ATC Streamers

Rob Andrews

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ATC Streamers
« on: May 30, 2023, 12:08:03 PM »
Couldn't figure out where else to post this so it goes here for now:

Been listening / watching a number of twitch streams to better improve my radio skills.  I've learned quite a few things from the mistakes of others, which is great for me.

More importantly you know what else I've learned?  Some of you insult the newer people when streaming to your audience when you find they've done something incorrectly.  I've seen numerous cases where you (the streamer) call the pilots making mistakes idiots/stupid/goobers/whatever other insulting name you want. 

You know what I rarely see?  Encouraging geedback: "Hey, next time instead of doing X, do Y" so they learn what they should have done differently.  Y'all want better pilots?  Give them encouragement and specific actions they can do to improve.  Telling folks to read the docs and watching 'how to VATSIM' videos on YouTube only gets you so far.  If it was that easy, I would be able to hit a Ohtani fastball and catch a Tom Brady bomb in just a few hours...

Malcolm Fernandez

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Re: ATC Streamers
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2023, 01:25:53 PM »
As I was reading this in math class, I was very confused since in my year of vatsim/watching ATC streams, I have barely or  not at all seen that,

There might be some frustration when Little Timmy pops in JFK as AF1 and does the "MAYDAY MAYDAY ENGINES OUT"

Or when someone forgets the SKORR5 departure at JFK and causes a pickle in N90s airspace

This can be applied anywhere, Sometimes people gets stressed and let out a sigh but never insults or calling people.. names.

Sometimes when its busy, you can't say "Hey,next time do Y

My two cents

Rob Andrews

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Re: ATC Streamers
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2023, 07:07:27 AM »
Fortunately I haven't run into any little Timmy's :D  I'm happy to see it's not as common as my experience has been recently!

Robert Shearman Jr

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Re: ATC Streamers
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2023, 12:17:43 PM »
As someone who streams ATC and recently moved up from Tower to Approach / Departure, I can attest, as the streamer / controller in that situation it can be a really tough line to walk.

I don't know whether I'm one you've seen.  I do make an effort to be conscious of new folks and their knowledge gaps.  In fact I've long been one of the network's most vocal proponents for and providers of pilot training resources.  But sometimes "in the heat of the moment" it can be hard.  This past Monday I was working the APP/DEP sector around BWI and I had one in particular who, when told to Line Up and Wait, began rolling down the runway.  I didn't notice until I was watching the arrival come in on the crossing and saw him heading for the intersection.  When I reminded him what he'd been instructed, I was probably not very friendly.  But I also did not call him "stupid" or "goober."

There was one who (a) descended below the lowest altitude on his STAR, then when he got to the end of it, (b) turned from the last point toward the final approach course instead of maintaining the published heading.  After a VERY gentle reminder about (a), he mumbled some apology in response.  After a firmer admonition about (b) because he was turning without a vector, he disconnected.  Again, I probably wasn't as nice after (b) than I was after (a), but I didn't call him any names.

Then finally was the one who departed and immediately turned northeast, when the SID dictated Runway Heading (155).  I said "your departure calls for runway heading until vectored.  but it doesn't look like you're going to {first waypoint} either.  say intentions?"  he replied, "to fly to {destination}."  I said -- "were you going to go via the route you filed and got cleared on, or just direct, or what?"  and he disconnected.  again, I don't think I called him a name, but I'm sure he could tell by the tone of my question that I was definitely calling him out on his error.

Like Malcolm says, when it's busy -- or, even when it's not that busy but it's "the heat of the moment" like I said -- "excuse me dear {callsign} but you are doing {x} when you were instructed {y}" is not as straightforward as it seems like it could or should be.  I do NOT think it should be tolerated to call someone a derogatory name for a mistake, but, I do NOT think it's reasonable to expect the controller to be all smiles and reassuring pats on the back after one either.