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Messages - Brandon Wening

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 19
News / Iron Mic Awards: January 2024
« on: February 03, 2024, 05:14:27 PM »
January 2024 Iron Mic Awards

Congrats to our January 2024 Iron Mic winners!
Enroute: LAX_CTR - ZLA
Tower: HNL_TWR - HCF
Ground/Delivery: EWR_GND - ZNY

Enroute Top 3
ZLA 31.4%
ZBW 27.8%
ZME 19.7%

MSP 32.8%
SCT 21.7%
ATL 18.8%

Tower Top 3
HNL 26%
LAX 25.3%
BOS 20.7%

Ground/Delivery Top 3
EWR 22.4%
JFK 20.7%
PDX 20.4%

General Discussion / Re: Iron Mic
« on: February 01, 2024, 07:33:45 PM »
Are there any requirements for the type of airport that is staffed for iron mic consideration?  More to the point can it be civilian or military airport? Does it have to be class D or above? Does it have to meet a minimum requirement for aircraft movements per year?
Hi Richard,
There are no requirements for the airport to be considered other than it has to be a controlled airport.

News / VATUSA Goals for 2024
« on: January 04, 2024, 08:15:56 AM »
2024 has arrived, and VATUSA is excited to get the year started! Building off of Brandon Barrett’s From the Desk of VATUSA1 post, I’d like to provide further details on the vision we have for the new year and some goals we have set for 2024.

Our theme for the new year is “Growth.” We look to apply this goal by embracing the VATSIM motto of “Aviate, Educate, Communicate.” Growth will not be measured by a single factor of the amount of rostered controllers, training hours completed, etc. Growth requires us to evaluate every facet of our operation, determine specific areas of improvement, and work toward achieving feasible goals. 2023 brought about plenty of changes. We have had many staff members retire, new staff members hired, and plenty of policy/administrative changes that have required a great deal of effort to process and complete. While all of these changes may have been necessary, it is important to not become complacent and think that our work is done. It is up to us to identify new ways to improve the member experience and devise custom solutions. I look forward to working with ARTCC staff throughout the year to identify areas of growth, create an action plan, and support their pursuit of achieving their goals. With that said, I would also like to specifically thank our previous staff members who took a step back for their passion, dedication, and mentorship while in their roles. The work of these individuals made each facility and the division better, and we couldn't have gotten to where we are now without their contributions!

Below is a summary of each department’s goals for 2024:

  • Update and release the next version of DP001 in early February
  • Establish Event Certifications
  • Work with ARTCC staff to set a growth plan
  • Be active in communities and help staff meet goals
  • Continue to monitor and support GCAP implementation & CRC rollout
  • Mentor and guide new ATMs
  • Administer the Iron Mic Award Program, encouraging an increase in “regular day” controlling

  • Update DP002, Standardized OTS Evaluation Forms, and other resources related to the GCAP conversion
  • FAA Familiarization Course for visiting controllers from outside VATUSA
  • Rollout the DICE Program to provide rating training assistance across the division
  • Continue to improve OBS/S1 Academy and training
  • Increase mentor and instructor count
  • Continue to provide masterclasses and other continuing education opportunities

Support Services
  • Grow division & facility-specific pilot resources
  • Improve communication and outreach to our community of pilots and controllers

Social Media
  • Reevaluate and recruit more team members
  • Provide relevant and educational content for members to enjoy, use, and learn from
  • Partner with existing content creators and streamers to expand outreach and support

  • Continue to provide unique event opportunities
  • Improve coordination and awareness during event planning stages
  • Expand relationships with other VATSIM divisions, VAs, and other groups
  • Continue to develop the TMU program and improve educational/operational resources

  • Provide G Suite for ARTCC staff
  • Develop a completely new website suite that better serves the current needs of the division, and provides expansion opportunities for the future
  • Explore hosting technology platforms for the subdivisions

Staff Development
  • Improve the vacancy posting, hiring, and onboarding processes
  • Provide mentorship to new staff members by implementing a new staff mentor partnership program
  • Create staff manuals to help new staff learn the responsibilities of their new role
  • Conduct staff position training programs that provide opportunities for interested members to learn how to become a staff member in VATUSA

I am so excited to watch these goals be accomplished as we move through the new year! I am confident that through the hard work of our division staff, great things will happen. As Brandon Barrett wrote in his address a few weeks ago, it is our collective responsibility to ensure that this great hobby will continue long after we leave. Everyone in our division matters, and everyone can have an impact and make a difference! If you are passionate about one of the above goals and want to help out, message a VATUSA staff member and we will point you in the right direction to help out. If you have an idea that you believe would improve the member experience within our division, your facility, etc, share it with us! Our goals and vision for the division are not just created by our own wants and desires, but by the community’s needs and wishes as well! I’m as optimistic as ever about the future of VATUSA, and I look forward to continuing on our quest to never stop learning and always have fun besides all of you. Happy New Year, and welcome to VATUSA: 2024 Edition!

News / Iron Mic returns in 2024 for VATUSA
« on: December 31, 2023, 08:19:54 PM »
Iron Mic returns in 2024 for VATUSA!

The long awaited return of the Iron Mic program has arrived, and we are excited as ever to present this to you all! Recognizing the hard work of our members is a top priority for VATUSA, and in addition to that, who doesn’t love a little friendly competition?

Awarded on a MONTHLY basis, we will be recognizing the top DEL/GND, TWR, APP/DEP, and CTR/FSS positions, Iron Mic style! Iron Mic style is defined as the time an ATC position is staffed, not the total amount of time logged on the position. This means that if 2 people were splitting a position for 1.5 hours (such as DEN_W_GND and DEN_E_GND), only 1.5 hours will count towards the Iron Mic style awards, not 3.
In addition to the position awards, we will also recognize the subdivision that has the highest total controlling hours overall! For this award, Iron Mic style will not apply and the split ground example above would count for 3 hours.

Iron Mic Rules:
1) The awards will be announced on all VATUSA mediums shortly after month end
2) Controllers must be on the facility home/visiting roster for hours to count towards the awards
3) Controllers must follow all VATSIM, VATUSA, and ARTCC policies, SOPs, LOAs, and any other procedures at all times. If a controller is suspended from the network by a supervisor for being idle/AFK, the position the controller was working will be disqualified from receiving an award for that month. An attempt to sabotage or gain an unfair advantage outside the spirit of friendly competition could result in a disqualification of the entire subdivision and/or a disciplinary review.

While we have a fantastic events team that continue to raise the bar, producing excellent and well-prepared events throughout the division, we are excited to get back to our roots and enjoy controlling with others on a regular Tuesday! So challenge your neighbors, get together with your fellow controllers, and see how many awards your ARTCC can earn this year!

News / Re: HCF Has a New Facility Engineer
« on: December 29, 2023, 12:05:11 PM »
Aloha and congrats Dirk!

News / Re: HCF Has a New Webmaster
« on: December 29, 2023, 12:03:32 PM »
Aloha and congrats Davit!

News / ZNY Has a New ATM!
« on: December 07, 2023, 09:49:50 PM »
Please join me in welcoming the next ATM for the New York ARTCC, Jan Galvez! Jan is a proud ZNY training staff member and looks forward to further utilizing his talents and drive in his new role overseeing all ARTCC operations. Jan looks to improve the member experience by increasing controller uptime, fostering a family-like environment for all ZNY members to enjoy and have fun together, and providing opportunities for members to give back to the community as staff/team members. I can't wait for Jan's vision for ZNY to come to life through the hard work of the entire ZNY staff team, continuing to highlight the awesome opportunities the New York ARTCC holds for both controllers and pilots. Congratulations Jan!

I'd also like to thank the outgoing ZNY ATM, Karl Moberg, for his many years of service as a staff member in ZNY. Karl's oversight and dedication to the facility have made a direct impact on the ARTCC's success and will continue to do so as Jan builds off of the foundation Karl made. Thank you Karl, and best of luck in your future endeavors!

News / Re: Chicago has a new Events Coordinator
« on: December 07, 2023, 08:39:34 PM »
Congrats Kevin!

News / Re: Jacksonville has a new Webmaster!
« on: December 01, 2023, 06:09:07 PM »
Congrats Samuel!

News / Chicago Has a New ATM!
« on: November 27, 2023, 11:32:13 PM »
It is my pleasure to announce that Saarang Mulukutla will be the next ATM for the Chicago ARTCC! Saar is no stranger to ZAU, most recently serving as the DATM and an active member of the training staff. Building off of his familiarity with the ARTCC, Saar looks to grow ZAU alongside a dedicated staff team, determined to improve the membership experience for all. Saar has a great vision for the Chicago ARTCC, and I am confident he will do a fantastic job in his new role. Once again, congratulations Saar!

I'd also like to thank the outgoing ZAU ATM, Roland Wenzel, for his many years of service to ZAU. It has been a pleasure to volunteer alongside Roland and get to see his genuine concern and passion for the ARTCC members that he was responsible for. Roland leaves a strong community and a great foundation for Saar to continue building off of, and we are very thankful for the leadership he provided to all of his staff and facility members during his tenure. Roland steps back to focus on his real-world commitments and prepare for the next step in his aviation career. We wish Roland a very successful future and look forward to continuing to see him around as a member of ZAU. Thanks Roland!

News / Jacksonville Has a New ATM!
« on: November 24, 2023, 07:45:12 PM »
Please join me in welcoming Matt Bromback as the newest ZJX ATM! Matt has previously served as the ZTL EC, ZTL TA, VATUSA Events Manager, and has most recently been helping manage the day-to-day TMU operations for the division. Matt also has extensive real-world aviation experience and is excited to use his skills and knowledge in his new role at the Jacksonville ARTCC to promote the benefits of teamwork and all facets of aviation education. Matt wishes to make ZJX the place to be by creating a unique community atmosphere that takes advantage of the opportunities the airspace provides. Matt's passion and drive are easily seen in the work he does, and I am confident it will lead to the betterment of the Jacksonville ARTCC. Congrats Matt!

News / Position Posting: New York ARTCC Air Traffic Manager
« on: November 24, 2023, 11:00:56 AM »
New York ARTCC Air Traffic Manager Vacancy Announcement

Position: Air Traffic Manager
Location: New York ARTCC (ZNY)
Time Commitment: 4 to 8 hours per week+, and required monthly controller hours to maintain facility membership
Supervisor: Deputy Division Director - Air Traffic Services (ATS)
Application Deadline: Closes December 1st, 2023 23:59z

The Air Traffic Manager (ATM) is the overseer of all ARTCC operations. The ATM's primary responsibility is to ensure the smooth operation of the ARTCC, along with drafting and implementing ARTCC policies and LOAs. The ATM is the primary point of contact and representative of the facility for VATUSA management.
Main responsibilities:

Manage the ARTCC
Handle Transfer/Visiting requests
Maintain the ARTCC roster
Communicate regularly with VATUSA2
Collaborate closely with ARTCC staff to ensure transparent and effective communication with the membership
Oversee the air traffic control training program, events, social media, and data services/facilities infrastructure
Foster a positive, healthy, and educational environment for members to learn and grow in
Maintain a strong online presence through various platforms to foster community engagement and facilitate information dissemination
Develop/Grow the ARTCC in alignment with division goals
Oversee the Deputy Air Traffic Manager and Training Administrator directly
Develop and implement policies, air traffic control standard operating procedures, and letters of agreement alongside the DATM
Manage an active staff of DATM, TA, EC, FE, and WM

Potential responsibilities (based on ARTCC needs):

VATUSA Workgroups
Assisting the Junior and Senior staff in all aspects
Community moderation/development

Requirements for the role:

Active member of VATSIM in good standing
Ability to maintain ARTCC activity requirement standards
Strong understanding of the WM, EC, FE, TA, and DATM roles
Obtained a rating of C1
Ability to manage a team of at least 5
Positive and professional attitude with the time commitment necessary to lead the ARTCC
Excellent written and oral communication skills
Strong understanding of US Airspace and the NAS

Preferred qualifications for this role:

Familiarity with the ARTCC
Understanding of the VATUSA Structure
Prior staff experience
Prior teaching/education experience

ATM is a Senior Staff role and therefore is not an entry-level position. The ATM could be required to dedicate several hours daily to managing the ARTCC. However, the ATM must also be able to utilize his/her staff to effectively delegate tasks to ensure the continued operation of the ARTCC. Only those who understand the requirements and can make the appropriate commitment should consider applying for this position. Candidates can expect an initial evaluation of their application after which they may be contacted for a comprehensive interview.

If you wish to apply for the ATM position, please email Brandon Wening, Deputy Division Director - Air Traffic Services ([email protected]) with a detailed VATSIM/relevant real-world résumé and cover letter by December 1st, 2023 23:59z. The letter of application should summarize the applicant's reasons for wanting to lead the ZNY ARTCC, compelling evidence to show how the position requirements are met, and how the facility will thrive under the applicant's leadership. Your virtual resume should consist of all prior VATSIM experience and any real-world experience you feel is applicable. Please also include your name, active email address, CID, current ARTCC, and current rating.

News / Re: Denver and Salt Lake City have a new DATM!
« on: November 15, 2023, 07:24:54 PM »
Congrats Evan!

News / Seattle Has a New ATM!
« on: November 10, 2023, 11:29:48 PM »
Please join me in welcoming Shi Bucher as the newest ZSE ATM! Shi brings plenty of real-world managerial experience and will be stepping up from his current role as ZSE EC. Shi looks forward to leading the Seattle ARTCC and utilizing community feedback to drive the facility forward and continue making ZSE a great place for all to control and fly. I am confident that Shi and the ZSE staff will be able to accomplish their objectives and continue to push for improvement where needed. Congrats Shi!

News / Position Posting: Chicago ARTCC Air Traffic Manager
« on: November 07, 2023, 10:38:03 PM »
Chicago ARTCC Air Traffic Manager Vacancy Announcement

Position: Air Traffic Manager
Location: Chicago ARTCC (ZAU)
Time Commitment: 4 to 8 hours per week+, and required monthly controller hours to maintain facility membership
Supervisor: Deputy Division Director - Air Traffic Services (ATS)
Application Deadline: Closes November 14th, 2023 23:59z

The Air Traffic Manager (ATM) is the overseer of all ARTCC operations. The ATM's primary responsibility is to ensure the smooth operation of the ARTCC, along with drafting and implementing ARTCC policies and LOAs. The ATM is the primary point of contact and representative of the facility for VATUSA management.
Main responsibilities:

Manage the ARTCC
Handle Transfer/Visiting requests
Maintain the ARTCC roster
Communicate regularly with VATUSA2
Collaborate closely with ARTCC staff to ensure transparent and effective communication with the membership
Oversee the air traffic control training program, events, social media, and data services/facilities infrastructure
Foster a positive, healthy, and educational environment for members to learn and grow in
Maintain a strong online presence through various platforms to foster community engagement and facilitate information dissemination
Develop/Grow the ARTCC in alignment with division goals
Oversee the Deputy Air Traffic Manager and Training Administrator directly
Develop and implement policies, air traffic control standard operating procedures, and letters of agreement alongside the DATM
Manage an active staff of DATM, TA, EC, FE, and WM

Potential responsibilities (based on ARTCC needs):

VATUSA Workgroups
Assisting the Junior and Senior staff in all aspects
Community moderation/development

Requirements for the role:

Active member of VATSIM in good standing
Ability to maintain ARTCC activity requirement standards
Strong understanding of the WM, EC, FE, TA, and DATM roles
Obtained a rating of C1
Ability to manage a team of at least 5
Positive and professional attitude with the time commitment necessary to lead the ARTCC
Excellent written and oral communication skills
Strong understanding of US Airspace and the NAS

Preferred qualifications for this role:

Familiarity with the ARTCC
Understanding of the VATUSA Structure
Prior staff experience
Prior teaching/education experience

ATM is a Senior Staff role and therefore is not an entry-level position. The ATM could be required to dedicate several hours daily to managing the ARTCC. However, the ATM must also be able to utilize his/her staff to effectively delegate tasks to ensure the continued operation of the ARTCC. Only those who understand the requirements and can make the appropriate commitment should consider applying for this position. Candidates can expect an initial evaluation of their application after which they may be contacted for a comprehensive interview.

If you wish to apply for the ATM position, please email Brandon Wening, Deputy Division Director - Air Traffic Services ([email protected]) with a detailed VATSIM/relevant real-world résumé and cover letter by November 14th, 2023 23:59z. The letter of application should summarize the applicant's reasons for wanting to lead the ZAU ARTCC, compelling evidence to show how the position requirements are met, and how the facility will thrive under the applicant's leadership. Your virtual resume should consist of all prior VATSIM experience and any real-world experience you feel is applicable. Please also include your name, active email address, CID, current ARTCC, and current rating.

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