Events / Please reconsider single-facility FNOs...
« on: August 12, 2023, 12:48:46 AM »
Before I launch into my opinion below, I want to ensure I make absolutely clear that every single individual controller I encountered in tonight's FNO was top-notch. They all did an amazing job, and the concept of a "Roulette" event where you get sent to an unknown and non-pre-planned destination was a great outside-the-box idea.
That all having been said...
VATUSA and ARTCC Event staff, please reconsider whether single-facility FNO events are a good idea. They were "outlawed" after the mass influx of new VATSIM members stemming from the combination of COVID lockdowns and MSFS2020's release. However, it does not seem to me that the number of pilots flying on Friday nights has diminished, so I'm not sure why it has seemed to be a good idea to allow single-airport events again. Please reconsider returning to the post-COVID policy of having all FNOs feature at least three airports so that one set of controllers does not go down the tubes for four solid hours through no fault of their own.
Civil discussion welcome.
That all having been said...
VATUSA and ARTCC Event staff, please reconsider whether single-facility FNO events are a good idea. They were "outlawed" after the mass influx of new VATSIM members stemming from the combination of COVID lockdowns and MSFS2020's release. However, it does not seem to me that the number of pilots flying on Friday nights has diminished, so I'm not sure why it has seemed to be a good idea to allow single-airport events again. Please reconsider returning to the post-COVID policy of having all FNOs feature at least three airports so that one set of controllers does not go down the tubes for four solid hours through no fault of their own.
Civil discussion welcome.