Euroscope Set Up

Tom Maxwell

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Euroscope Set Up
« on: July 02, 2018, 09:44:05 AM »
I am new to controlling and am trying to learn and configure the Euroscope client.  I like the versatility in configuring the program.  I am struggling to understand the configuration file structure and workflow in using them.  If there is a resident Euroscope expert available who wouldn't mind mentoring me off forum or on, I will be very appreciative.  Thank-you!

Matthew Kramer

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Re: Euroscope Set Up
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2018, 12:50:21 PM »
Tom, Euroscope has its advantages, but most facilities in the US are geared towards using VRC (or vSTARS and vERAM). VRC is a bit easier to use, and might be a good starting place for you.

Jeffrey Sydenham

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Re: Euroscope Set Up
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2018, 05:50:48 AM »
Tom, Euroscope has its advantages, but most facilities in the US are geared towards using VRC (or vSTARS and vERAM). VRC is a bit easier to use, and might be a good starting place for you.

Also most facilities do not create sector files for euroscope, and although VRC file work in euroscope there is a lot of info not in the file.

and with that i do use Euroscope in ZME, however any student i train is done with VRC and i make it clear that VRC is primary tool used

Philip Harris

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Re: Euroscope Set Up
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2019, 10:29:05 PM »
I am new to controlling and am trying to learn and configure the Euroscope client.  I like the versatility in configuring the program.  I am struggling to understand the configuration file structure and workflow in using them.  If there is a resident Euroscope expert available who wouldn't mind mentoring me off forum or on, I will be very appreciative.  Thank-you!

If you still REALLY want help and have not gotten used to VRC send me a message.

James Hiscoe

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Re: Euroscope Set Up
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2019, 06:56:54 PM »
I am struggling to understand the configuration file structure and workflow in using them.

Welcome to the club.