I am having a Problem

I am having a Problem
« on: January 15, 2016, 02:42:07 PM »

 I believe I asked this question a few weeks ago, but don't believe I was able to get any help with this issue. I use FSX steam edition and off and on again. I seem to have a problem with the battery switch. Sometimes when I fly now or even load up a flight with all default aircraft, the battery switch just seems to turn on and the power is running and I have not even turned the switch on. I have this problem with the default Cessna 172 aircraft and I have had this problem with the carenado cessna 152. Before I start using vatsim on a regular basis I need help with this glitch. I have seen other posts about this issue some have said its a problem in the default save file I have uninstalled FSX steam edition several times with no avail and I have went through the FSX CFG file and aircraft file thinking it also might be in the FSUICP 3rd party stuff. I have some flights that do it and some that don't do it. I even have this problem after having a successful startup it will happen on shutdown. I don't know what I am doing wrong or if its even me or if its the FSX steam edition. I have seen this problem back a few years ago before it went to the steam edition can I please get some help on this issue anything would be of great help. thanks in advance.

Student Pilot Jonathan E Richardson KPWT

Matthew Bartels

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Re: I am having a Problem
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2016, 04:09:11 PM »
The default load for default aircraft is engines running and battery on.

To get what you want, you will need to manually power down the aircraft, turn off all the switches then save the flight. You will then have to load that flight every time. If you go through the fly now menu, it will revert to the default settings.

Otherwise try the A2A C172 or 182. These are far and away more realistic than the default or carenado aircraft.