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Messages - Nicholas Lamers

Pages: [1]
The Classroom (Controller Tips) / Re: Problem with audio questions
« on: October 19, 2021, 01:43:17 PM »
The practice exam does not have a separate MP3 file and you need to play it on a desktop computer; however, this exam is not required.

For the actual exam questions, you need to play the attached MP3 files underneath the embedded audio player on an iOS device. There should be a message telling you that within the question on the exams.

It may not be officially required, but it would not let me continue until I made a 100 on it. May try and get it so it will work on iPad. Sometimes I like to look at things when I'm not by a desktop.

The Classroom (Controller Tips) / Problem with audio questions
« on: October 08, 2021, 09:32:42 AM »

I was taking the practice quiz in the academy and the part with the audio files was not working. I clicked play, but it didn’t play for both audio file questions. I am currently on an iPad and will try again tonight on my laptop to see if I have the same issue. I had to guess and then use the review to select the correct answers.


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