Training Update (8/14/21)

Anthony Santanastaso

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Training Update (8/14/21)
« on: August 14, 2021, 04:42:29 PM »
To: All VATUSA ATC Students

As of midnight (central) this evening, all existing ratings exams (hence forth dubbed legacy exams) will no longer be assignable by facility training departments. Division teachers have been instructed to not assign any new exams in anticipation of the launch of the Academy.

Students who are currently enrolled in an exam (either as a first attempt or awaiting their retake) will be given the option to continue with the legacy exam or complete the new course within the Academy. To cancel an existing enrollment for a legacy exam, please open a support ticket on the VATUSA Discord and make the request. I would suggest waiting until the Academy is officially live before you make your decision.

The flow (attached to this post) explains that the new Academy will offer you three (3) attempts to pass the final exam without delay. You will no longer need to wait after a failure; however, if you fail the exam three times, the exam will be locked and it will require you to make contact with the division training department. This can be done either by one of the forthcoming group orientation sessions or by submitting a ticket on the VATUSA Discord.

Beyond the Basic ATC/S1 Exam, facility teachers will enroll you into the next level course for the rating in which you desire to earn. The process is very similar, if not the same, as it is now, except instead of assigning you the exam, they will enroll you into the applicable course.

Many more developments are taking place as we are in the final stretch of this race. I will be communicating with you here, on Discord, and via email as I have more information to share.

Thank you very much for your cooperation and understanding. While I'm sure we will encounter some growing pains and challenges with the new experience, I am certain that this community will gather together in solidarity to make the new Academy work and set it up for many years of success and growth!