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Topics - Ira Robinson

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Time for an Upgrade?
« on: May 25, 2018, 10:41:32 PM »
Hi guys. Thinking of pulling the trigger on an update since it's been a few years since the last one.  Here is what I am currently using:
Intel Core Ivy Bridge i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40 GHz  3.40GHz
24 GB of memory (I don't remember which kind)
GeForce GTX 1070 graphics card[font=]2 Dell & 2 Acer Monitors

What I need to know is which motherboard should I upgrade to?  Since everything is on sale this weekend I have a chance to pick up some stuff at a fairly inexpensive price, but just because motherboards are selling for as low as $200 I don't want to buy junk, or something that I'm not going to see a difference in performance from.  But I also don't want to go out and spend money just to spend it.

So what say you all?  Is there any way this discussion can come to a consensus?   lol

« on: November 02, 2017, 11:58:35 AM »
Canada Division is hosting the next North America Region town hall meeting. The meeting will take place on Friday, November 10, 2017 at 0130z on the Canada Division TeamSpeak server (details to follow). (no password)

translation: The meeting will take place Thursday November 9 @ 8:30pm est.  This post replaces any earlier one you might have seen.

The Control Room Floor / Why We Do This
« on: April 18, 2017, 08:45:48 PM »
Folks, we received a note today from one of our favorite VA's letting us know the results of one of their local events, and thanking us for doing what we do.  For those of you who question why we do this, read this, and try to remember that when a plan comes together, regardless of what it takes, there is nothing better than when everyone is having fun.   

This letter highlights the actions of a couple of ARTCC's, but we all know that all of use have, from time to time, scrambled to make things happen.  So I suggest you all take some joy in the actions of your brother controllers that are described here.  We all know someone who has been there, done that, and made someone's day by simply controlling somewhere, sometime, when least expected.   Enjoy....


My name is Terry Stilling, and I am the VP of events for On Monday April 17, AvA along with Delta Virtual planned a little combined group flight into KLAS from KDEN and KELP. We invited SWA virtual and United Virtual to join our little group flight into KLAS. We decided, with the help of ZLA, that we would split the flights into 2 streams. AvA and SWAv would depart KELP, and DVA and UALv would depart from KDEN. All ARTCC's were informed a month in advance and a Banner was created and provided to the ARTCC's to display, showcasing our little event.

Well as the time came to fly the event, I was shocked to see that about 120+ pilots had logged in and decided to join us and invade KLAS. This was unreal, not in a million years would I think our little event on Monday would attract so MANY pilots. S
o at this time I would like to send you a letter recognizing the abilities of several ARTCC's with in VATUSA.

First, I would like to thanks KZAB for providing outstanding ATC, especially since they were short staffed and only had 2 controllers show up. These 2 controllers did a fantastic job of Delivery all the way up to Center. They had over 40+ pilots depart from KELP, and several others from within their respective ARTCC. They maintained control and separation even though an army of pilots were throw at them.

Secondly, I would like to thank KZDV. They showed up with all the controllers needed to staff every position all the way up to center, and boy did they need it. I took a quick glance and saw that they had over 55+ pilots filed for departure from KDEN. Their ability and confidence was shining on this night as they got all those aircraft off the ground and separated. Just like KZAB, they had to contend with pilots departing other airports within their ARTCC, and they did it without missing a beat.

Lastly, I would like to recognize KZLA. I sent ZLA an email about a month before the "little" event, and instantly Nick Christopher contacted me and together we worked out proper flows into KLAS to provide little to no holds and simultaneous landing on intersection runways. Nick coordinated the event with the other ARTCC's and obtained some ATC for our arrival into KLAS.   When I say "obtained" I really meant that he brought out the big guns!! ZLA, provided 3 Center controllers, 3 approach controllers, 2 tower controllers, 2 ground controllers and a delivery controller. They all were needed for this "little" event. KZLA, just like all ARTCC's, were professional and patient with all the pilots that were thrown at them. They showed that they could handle all the traffic thrown at them and keep us separated, as though this was their real job!!

I would like to thank VATUSA, for keeping a high standard for the Air Traffic Controllers, it was that standard that really shined through last night. To all ATC's on VATSIM I say thank you for giving us pilots the realism and feeling of what it would be like to fly.
Thanks also to all the VA's that flew with us and to the independent pilots that joined in, I hop all had as much fun as I did.

Terry Stilling,
VP events

General Discussion / Cross the Pond Westbound 2017 Voting Now Open
« on: February 20, 2017, 09:39:47 PM »
Here you go gentlemen.  Let the games begin!   8)

General Discussion / ZOA FNO Success!
« on: February 19, 2017, 01:07:43 PM »
Although I was unable to attend the event I have heard nothing but wonderful things about how well it went.  Traffic levels were apparently way higher than expected and the weather was as poor as it could be, so help was provided by surrounding ARTCC's as well.  I understand that controllers and pilots all adapted to circumstances that made them think out of the box, and did so with professionalism and courtesy.

For those of you who did attend I would love to hear some more stories of your experience, for the ones I have heard so far have just blown me away!

« on: November 13, 2016, 08:12:09 PM »
Position Title: Hit Squad Coordinaton

Reports to: Executive Committee Appointment: One year (extension by sub-committee recommendation) The Executive Committee is seeking to re-invigorate and revitalize the Hit Squad. The Hit Squad will now be administered by the Executive Committee. As part of this process the E.C. welcomes applications from suitable candidates to take on the new role of Hit Squad Coordinator.

The Coordinator will answer directly to a sub-committee of the EC established to oversee the operations of the Hit Squad.

The Coordinator will be required to oversee the day to day operations of the Hit Squad and to co-ordinate the various activities of the squad, when it is deployed.
The Team Leader will also be involved in choosing new members of the Hit Squad. The Hit Squad will require a broad membership of individuals with a variety of skills including, but not limited to:

o   Facilitate staffing of unfamiliar airspace, with minimal lead time
o   Division Revitalization 
o   Sector file development 
o   Project management   

o   Website development
o   Training material development
o   Leadership selection

o   Establish goals

o   Other responsibilities as set forth by the E.C.

The Team Leader will need to demonstrate significant experience in at least one of these areas, wider experience is obviously favored. Other members of squad will be appointed after the Team Leader has been appointed, and expressions of interest from existing Hit Squad members, as well as potential new members will then be sought.

The candidate must hold a rating of C1 or higher, have been an active member of the network for at least three years, have had a regular online presence in the past twelve months, and have a clean CERT record. It is anticipated that the successful candidate will be required to spend a minimum of 5 hours per week and be readily available via E-Mail and other communication methods, sometime at short-notice.

Please forward a letter of intent, and a current copy of your C.V., to AND to later than 1859z on 28 November 2016

General Discussion / Cross the Pond 2014
« on: October 25, 2014, 03:30:43 PM »
I want to take time out here to personally thank the controllers from the Miami ARTCC who went above and beyond today to insure that all 130 or so departures made it safely through and out of their airspace in an overall efficient and timely manner. I am sure there were a few delays, there always are, and I am sure there was some confusion between atc and pilots - there always is that too.    

But we here in ZWY want to make sure to point out that each and every aircraft that departed Miami made it safely to our airspace today and that all of them understood and complied with the changes to the oceanic clearance procedure as well.  There were questions and there were discussions, but we all made it through the day.

So a special "Thank You" to Miami ARTCC for a job well done today!

General Discussion / New York ARTCC Web Site Down
« on: June 02, 2014, 12:45:04 PM »
The ZNY web site is currently down.    We apologize for any inconvenience. We are aware of the problem and are working to correct it.  

General Discussion / Problem with VATSIM Links?
« on: January 07, 2014, 08:20:27 AM »
We seem to be having a problem with the VATSIM links lately.  For example new controllers certification levels are not being transferred to us.  It doesn't look to be anything on our end but I guess you never know, so I am wondering is anyone else having issues such as this?

Events / New York / MOntreal / Halifax Crossfire Update
« on: April 28, 2013, 08:16:56 AM »
There is a bit of information missing from the event announcement for this Monday.  Although the time is listed correctly in the graphic it is not in the headers.  The event is scheduled from 2359zulu to 0300zulu.

The header only says 0300 in it. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused and hope that it will not affect everyone's ability to come out and fly with us.

Thank you.

General Discussion / ZNY Presents a Triple Header
« on: June 03, 2011, 12:56:40 PM »
A Saturday night OTS Special brought to you by the Staff at ZNY!  Come help three controllers make their bones.   You heard me right. This Saturday June 4th beginning at 6:00pm zny time we will be checking out not one, not two but three APP controllers.

It's an N90 Approach OTS, one of the toughest assignments anywhere. Their task? To provide top down service for three major facilities, JFK, LGA, EWR simultaneously!  That's right boys and girls, it's time to push tin until they drop.

So come join us tomorrow, Saturday night anytime after 6:00pm zny time as we hold Daniel Allon, Austin Claus and Michael Corcoran to the fire.  

We'll keep a transponder code open just for you.

The Control Room Floor / Final Exam Time
« on: May 10, 2011, 06:54:07 AM »
You are all cordially invited to a coming out party.

What:   Final Live OTS for CTR
When:  Tonight, Tuesday May 10th, 2330z (7:30pm zny time)
Where: ZNY
Who:    Ryan Hakim
Join us for an hour of fun and flying as we anticipate crowning our newest CTR controller.  Ryan will be handling our four major facilities solo in an exhibition of his prowess and potential to join the ranks of VATUSA's best.  BYOB* of course, and we'll keep a transponder code open just for you.

*bring your own bird

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