General => Events => Topic started by: Jeremy Peterson on December 23, 2018, 11:38:57 AM

Title: [26 JAN 2019 19Z - 23Z] ZNY Treasure Hunt
Post by: Jeremy Peterson on December 23, 2018, 11:38:57 AM
New York ARTCC will be hosting a treasure hunt featuring three prizes! Study your FAR/AIM as well as the many approaches in the ZNY airspace.

Here are routes to be flown (

ZNY loves its Minor airports but it's lost three precious packages! It's your job to find them before anyone else. Finders keepers! Here's the setup: out of the 17 minor airports to choose from, 3 approaches will be selected, each with a prize associated with it. Approaches and prize assignment will be randomly assigned.

Goal:  have pilots fly multiple different instrument approaches (IAPs) in order to find prizes hidden in 3 approaches within the ZNY Minor airports.

Here are the random probabilities of winning individual and combinations of prizes based on wind direction (note: only 1 prize may be won by a single pilot):

A = first prize, B = second prize, C = third prize (in succession) (horizontal axis)
Cumulative Probability (right vertical axis) = probability of finding prize for ALL available approaches (regardless of wind direction)
N/NE/E/etc. (left vertical axis) = probability of finding prize if only using approaches aligned with the given wind direction

Number of approaches based on wind direction


Here are the three prizes (in no particular order):

Please submit all questions via this post (on VATUSA) or email the New York ARTCC Events Coordinator at!
Title: Re: [26 JAN 2019 19Z - 23Z] ZNY Treasure Hunt
Post by: Jeremy Peterson on December 28, 2018, 07:44:57 AM
Updated with rules & prizes.
Title: Re: [26 JAN 2019 19Z - 23Z] ZNY Treasure Hunt
Post by: Jeremy Peterson on January 19, 2019, 07:08:54 PM
Bump and added routes in OP
Title: Re: [26 JAN 2019 19Z - 23Z] ZNY Treasure Hunt
Post by: Jeremy Peterson on January 25, 2019, 07:35:51 PM
In the Airport List (, all bolded approaches are eligible to win prizes! They have been chosen due to forecasted weather.
Title: Re: [26 JAN 2019 19Z - 23Z] ZNY Treasure Hunt
Post by: Nick Warren on January 26, 2019, 05:52:05 PM
What were the winning approaches?
Title: Re: [26 JAN 2019 19Z - 23Z] ZNY Treasure Hunt
Post by: Jeremy Peterson on January 26, 2019, 06:14:57 PM
The winning approaches were (1) BGM ILS or LOC RWY 16 and (2) POU RNAV (GPS) RWY 24. The third prize was not won! It was the LNS VOR/DME RWY 26. The third prize will be awarded during a later event!
Title: Re: [26 JAN 2019 19Z - 23Z] ZNY Treasure Hunt
Post by: Nick Warren on January 26, 2019, 07:24:31 PM
Nice.  Thank you for the original event.  Odds on the prizes were tough, but still a fun event.  I was just off at LNS.
Title: Re: [26 JAN 2019 19Z - 23Z] ZNY Treasure Hunt
Post by: Robert Shearman Jr on January 27, 2019, 01:15:13 AM
Jeremy, I'm traveling this weekend and sad that I missed this event!  One question I have for future such events regards the confidentiality issue.  If I had participated in this event, I would have been live-streaming my flight.  How do you reconcile maintaining confidentiality about being selected for a prize with someone who may be live-streaming?  I'm sure I wouldn't have been the only one, and, I'm hopeful that exposing VATSIM (particularly cool, well-conceived events like this) on platforms like Twitch and YouTube is something that is encouraged rather than discouraged?  Not a complaint; just a question for discussion!  Hope I'll be able to join in on the next one!