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Messages - Brandon Wening

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News / Boston Has a New ATM!
« on: October 30, 2023, 09:49:55 PM »
Please join me in welcoming Josh Nunn as the newest ZBW ATM! Josh brings plenty of real-world aviation experience alongside his unwavering dedication to ZBW into his new role. Josh has served as a member of the Boston training staff, EC, DATM, and most recently the TA, making him no stranger to the ZBW community. Josh is inspired by the Boston community and its members to continue striving for excellence wherever possible, while also providing new learning opportunities to both the newest and oldest members of the Boston ARTCC. I have seen firsthand how passionate Josh is not only about ZBW but the VATSIM/FlightSim community as a whole, and I am confident I can trust him to lead the Boston ARTCC well for years to come. Congrats Josh!

I'd also like to thank the outgoing ZBW ATM, Clifton Whitten, for his many years of service as a leader in ZBW. Clif leaves behind a thriving ARTCC and a solid foundation for Josh to continue building off of. I appreciate all the work Clif and his staff have done to produce some great programs within ZBW, and look forward to watching what Clif created live on through Josh and his team. Thank you Clif, you will be missed!

News / Position Posting: Jacksonville ARTCC Air Traffic Manager
« on: October 20, 2023, 02:08:40 PM »
Jacksonville ARTCC Air Traffic Manager Vacancy Announcement

Position: Air Traffic Manager
Location: Jacksonville ARTCC (ZJX)
Time Commitment: 4 to 8 hours per week+, and required monthly controller hours to maintain facility membership
Supervisor: Deputy Division Director - Air Traffic Services (ATS)
Application Deadline: Closes November 3rd, 2023 23:59z

The Air Traffic Manager (ATM) is the overseer of all ARTCC operations. The ATM's primary responsibility is to ensure the smooth operation of the ARTCC, along with drafting and implementing ARTCC policies and LOAs. The ATM is the primary point of contact and representative of the facility for VATUSA management.
Main responsibilities:

Manage the ARTCC
Handle Transfer/Visiting requests
Maintain the ARTCC roster
Communicate regularly with VATUSA2
Collaborate closely with ARTCC staff to ensure transparent and effective communication with the membership
Oversee the air traffic control training program, events, social media, and data services/facility infrastructure
Foster a positive, healthy, and educational environment for members to learn and grow in
Maintain a strong online presence through various platforms to foster community engagement and facilitate information dissemination
Develop/Grow the ARTCC in alignment with division goals
Oversee the Deputy Air Traffic Manager and Training Administrator directly
Develop and implement policies, air traffic control standard operating procedures, and letters of agreement alongside the DATM
Manage an active staff of DATM, TA, EC, FE, and WM

Potential responsibilities (based on ARTCC needs):

VATUSA Workgroups
Assisting the Junior and Senior staff in all aspects
Community moderation/development

Requirements for the role:

Active member of VATSIM in good standing
Ability to maintain ARTCC activity requirement standards
Strong understanding of the WM, EC, FE, TA, and DATM roles
Obtained a rating of C1
Ability to manage a team of at least 5
Positive and professional attitude with the time commitment necessary to lead the ARTCC
Excellent written and oral communication skills
Strong understanding of US Airspace and the NAS

Preferred qualifications for this role:

Familiarity with the ARTCC
Understanding of the VATUSA Structure
Prior staff experience
Prior teaching/education experience

ATM is a Senior Staff role and therefore is not an entry-level position. The ATM could be required to dedicate several hours daily to managing the ARTCC. However, the ATM must also be able to utilize his/her staff to effectively delegate tasks to ensure the continued operation of the ARTCC. Only those who understand the requirements and can make the appropriate commitment should consider applying for this position. Candidates can expect an initial evaluation of their application after which they may be contacted for a comprehensive interview.

If you wish to apply for the ATM position, please email Brandon Wening, Deputy Division Director - Air Traffic Services ([email protected]) with a detailed VATSIM/relevant real-world résumé and cover letter by November 3rd, 2023 23:59z. The letter of application should summarize the applicant's reasons for wanting to lead the ZJX ARTCC, compelling evidence to show how the position requirements are met, and how the facility will thrive under the applicant's leadership. Your virtual resume should consist of all prior VATSIM experience and any real-world experience you feel is applicable. Please also include your name, active email address, CID, current ARTCC, and current rating.

News / Re: ZHU's Newly Appointed DATM
« on: October 18, 2023, 09:50:23 AM »
Congratulations Clay! I’m looking forward to watching you lead ZHU alongside Ethan.

News / Position Posting: Seattle ARTCC Air Traffic Manager
« on: October 16, 2023, 05:42:26 PM »
Seattle ARTCC Air Traffic Manager Vacancy Announcement

Position: Air Traffic Manager
Location: Seattle ARTCC (ZSE)
Time Commitment: 4 to 8 hours per week+, and required monthly controller hours to maintain facility membership
Supervisor: Deputy Division Director - Air Traffic Services (ATS)
Application Deadline: Closes November 3rd, 2023 23:59z

The Air Traffic Manager (ATM) is the overseer of all ARTCC operations. The ATM's primary responsibility is to ensure the smooth operation of the ARTCC, along with drafting and implementing ARTCC policies and LOAs. The ATM is the primary point of contact and representative of the facility for VATUSA management.
Main responsibilities:

Manage the ARTCC
Handle Transfer/Visiting requests
Maintain the ARTCC roster
Communicate regularly with VATUSA2
Collaborate closely with ARTCC staff to ensure transparent and effective communication with the membership
Oversee the air traffic control training program, events, social media, and data services/facilities infrastructure
Foster a positive, healthy, and educational environment for members to learn and grow in
Maintain a strong online presence through various platforms to foster community engagement and facilitate information dissemination
Develop/Grow the ARTCC in alignment with division goals
Oversee the Deputy Air Traffic Manager and Training Administrator directly
Develop and implement policies, air traffic control standard operating procedures, and letters of agreement alongside the DATM
Manage an active staff of DATM, TA, EC, FE, and WM

Potential responsibilities (based on ARTCC needs):

VATUSA Workgroups
Assisting the Junior and Senior staff in all aspects
Community moderation/development

Requirements for the role:

Active member of VATSIM in good standing
Ability to maintain ARTCC activity requirement standards
Strong understanding of the WM, EC, FE, TA, and DATM roles
Obtained a rating of C1
Ability to manage a team of at least 5
Positive and professional attitude with the time commitment necessary to lead the ARTCC
Excellent written and oral communication skills
Strong understanding of US Airspace and the NAS

Preferred qualifications for this role:

Familiarity with the ARTCC
Understanding of the VATUSA Structure
Prior staff experience
Prior teaching/education experience

ATM is a Senior Staff role and therefore is not an entry-level position. The ATM could be required to dedicate several hours daily to managing the ARTCC. However, the ATM must also be able to utilize his/her staff to effectively delegate tasks to ensure the continued operation of the ARTCC. Only those who understand the requirements and can make the appropriate commitment should consider applying for this position. Candidates can expect an initial evaluation of their application after which they may be contacted for a comprehensive interview.

If you wish to apply for the ATM position, please email Brandon Wening, Deputy Division Director - Air Traffic Services ([email protected]) with a detailed VATSIM/relevant real-world résumé and cover letter by November 3rd, 2023 23:59z. The letter of application should summarize the applicant's reasons for wanting to lead the ZSE ARTCC, compelling evidence to show how the position requirements are met, and how the facility will thrive under the applicant's leadership. Your virtual resume should consist of all prior VATSIM experience and any real-world experience you feel is applicable. Please also include your name, active email address, CID, current ARTCC, and current rating.

News / ZDV and ZLC Have a New ATM!
« on: October 10, 2023, 11:31:39 PM »
Please join me in welcoming Harry Linsenmayer as the next ATM for both ZDV and ZLC! Harry has been a valuable member of both facilities and is eager to continue developing and growing the communities in his new role. In addition to most recently serving as the ZLC and ZDV DATM, Harry has previously held staff positions such as HCF FE, ZJX FE, ZDV FE, ZLC TA, and has been a dedicated training staff member in all of these facilities! Most people know Harry by his sense of humor, passionate interest in aviation, consistent willingness to learn, and desire to educate and improve the experience for those around him. Harry is an essential member of our division and will continue to prove so by taking on the challenge of leading two facilities, focused on providing a great environment to learn and control together in both facilities. Congratulations Harry!

News / Public Release of vNAS is now LIVE
« on: October 09, 2023, 05:45:11 PM »
As most of you are aware, there has been a development project in the works for some time aiming to improve the experience for VATUSA controllers and pilots. The new vNAS system, short for Virtual National Airspace System, serves as a multifaceted software suite that will seamlessly connect many different aspects of ATC together and in a more in-depth manner than what we have previously been able to achieve. Building this system was a major investment in improving our virtual infrastructure, and today we are able to celebrate its public release for all VATUSA controllers to enjoy!

Attached below are some helpful resources for you to watch, read, explore, and learn about our new system. CRC, or Consolidated Radar Client, is the primary application of vNAS and serves as the new controlling client for our virtual controllers. No longer will controllers need to have 2 or 3 different controlling clients depending on the position they wish to work, as with CRC everything is in one place. This software is customizable and offers plenty of new features that will improve coordination and communication between controllers in our division. Learn more about it below:

Introduction to CRC Video - Made by the Oakland ARTCC for all to enjoy:
vNAS Official Website:

📕  Documentation 📕

VATSIM has also approved a secondary connection to be made through a pilot client for the use of tower view:

We would like to take a moment and thank the primary developers who are responsible for making this happen. Without the dedication of Ross Carlson, Nathan Rankin, and anyone else who pitched in, this new system would not be possible.

Now is the time to jump on the network, control with the rest of your ARTCC, and get excited about controlling and serving pilots in a way we have never seen before. While other legacy clients are still permitted to connect to the network, this will not be the case for long. We highly encourage our membership to become familiar with the new CRC program and move away from the older clients as they will be officially retired in an undetermined time that's not too far away. The official last day for these legacy clients will be announced with plenty of notice in the future.

If you have questions about the software or run into issues, feel free to ask others in your ARTCC or talk to your ARTCC staff. We are all learning together, and there may be some bumps along the way. Nonetheless, we want to once again thank Ross, Nathan, and the entire vNAS team for their contributions to the network, and we look forward to seeing everyone controlling the friendly skies using CRC and the rest of the vNAS suite.

Well...what are you waiting for?! vNAS is officially released, let's LIGHT UP AMERICA!

News / Houston Has a New ATM!
« on: October 02, 2023, 07:20:48 PM »
It is my pleasure to announce the next ZHU ATM, Ethan Hawes! Ethan has been a dedicated member of the network for over 15 years and has never shied away from pitching in and helping out where needed. You may know Ethan from his time as ZFW TA, ZFW EC, a member of VATGOV, one of his many other staff roles, or just a friendly controller who loves to control in various ARTCCs such as ZID, ZHU, and many others! His wealth of knowledge, willingness to teach and empower the next generation of VATSIM members, and constant drive to improve set him up to be successful in his new role. He has already spent countless hours helping ZHU prepare for CRC, and continues to demonstrate what it means to be a leader in the community by leading by example. We are so excited for Ethan to take the reigns in ZHU, and look forward to watching the Houston ARTCC continue to grow under Ethan's leadership. Congrats Ethan!

News / Oakland Has a New ATM!
« on: September 15, 2023, 11:38:27 PM »
Please join me in congratulating Andrew Selder as the next ATM for the Oakland ARTCC! Andrew is excited to continue leading ZOA as he moves up from his current role as the Oakland DATM. His passion for the ZOA community, willingness to lend a hand when needed, and ability to step up and lead by example will surely aid him and his staff as they oversee the Oakland ARTCC moving forward. I am confident that Andrew and his team will be able to uphold the standards of being a ZOA member while fostering a fun, positive, and educational environment for all to enjoy. Congrats Andrew!

Denver and Salt Lake City ARTCCs Air Traffic Manager Vacancy Announcement

Position: Air Traffic Manager
Location: Both Denver ARTCC (ZDV) and Salt Lake City ARTCC (ZLC)
Time Commitment: 4 to 8 hours per week+, and required monthly controller hours to maintain facility membership
Supervisor: Deputy Division Director - Air Traffic Services (ATS)
Application Deadline: Closes September 27th, 2023 23:59z

The Air Traffic Manager (ATM) is the overseer of all ARTCC operations. The ATM's primary responsibility is to ensure the smooth operation of the ARTCCs, along with drafting and implementing ARTCC policies and LOAs. The ATM is the primary point of contact and representative of the facilities for VATUSA management.
Main responsibilities:

Manage the ARTCCs
Handle Transfer/Visiting requests
Maintain the ARTCC rosters
Communicate regularly with VATUSA2
Collaborate closely with ARTCC staff to ensure transparent and effective communication with the membership
Oversee the air traffic control training program, events, social media, and data services/facilities infrastructure
Foster a positive, healthy, and educational environment for members to learn and grow in
Maintain a strong online presence through various platforms to foster community engagement and facilitate information dissemination
Develop/Grow the ARTCCs in alignment with division goals
Oversee the Deputy Air Traffic Manager and Training Administrator directly
Develop and implement policies, air traffic control standard operating procedures, and letters of agreement alongside the DATM
Manage an active staff of DATM, TA, EC, FE, and WM

Potential responsibilities (based on ARTCC needs):

VATUSA Workgroups
Assisting the Junior and Senior staff in all aspects
Community moderation/development

Requirements for the role:

Active member of VATSIM in good standing
Ability to maintain ARTCC activity requirement standards
Strong understanding of the WM, EC, FE, TA, and DATM roles
Obtained a rating of C1
Ability to manage a team of at least 5
Positive and professional attitude with the time commitment necessary to lead the ARTCCs
Excellent written and oral communication skills
Strong understanding of US Airspace and the NAS

Preferred qualifications for this role:

Familiarity with the ARTCCs
Understanding of the VATUSA Structure
Prior staff experience
Prior teaching/education experience

ATM is a Senior Staff role and therefore is not an entry-level position. The ATM could be required to dedicate several hours daily to managing the ARTCCs. However, the ATM must also be able to utilize his/her staff to effectively delegate tasks to ensure the continued operation of the ARTCCs. Only those who understand the requirements and can make the appropriate commitment should consider applying for this position. Candidates can expect an initial evaluation of their application after which they may be contacted for a comprehensive interview.

If you wish to apply for the ATM position, please email Brandon Wening, Deputy Division Director - Air Traffic Services ([email protected]) with a detailed VATSIM/relevant real-world résumé and cover letter by September 27th, 2023 23:59z. The letter of application should summarize the applicant's reasons for wanting to lead the ZDV and ZLC ARTCCs, compelling evidence to show how the position requirements are met, and how the facilities will thrive under the applicant's leadership. Your virtual resume should consist of all prior VATSIM experience and any real-world experience you feel is applicable. Please also include your name, active email address, CID, current ARTCC, and current rating.

News / Position Posting: Houston ARTCC Air Traffic Manager
« on: September 09, 2023, 12:21:27 PM »
Houston ARTCC Air Traffic Manager Vacancy Announcement

Position: Air Traffic Manager
Location: Houston ARTCC (ZHU)
Time Commitment: 4 to 8 hours per week+, and required monthly controller hours to maintain facility membership
Supervisor: Deputy Division Director - Air Traffic Services (ATS)
Application Deadline: Closes September 22nd, 2023 23:59z

The Air Traffic Manager (ATM) is the overseer of all ARTCC operations. The ATM's primary responsibility is to ensure the smooth operation of the ARTCC, along with drafting and implementing ARTCC policies and LOAs. The ATM is the primary point of contact and representative of the facility for VATUSA management.
Main responsibilities:

Manage the ARTCC
Handle Transfer/Visiting requests
Maintain the ARTCC roster
Communicate regularly with VATUSA2
Collaborate closely with ARTCC staff to ensure transparent and effective communication with the membership
Oversee the air traffic control training program, events, social media, and data services/facilities infrastructure
Foster a positive, healthy, and educational environment for members to learn and grow in
Maintain a strong online presence through various platforms to foster community engagement and facilitate information dissemination
Develop/Grow the ARTCC in alignment with division goals
Oversee the Deputy Air Traffic Manager and Training Administrator directly
Develop and implement policies, air traffic control standard operating procedures, and letters of agreement alongside the DATM
Manage an active staff of DATM, TA, EC, FE, and WM

Potential responsibilities (based on ARTCC needs):

VATUSA Workgroups
Assisting the Junior and Senior staff in all aspects
Community moderation/development

Requirements for the role:

Active member of VATSIM in good standing
Ability to maintain ARTCC activity requirement standards
Strong understanding of the WM, EC, FE, TA, and DATM roles
Obtained a rating of C1
Ability to manage a team of at least 5
Positive and professional attitude with the time commitment necessary to lead the ARTCC
Excellent written and oral communication skills
Strong understanding of US Airspace and the NAS

Preferred qualifications for this role:

Familiarity with the ARTCC
Understanding of the VATUSA Structure
Prior staff experience
Prior teaching/education experience

ATM is a Senior Staff role and therefore is not an entry-level position. The ATM could be required to dedicate several hours daily to managing the ARTCC. However, the ATM must also be able to utilize his/her staff to effectively delegate tasks to ensure the continued operation of the ARTCC. Only those who understand the requirements and can make the appropriate commitment should consider applying to this position. Candidates can expect an initial evaluation of their application after which they may be contacted for a comprehensive interview.

If you wish to apply for the ATM position, please email Brandon Wening, Deputy Division Director - Air Traffic Services ([email protected]) with a detailed VATSIM/relevant real-world résumé and cover letter by September 22nd, 2023 23:59z. The letter of application should summarize the applicant's reasons for wanting to lead the ZHU ARTCC, compelling evidence to show how the position requirements are met, and how the facility will thrive under the applicant's leadership. Your virtual resume should consist of all prior VATSIM experience and any real-world experience you feel is applicable. Please also include your name, active email address, CID, current ARTCC, and current rating.

News / Welcome the new ZTL Senior Staff Members
« on: August 26, 2023, 03:25:15 PM »
Please join me in welcoming the newest ZTL ATM, Paul Semeran! Paul has previously held many different staff roles such as TA, ATM, and VATUSA Southcentral Region Manager, and currently serves as a VATSIM Supervisor. Paul looks forward to using his experience to promote a professional and fun environment for all controllers and pilots who call ZTL home to enjoy.

I would also like to congratulate and welcome the next ZTL TA, Nathan Forste! Nathan has been a valuable member of the ZTL Training Staff for many years, and previously served on VATUSA Staff as the Training Services Manager and Academy Manager. Nathan is committed to working closely with the ZTL Training staff to uphold the ARTCC standards while fostering a positive educational environment for all to learn in.

I am excited to see what this ZTL Senior Staff team will do in the near future as they lead a passionate and active group of controllers. Congrats Paul and Nathan!!!

News / Position Posting: Oakland ARTCC Air Traffic Manager
« on: August 25, 2023, 10:05:15 PM »
Oakland ARTCC Air Traffic Manager Vacancy Announcement

Position: Air Traffic Manager
Location: Oakland ARTCC (ZOA)
Time Commitment: 4 to 8 hours per week+, and required monthly controller hours to maintain facility membership
Supervisor: Deputy Division Director - Air Traffic Services (ATS)
Application Deadline: Closes September 9th, 2023 23:59z

The Air Traffic Manager (ATM) is the overseer of all ARTCC operations. The ATM's primary responsibility is to ensure the smooth operation of the ARTCC, along with drafting and implementing ARTCC policies and LOAs. The ATM is the primary point of contact and representative of the facility for VATUSA management.
Main responsibilities:

Manage the ARTCC
Handle Transfer/Visiting requests
Maintain the ARTCC roster
Communicate regularly with VATUSA2
Collaborate closely with ARTCC staff to ensure transparent and effective communication with the membership
Oversee the air traffic control training program, events, social media, and data services/facilities infrastructure
Foster a positive, healthy, and educational environment for members to learn and grow in
Maintain a strong online presence through various platforms to foster community engagement and facilitate information dissemination
Develop/Grow the ARTCC in alignment with division goals
Oversee the Deputy Air Traffic Manager and Training Administrator directly
Develop and implement policies, air traffic control standard operating procedures, and letters of agreement alongside the DATM
Manage an active staff of DATM, TA, EC, FE, and WM

Potential responsibilities (based on ARTCC needs):

VATUSA Workgroups
Assisting the Junior and Senior staff in all aspects
Community moderation/development

Requirements for the role:

Active member of VATSIM in good standing
Ability to maintain ARTCC activity requirement standards
Strong understanding of the WM, EC, FE, TA, and DATM roles
Obtained a rating of C1
Ability to manage a team of at least 5
Positive and professional attitude with the time commitment necessary to lead the ARTCC
Excellent written and oral communication skills
Strong understanding of US Airspace and the NAS

Preferred qualifications for this role:

Familiarity with the ARTCC
Understanding of the VATUSA Structure
Prior staff experience
Prior teaching/education experience

ATM is a Senior Staff role and therefore is not an entry-level position. The ATM will be required to dedicate several hours daily to managing the ARTCC. However, the ATM must also be able to utilize his/her staff to effectively delegate tasks to assure the continued operation of the ARTCC. Only those who understand the requirements and can make the appropriate commitment should consider applying to this position. Candidates can expect an initial evaluation of their application after which they may be contacted for a comprehensive interview.

If you wish to apply for the ATM position, please email Brandon Wening, Deputy Division Director - Air Traffic Services ([email protected]) with a detailed VATSIM/relevant real-world résumé and cover letter by September 9th, 2023 23:59z. The letter of application should summarize the applicant's reasons for wanting to lead the ZOA ARTCC, compelling evidence to show how the position requirements are met, and how the facility will thrive under the applicant's leadership. Please also include your name, active email address, CID, current ARTCC, current rating, and any prior experience. Your virtual resume should consist of all prior experience related to VATSIM along with any real-world experience you feel is applicable.

News / Honolulu Has a New ATM!
« on: August 18, 2023, 10:27:53 AM »
Please join me in congratulating the next HCF Air Traffic Manager, Dave Mayes! Dave is no stranger to HCF, and has been an active member there for over 12 years! Dave has held many staff positions in HCF, such as ATM, DATM, TA, EC, Mentor, and Instructor. Dave's true passion and commitment to HCF is shown through his priority for creating the best experience possible for both controllers and pilots who enjoy controlling/flying in the HCF airspace. Dave always has a positive and professional attitude and is deeply invested in each HCF member's success and development. HCF and Dave form a great pair, one we look forward to continue watching as Dave's newest tenure in the ATM role begins. Mahalo Dave, and congrats!

News / Position Posting: Boston ARTCC Air Traffic Manager
« on: August 17, 2023, 01:49:18 PM »
Boston ARTCC Air Traffic Manager Vacancy Announcement

Position: Air Traffic Manager
Location: Boston ARTCC (ZBW)
Time Commitment: 4 to 8 hours per week+, and required monthly controller hours to maintain facility membership
Supervisor: Deputy Division Director - Air Traffic Services (ATS)
Application Deadline: Closes September 2nd, 2023 23:59z

The Air Traffic Manager (ATM) is the overseer of all ARTCC operations. The ATM's primary responsibility is to ensure the smooth operation of the ARTCC, along with drafting and implementing ARTCC policies and LOAs. The ATM is the primary point of contact and representative of the facility for VATUSA management. The expected start date for this position is 1 December 2023.
Main responsibilities:

Fulfill the role of ARTCC Administrator, actively participating in bi-monthly meetings
Handle Transfer/Visiting requests
Maintain the ARTCC roster
Communicate regularly with VATUSA2
Collaborate closely with ARTCC staff to ensure transparent and effective communication with the membership
Oversee the ZBW air traffic control training program, events, social media, and data services/facilities infrastructure
Foster a positive, healthy, and educational environment for members to learn and grow in
Maintain a strong online presence through various platforms to foster community engagement and facilitate information dissemination
Develop/Grow the ARTCC in alignment with division goals
Address disciplinary situations with fairness and professionalism, upholding the integrity of the organization
Establish and define the duties of the Deputy Air Traffic Manager and Training Administrator
Develop and implement policies, air traffic control standard operating procedures, and letters of agreement alongside the DATM
Manage an active staff of DATM, TA, EC, FE, and WM

Potential responsibilities (based on ARTCC needs):

VATUSA Workgroups
Assisting the Junior and Senior staff in all aspects
Community moderation/development

Requirements for the role:

Active member of VATSIM in good standing
Ability to maintain ARTCC activity requirement standards
Strong understanding of the WM, EC, FE, TA, and DATM roles
Obtained a rating of C1
Ability to manage a team of at least 5
Positive and professional attitude with the time commitment necessary to lead the ARTCC
Excellent written and oral communication skills
Strong understanding of US Airspace and the NAS

Preferred qualifications for this role:

Familiarity with the ARTCC
Understanding of the VATUSA Structure
Prior staff experience
Prior teaching/education experience

ATM is a Senior Staff role and therefore is not an entry-level position. The ATM will be required to dedicate several hours daily to managing the ARTCC. However, the ATM must also be able to utilize his/her staff to effectively delegate tasks to assure the continued operation of the ARTCC. Only those who understand the requirements and can make the appropriate commitment should consider applying to this position. Candidates can expect an initial evaluation of their application after which they may be contacted for a comprehensive interview.

If you wish to apply for the ATM position, please email Brandon Wening, Deputy Division Director - Air Traffic Services ([email protected]) with a detailed VATSIM/relevant real-world résumé and cover letter by September 2nd, 2023 23:59z. The letter of application should summarize the applicant's reasons for wanting to lead the ZBW ARTCC, compelling evidence to show how the position requirements are met, and how the facility will thrive under the applicant's leadership. Please also include your name, active email address, CID, current ARTCC, current rating, and any prior experience. Your virtual resume should consist of all prior experience related to VATSIM along with any real-world experience you feel is applicable.

News / ZLC Staff Changes
« on: July 29, 2023, 10:00:49 AM »
I'd like to take a moment to address some staff changes that have occurred in the Salt Lake City ARTCC. In recent weeks, both Ben Lindsey and Nathan Bauer have resigned from their positions as ZLC DATM and ATM. We are grateful for their 2 years of service in their roles and wish them all the best in the future as they turn their attention towards their real-world commitments.

Due to the current needs of the ZLC ARTCC and its members, we have decided to try a new approach to filling the ZLC staff positions at this time. Over the past few weeks, we have worked with the senior staff at ZLC and ZDV to come up with a plan to help grow the ZLC ARTCC and fill staff positions by joining the ZLC and ZDV staff together. With the goal of growing the ZLC ARTCC, the ZDV staff will oversee ZLC operations and training until new ZLC staff members can be developed and placed into positions. There is no definite timeline on how long the staff teams will be merged other than "as long as it takes." The ZLC and ZDV ARTCCs will remain separate entities with different websites and identities, but will share a collective staff team and training department. This is different from what we have done in the past like with PCF, and we are excited about the opportunities this partnership will provide both ARTCC's members. I look forward to watching ZDV and ZLC work together to help increase ZLC's presence and activity on the network, provide more training opportunities to the controllers, and help grow and promote members on the roster so they can achieve the next controlling rating and/or staff position to keep ZLC moving forward. If anyone has any questions about this change or would be interested in helping grow ZLC, please reach out to me via [email protected].

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