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Topics - Peter Shivery

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Dear Team VATUSA,

Effective immediately, VATUSA is issuing a notice for the creation and authorization of staff callsigns for the purpose of Command Center traffic management. These callsigns are only to be used when performing traffic management duties under the direction of the VATUSA Command Center.

This notice is temporary and will be canceled upon the publication of VATUSA Order 7210.35A, Command Center General Standard Operating Procedures.

The usage of the following callsigns is solely for the purpose of Command Center traffic management personnel and does not convey any permanent staff role for any individual using these callsigns:


The full notice is available here:

News / Announcing VATUSA's Team Development Manager
« on: October 16, 2020, 05:58:10 PM »
Dear Team VATUSA,

We're excited to announce that Brayden Manzella is assuming the role of Team Development Manager at VATUSA, effective immediately.  The Team Development Manager will be responsible for creating and delivering our Professional Development Curriculum, creating a performance review process, launching an ARTCC Operations Manual, and other team developmental duties as assigned.

Brayden will continue his current responsibilities in the Western Region until a Western Regional Air Traffic Director is selected.

Please congratulate Brayden on assuming this role!

NOTAMs / Appointment of Vice President, Regions (x3) + CoR amendments
« on: September 30, 2020, 06:33:17 PM »
Reposted from VATSIM News.

Major Revision to VATSIM’s Code of Regulations

As previously announced, VATSIM is completing a major change to its governance structure with a primary goal of simplifying the organization’s hierarchy, thus bringing the membership even closer to the Board of Governors and ensuring better collaboration and alignment throughout the organizational structure.  Effective 01 October 2020,  a new revision of VATSIM’s Code of Regulations (CoR) will go into effect. This revision incorporates twenty-one amendments to the Code of Regulations, the largest single change to this document in VATSIM’s history.

The Code of Regulations is VATSIM’s governing document which outlines how VATSIM’s leadership structure is organized and conducts business, as well as the roles and responsibilities of every member on the senior leadership team and outlines the conflict resolution process for members who violate VATSIM’s rules.

This revision has major positive impacts on the general VATSIM member. The largest change is the consolidation of our six regions to three. This gives all VATSIM members much closer access to the Board of Governors by making each leader of these regions a Vice President with a seat on the Board of Governors. Each Division Director will now be directly supported and represented by a Vice President, meaning that the desires of our entire membership will be heard directly and more expeditiously by VATSIM’s highest governing body.

This revision to the Code of Regulations will not remove the broad latitude that Division Directors have when running their division, but it does empower the VP of each Region to set broad goals that are in line with VATSIM’s overall goals as set by the Board of Governors, and hold Division Directors accountable to meet these goals. This means leadership by committee with input from the individual member will be the future for VATSIM.

There are a number of other smaller changes incorporated to improve and streamline our processes: for example Division Conflict Resolution Managers will now be appointed directly by the VP Conflict Resolution, with input from the Division Director.

Change can be challenging, and we do expect some minor growing pains as we implement the new structure. However, after working on this project for over a year, we are confident that this new, slimmer leadership style will allow VATSIM to respond more quickly to the ever-changing needs of our membership and give you, our fellow VATSIM members, a larger voice as we go into the future. We are already working on ensuring that our systems are adapted for this change, and will be making various changes to our web services over the coming days to optimise them for our new way of working.

Changes to the VATSIM Board of Governors

VATSIM is pleased to announce the appointment of three new members of the Board of Governors, as the final part of the organizational leadership change.
After a thorough selection process, three candidates have been chosen to fill these critical leadership positions on the Board. Please welcome them!


Vice President, Europe, Middle East and Africa Region – Simon Irvine

Current VATSIM Europe Region Director, Simon Irvine, has been appointed to the VATSIM Board of Governors as the Vice President, Europe, Middle East and Africa.

Simon will be responsible for all the divisions within the new Europe, Middle East and Africa Region, with Division Directors now reporting directly to him. Formerly, Simon was appointed to the position of Europe Region Director in 2019, and has also served as the Division Director of VATSIM UK. Outside of VATSIM, Simon works for British Telecom and spends his spare time on gadgets, reading and following his football team, Dundee United (albeit remotely at the moment).


Vice President, Asia Pacific Region – Anastasios Stefopoulos

Current VATSIM Asia Region Director, Anastasios Stefopoulos, has been appointed to the VATSIM Board of Governors as the Vice President, Asia Pacific.

Anastasios will be responsible for all the divisions within the new Asia Pacific Region, with Division Directors now reporting directly to him. Formerly, Anastasios has served as Asia Region Director for the past seven years, and has also held several staff positions across VATSIM on various divisional and regional levels.


Vice President, Americas Region – Federico Navarro

Current VATSIM South America Region Director, Federico Navarro, has been appointed to the VATSIM Board of Governors as the Vice President, Americas.

Federico will be responsible for all the divisions within the new Americas Region, with Division Directors now reporting directly to him. Formerly, Federico has served as South America Region Director for the past six years, and has also served as the Division Director of VATCA. Outside of VATSIM, Federico spends his spare time in the real skies, after getting his private pilot’s license in Costa Rica at the age of 18.


Please join us in congratulating Simon, Anastasios and Federico on their appointments to these new roles, and to the VATSIM Board of Governors.

As per the new VATSIM Code of Regulations, the remit and responsibility of each Regional VP is “to act as the Board of Governors’ representative to the various Divisions within the Region. The Vice President is responsible for activity growth, provision of ATC and ATC training."

With these arrivals come, of course, some other changes to our senior personnel. First of all, from midnight tonight and after many years of being a significant part of VATSIM’s governance structure, the VATSIM Executive Committee is dissolved and its remit and responsibilities are absorbed by the VATSIM Board of Governors. I would like to thank each and every present, and former, serving leader on the Executive Committee for their commitment and contribution to the network.

I would also like to offer a heartfelt thanks to Jackson Harding who is moving on from the Board of Governors following the dissolution of the VP Regions position as part of these changes. Jackson has been a fierce and loyal leader within VATSIM for many years, having undertaken a number of roles and supporting the network through thick and thin. On behalf of the Board of Governors and the whole community, I’d like to thank Jackson for his service and personally look forward to many more years of his guidance.

Now - there is much work to do - let’s get to it!

Gunnar Lindahl
VATSIM President

News / September 2020 - C3 Rating Recipients
« on: September 23, 2020, 06:57:32 PM »
Dear Team VATUSA,

The VATUSA Staff Team is excited to announce our latest Controller 3 (C3) rating recipients. The C3 rating is given to members that have had an extraordinary and positive impact on the VATUSA community, including achievements within ARTCCs and the Division at large. The following members have gone above and beyond in their work for our organization.

Karl Moberg, Air Traffic Manager, ZNY
David Stone, Air Traffic Manager, ZID
Colin Levy, Deputy Air Traffic Manager, ZTL
Ira Robinson, Division Conflict Resolution Manager, VATUSA
Edward Sterling, Facility Engineer, ZAB
Tim Roden, Instructor, ZLA
Tim Reeves, Former Air Traffic Manager, ZAB
Zach Beard, Former Deputy Air Traffic Manager, ZAB

Please join me in welcoming our latest C3 rating recipients and please thank them for their contributions to our organization!

News / Deputy Division Director Appointment
« on: September 08, 2020, 06:41:02 AM »
Dear Team VATUSA,

We're excited to be building the next-generation of VATUSA.  In order to do so, we're putting together a world-class leadership team.  Effectively immediately, we're appointing Wes Miles to the Deputy Division Director position.

Wes has been involved in our organization since 2009 and has held numerous staff roles, including: Kansas City ARTCC Webmaster, Kansas City ARTCC Deputy Air Traffic Manager, Kansas City ARTCC Air Traffic Manager, Instructor, and most recently, Southern Regional Air Traffic Director. Wes also brings real-world air traffic control experience from the Air Force and as Y90 TRACON Supervisor. This real-world experience will be invaluable to this operational Division position.

Wes will temporarily manage USA8 and USA9 job responsibilities until appointments for those positions take place. Please join me in welcoming Wes to his new role!

News / VATUSA Division Director Appointment
« on: September 05, 2020, 06:32:33 AM »
Dear Team VATUSA,

We're excited to announce your next VATUSA Division Director: Mani Manigault.

Mani is no stranger to VATUSA and has been a member of our organization since 2007. Mani has previously served as Washington's Air Traffic Manager, Denver's Air Traffic Manager, VATUSA's Northeastern Regional Air Traffic Director, and mostly recently, VATUSA's Deputy Division Director. Mani is an exceptional leader and has a track record of leading collaborative, unifying work.

Please join me in welcoming Mani to his new role and we're looking forward to building the next-generation of VATUSA.

NOTAMs / VATUSA Traffic Management Unit: Launch
« on: August 27, 2020, 10:30:06 PM »
Dear Team VATUSA,

Over the last few months, membership's top request has been for VATUSA to establish a Traffic Management Unit (TMU) to manage the flow of air traffic throughout our airspace. After two exploratory working groups and feedback from Air Traffic Managers and Event Coordinators, we're excited to announce the launch of the VATUSA Air Traffic Control System Command Center (vATCSCC).

To lead the vATCSCC, VATUSA is announcing two staff appointments. Ryan Geckler has been appointed to the Division Command Center Director (VATUSA15) role and Jeremy Peterson has been appointed to the National Operations Manager (VATUSA25) role. Both Ryan and Jeremy bring real-world air traffic controller and Command Center experience to our newly established center. They're the right team to establish this new function.

In addition to the appointments, VATUSA is releasing details of how the Command Center will operate. More details about the release plans can be found at this link.

We hope you share our excitement for the launch of the program! Both Ryan and Jeremy will be releasing implementation details with ARTCC staff and VATUSA members in the coming weeks. Special thanks to Dhruv Kalra, Shane VanHoven, Maius Wong, Daniel Everman, Shane Friedman, Erik Quinn, Umar Ashraf, and Alex Ying for participating in our TMU work-groups to make this center a success.


VATUSA Division Staff Team

NOTAMs / VATUSA Social Media Relaunch
« on: August 15, 2020, 09:31:57 PM »
Hi all! We're excited to announce the relaunch of VATUSA's social media accounts. We're asking all members to follow and like our official social media accounts to receive the latest updates, event announcements, and division news directly from VATUSA.

Instagram: @vatsimusa
Twitter: @vatsimusa

VATUSA's social media accounts won't just feature our news, but also your content! By posting your favorite screenshots in our #media Discord channel, you'll have the opportunity to be featured on our social media accounts.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

NOTAMs / VATUSA Discord Server Announcements
« on: August 15, 2020, 07:06:47 PM »
Hi team! VATUSA is excited to announce our remodeled Discord server. Since this server's launch, we haven't gotten the opportunity to make this place home yet. The staff team took feedback from several members and believes these changes will help us collaborate better as a community and stay organization.

To begin, all VATUSA members can now join our Discord using this easy link:

The remodeled Discord server includes the following updates:

- Creation of an #announcements channel where ARTCCs can "follow" updates and automatically re-post them to their ARTCC's Discord server. This will help your ARTCC members stay in the loop with VATUSA Division updates and initiatives.
- Creation of an #events channel for Event Coordinators to advertise their events.
- Consolidation of duplicative channels and better organization of channels.
- Increased staff collaboration areas for inter-ARTCC work. This was a request of many staff members!
- ATMs/DATMs now have access to every ARTCC staff channel (TA, FE, WM, EC) to prevent the siloing of information and assist with transparency of work.
- Implementation of a private a ticket-based system for support.
- And lastly, our guarantee that moving forward we won't be updating permissions or instituting slow mode randomly on channels. Part of this remodel was setting the structure and permissions for what's right for the community. Therefore, we won't change permissions unless there's a community need to.

Please let us know if you have any questions and a reminder that the VATSIM Code of Conduct and any VATUSA policy applies to this Discord server. Thanks to Maxine Grooms for the photo.

News / Immediate Changes to the Offices of VATUSA3, 9, and 13
« on: August 08, 2020, 03:27:26 PM »
Dear Team VATUSA,

VATUSA is announcing changes to our Division’s leadership.  Effective today, VATUSA’s Training Director and Deputy Training Director, Rick Rump and Austin Wilkins, have been removed from their roles.  In addition, VATUSA’s Northeastern Regional Air Traffic Director, Dylan Lundberg, has been removed from their role.

Rick, Austin, and Dylan’s previous accomplishments to VATUSA are notable and have moved our Division forward.  Although they are no longer on the staff team, they will continue to remain VATUSA controllers.

Until new candidates are selected, Mani Manigault has agreed to serve as the Interim Training Director and Interim Northeastern Regional Air Traffic Director.

VATUSA is excited for the future of our organization.  We’re committed to finding new candidates focused on growing our membership, expanding our Division capabilities, and fostering a community centered around fun.  If you’re interested in helping us take our Division to new heights, please consider applying for the Training Director or Northeastern Regional Air Traffic Director positions when those applications open.


Petey Shivery
VATUSA Communications Director

We're building a visionary ARTCC at Jacksonville. To help build this ARTCC, we're seeking a qualified, professional, and motivated individual to fill the role of Training Administrator. This individual will oversee the training department and will be responsible for maintaining our compliance with the VATSIM Global Ratings Policy. Additionally, this individual will play an essential role in pushing Jacksonville's cross-border, data-driven, and standardized training agenda.

Key Responsibilities
  • Oversees, develops, and manages the ZJX ARTCC Training Department
  • Works directly with the ZJX ARTCC Air Traffic Manager (ATM), Deputy Air Traffic Manager (DATM), and VATUSA Training Director (VATUSA3)
  • Hires facility instructors and mentors, for the purpose of broadening the ARTCC's training capacity, in consultation with the ZJX ATM and DATM
  • Develops scenario and training files for usage on Tower Trainer as well as ACSIM
  • Administers Over-the-Shoulder (OTS) Examinations on Sweatbox as well as live examinations on the VATSIM Network
  • Trains and evaluates members of varying skill levels and controller ratings for the purpose of expanding the ARTCC's controller base
  • Develop training policies, materials, and procedures for ZJX
  • Assists in VATUSA Southern Region Initiatives
  • Other duties as assigned by the ZJX ATM, DATM, and/or VATUSA3
  • At least a C1 rating
  • Have previous training staff experience
  • Have no history of disciplinary or unprofessional conduct
  • Be capable of working well in a team-oriented environment
  • Have a strong knowledge of the National Airspace System, as well as US terminology, phraseology, and US ATC systems.
  • Comprehensive understanding of the VATSIM Global Ratings Policy and how it applies to the development of the ZJX ARTCC Training Department
  • Have excellent written and oral communication skills in the English Language
  • Have the ability to create professional looking documents using Microsoft Word or similar software
Preferred Skills
  • Supervisory, training, or management experience either on VATSIM or in your professional life
  • Previous or current ARTCC Senior Staff experience
  • Instructor or Mentor experience on VATSIM
  • Real-World ATC or flying experience
  • Knowledge of Aircraft Situation Editor, TWRTrainer, ACSIM, and their associated files; training can be provided
  • A true passion and joy for teaching others and helping our members achieve greater heights in their VATSIM controlling experience
Interested candidates should be aware that this is not an entry-level position. The workload of this position is not to be taken lightly. Only those who understand the requirements and can make the appropriate time commitment should consider applying for this position.

How to Apply
To apply, please email the following information to and Applications will close 7/21 at 2359z.
  • Full Name
  • Active Email
  • Resume outlining relevant real world and VATSIM experience
  • Cover Letter detailing your intentions for the position
Good luck to all candidates!

News / ZJX Training Administrator Changes
« on: January 29, 2020, 06:46:09 PM »
Hi all,

Big news from the ZJX Training Department!

Alex Long will be stepping down on February 1, 2020 as Jacksonville ARTCC's Training Administrator due to personal commitments. Alex has been with us since August and has been a vital member of our staff and Web Team. He'll still be around as a controller in the ARTCC, so I'm excited to still work with him still in an elevated capacity.

To ensure a seamless transition, we're also announcing that on February 1, Jacksonville’s newest Training Administrator will be appointed: Leszek Kwasniowski.

Leszek joins us from ZDC and has extensive experience in ARTCC management. He's previously held the roles of ATM, DATM, and FE at ZOB ARTCC. In addition, he was an instructor at both ZOB and ZDC ARTCCs. Leszek has been a committed visiting controller here at ZJX, so we're confident he'll be able to step into the role and fill Alex's shoes.

We're excited for this new season in our ARTCC with these leadership changes.

News / Jacksonville's New Training Administrator
« on: August 07, 2019, 08:57:26 PM »
Hi team,

I am pleased to welcome Alex Long as Jacksonville ARTCC's newest Training Administrator. Alex has been in and out of Jacksonville since 2006, bringing a wealth of airspace knowledge as both a controller and real world pilot. Moreover, he has recently served as VATCAR's Training Director and is a current member of the VATSIM Website Development Team.

Alex has the skills to succeed and take our training department to the next level. I'm really excited about what's to come from his office.

I'd also like to take the time to recognize Stephen O'Hara for the fantastic role he played as our previous Training Administrator. He established our new solo certification program, syllabus, and training policy, all of which were instrumental in refreshing Jacksonville's training program.

News / Jacksonville's New Webmaster
« on: July 17, 2019, 01:46:24 PM »
I'm pleased to announce Jacksonville has a new Webmaster! Gabriel Hogan takes the reigns of the Webmaster position starting today. Gabe has been an active part of our Web Development Team and has previously served as our Assistant Webmaster. He's an avid developer for Discord in his free time as well (make sure to say hey to his ZJX bot on our server)!

Please join me in welcoming Gabe to the Jacksonville ARTCC team.

News / Jacksonville's New Facility Engineer
« on: July 11, 2019, 06:34:25 AM »
Jacksonville has a new Facility Engineer on the block: Chuck Kowalewski! Chuck has been a member of Jacksonville ARTCC since August of last year and was recently promoted to the Assistant Facility Engineer. He has shown a dedication to the role and was the best candidate to be our next FE. We're really excited for Chuck's promotion and thank you Chuck for volunteering for this position.

With that said, unfortunately Harry will be leaving us for bigger and better things. Harry, we really appreciate all the hard work you put into our facility files and thank you for being instrumental over the last year in modernizing our documentation. Best of luck in your next role!

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