02/2025] Punxsutawney Phil(adelphia)
« on: January 15, 2025, 06:44:51 PM »

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is known for many beautiful sights and scenes: the Pocono Mountains, Susquehanna Valley, and, of course, Punxsutawney Phil. Who would’ve ever thought that a single groundhog and his shadow could decide for the nation whether we get to throw our parkas into storage or suffer frigid temperatures for six extra weeks? America did!

Since there is tragically no Punxsutawney International Airport, we thought of the next best thing: Philly! Hey, it’s only a 5-hour drive from the airport, so fly in or out of the City of Brotherly Love for the best access to this groundbreaking event. Whether Punxstawney Phil sees his shadow or not, rest assured our controllers will be there to guide you every step of the way!

Event Field: KPHL
Date & Time: February 2, 2025, 1:00pm → 3:59pm Eastern (1800z - 2059z)

Events / [11/24/2024] Turkey Day at Teterboro
« on: June 25, 2024, 08:44:06 PM »

Gobble gobble! Easy on that throttle, pal. With the big feast just a few days from now, before you butter your biscuits, come butter the runways at your favorite bizjet airport.

The New York ARTCC is pleased to welcome back this event for another year and offer a fun and relaxed Sunday afternoon at Teterboro in anticipation of Thanksgiving. We’ll make sure your favorite FBO has turkey to go, but there's no need to burn rubber on the runways because there’s always enough for everyone!

Event Field: KTEB
Date & Time: November 24th, 2024, 3:00pm → 6:00pm Eastern (2000z-2300z)

Events / [09/08/2024] It's Pronounced "Lawn Guyland"
« on: May 13, 2024, 07:08:48 PM »

Two years ago, we educated the community about pronouncing Westchester correctly (it’s pronounced “wes-ches-tah”). As another summer season comes to a close, the New York ARTCC believes it is our civil duty once again to declare the proper pronunciation of this popular destination: Long Island Lawn-Guy-Land. Don’t think about saying it any other way or our controllers will taxi you to a blast pad and blast you into nonexistence.

ANYWAY, fly into or out of our mainstay Long Island Lawn-Guy-Land airport, Republic (FRG) for a fun Sunday afternoon! Enjoy some scenic views of this very long island and annoy residents by flying too low.

Event Field: KFRG
Date & Time: September 8, 2024, 5:00pm → 8:00pm Eastern (2100z - 0000z)

Events / [8/11/24] New York Airshow
« on: May 06, 2024, 07:49:51 AM »

This weekend, AirDotShow officially returns to New York State, and the New York ARTCC is bringing the fun and excitement to you!

We’ll be staffing up two airports in the famous Catskill area of New York State, Dutchess County (POU) and Stewart (SWF). With plenty of airspace to show off your takeoff and landing skills, we look forward to a fun and organized airshow of pilots!

Event Fields: KPOU, KSWF
Date & Time: August 11th, 2024, 12:00pm → 4:00pm Eastern (1600z - 2000z)

Events / [08/27/2024] Susquehanna Valley Staff-Up
« on: April 15, 2024, 11:53:43 AM »

Join the New York ARTCC for an evening centered on the picturesque Susquehanna Valley in Pennsylvania, where the beauty of the landscape meets the excitement of flight. You'll be treated to breathtaking views of the river winding its way through the countryside below.

We’re pleased to provide staffing at several of our airports in the Valley, including Harrisburg (MDT), Reading (RDG), and Lancaster (LNS). So, buckle up and get ready to spread your wings in this captivating corner of the great state of Pennsylvania!

Event Fields: MDT, CXY, LNS, RDG
Date & Time: August 27th, 2024, 7:00pm → 10:00pm Eastern (2300z - 0200z)

Events / [5/21/2024] Empire Fields of Mind
« on: April 01, 2024, 01:14:39 PM »

Join the New York ARTCC for our monthly Empire Fields of Mind event, where we will staff one of our many minor TRACONs bringing you guaranteed coverage for some of our lesser-known airports! The expectation is nothing more than having some great ATC for a few hours on a weeknight where you can get in your favorite short-hop or start a long-haul before you head to bed!

This Month: Binghamton TRACON
Event Field: KBGM
Date & Time: Tuesday, May 21st, 2024 | 7pm - 9pm Eastern | 2300z - 0100z

Events / [5/7/2024] Tuesday Nights in New York
« on: April 01, 2024, 01:13:04 PM »

Join the New York ARTCC for our monthly coverage of one of our three major New York airports! The expectation is nothing more than having some great ATC for a few hours on a weeknight where you can get in your favorite short-hop or start a long-haul before you head to bed!

This Month
Event Field: KLGA
Date & Time: Tuesday, May 7th, 2024 | 7pm - 9pm Eastern | 2300z - 0100z

Events / [4/9/2024] Empire Fields of Mind
« on: March 02, 2024, 01:09:03 PM »

Join the New York ARTCC for our monthly Empire Fields of Mind event, where we will staff one of our many minor TRACONs bringing you guaranteed coverage for some of our lesser-known airports! The expectation is nothing more than having some great ATC for a few hours on a weeknight where you can get in your favorite short-hop or start a long-haul before you head to bed!

This Month: Harrisburg TRACON
Event Fields: KMDT & Others
Date & Time: Tuesday, April 9th, 2024 | 7pm - 9pm Eastern | 2300z - 0100z

Events / [3/10/2024] In Memory of Ira Robinson: Light Up New York
« on: February 29, 2024, 03:39:39 PM »

It is with a heavy heart that we announce the recent passing of Ira Robinson. Ira was well-known in the entire VATSIM community, holding numerous roles within VATUSA and VATSIM. Among them, he served as VATUSA2, the VATUSA DCRM, ZNY ATM, VATNA Deputy Director, and also served the VATSIM Membership Department.

Ira loved VATSIM, VATUSA, the community, and his family. Ira was a wonderful man and role model and will be missed by many. To honor his memory and the meaningful connections he fostered with everyone, the New York ARTCC is honored to present Light Up New York.

Please join us throughout the entire New York airspace as we provide ATC for not just the city Ira loved but a community he loved, too.

In addition, we are honored to have members of the vUSAF join us. They will perform a Missing Man formation flight over Ira’s favorite airport, Newark Liberty International Airport. Please note that any inbound traffic will be held beginning around 3:45pm ET before the formation flight occurs around 4pm.

Date & Time: March 10th, 2024, 2:00pm → 6:00pm Eastern (1800z-2200z)

News / Re: ZTL has a new EC!
« on: February 05, 2024, 11:10:06 AM »
Congrats Meg! Looking forward to working with you.

Events / [3/19/2024] Empire Fields of Mind
« on: January 29, 2024, 07:59:16 AM »

Join the New York ARTCC for our monthly Empire Fields of Mind event, where we will staff one of our many minor TRACONs bringing you guaranteed coverage for some of our lesser-known airports! The expectation is nothing more than having some great ATC for a few hours on a weeknight where you can get in your favorite short-hop or start a long-haul before you head to bed!

This Month: Islip TRACON
Event Fields: KISP, KHVN, & Others
Date & Time: Tuesday, March 19th, 2024 | 7pm - 9pm Eastern | 2300z-0100z

Events / [2/23/2024] Parkway Power FNO
« on: January 24, 2024, 11:38:17 AM »

Still on a high from the Northeast Corridor FNO? Been on a plane and a train, but really want to use an automobile to complete the trifecta? Boy, do we have a treat for you! Join us for the Parkway Power FNO, another collaboration between the Washington, New York, and Boston Virtual ARTCCs. This special event celebrates parkways - they’re not highways or roads, but nonetheless a pinnacle of American infrastructure.

Start your journey north on the Baltimore/Washington Parkway, one of the many parkways administered by the National Park Service in the DC metro region. Make a stop at Thurgood Marshall International Airport (BWI), a regional hub for Southwest Airlines and the go-to airport for many Maryland travelers. You’ll enjoy easy access to casinos and the nightlife of the Baltimore port.

Continue north and enter the Belt Parkway, leading to the confusing ring-road surrounding John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK). Make a wrong turn and miss your terminal? Looks like you’re flying Spirit! Home to one of the busiest airports on the VATSIM network, precision is key here as you navigate the narrowly complex airspace with the help of our controllers.

Finally, you can head even further north and join the Blue Hills Parkway on your way to Boston’s Logan International Airport (BOS). One of the gateways to the world, finish your night, or set out for a trip across the Atlantic.

Similar to the Northeast Corridor, we strongly recommend spreading out your flights to avoid congestion at any one airport. Expect delays and diversions as we team up to bring you another terrific event!

Event Fields: KBWI, KJFK, KBOS
Date & Time: February 23rd, 2024, 7:00pm → 11:00pm Eastern (2359z - 0400z)

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