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Messages - Christopher Olmstead

Pages: [1]
News / Re: Kansas City's New Deputy Air Traffic Manager
« on: November 14, 2021, 10:16:09 AM »
Congrats Chris! Well deserved.

News / Re: Boston (ZBW) has a New ATM!
« on: August 12, 2018, 06:16:35 PM »
Welcome to the crew.

General Discussion / Re: Improper use of airline callsign?
« on: October 05, 2017, 08:16:19 AM »
Others you may see online:
MET "Metro"
Anyone else remember any?
I see CXA "Canadian Express" and PAY "Pacific" quite a lot. Those are pretty popular virtual airlines.

VRD is a real code. Redwood is a real callsign. C172 is a real aircraft. By what authority does a controller get to decide that the combination of those three is "unrealistic"? Do you have access to all the Virgin records to prove that they never-ever owned or flew a C172? You don't think its possible that ol' Richard charged a C172 to the company account and took it for a spin one day?
Gonna refer to my earlier reply on the "realism" for this one lol...

Consider for a moment if I had been flying a C172 VFR with a callsign for an airline that closed 10 years ago. Would that have triggered you to shoot off a PM as well? "That airline has been closed for 10 years, that's unrealistic, that's silly..."

If I want to fly aircraft or routes from 20 years ago are you going to say that its silly? If I'm flying a 747-300 are you going to swoop in and tell me "oh, no.. that airline only actually flies 747-200s"? I will tell you right now, letting me fly any commercial jet is completely unrealistic. Even counting all the sim time I don't have anywhere near the required hours!
I deal with people who fly TWA B747s, Continental B737s, Northwest B757s, US Air A320s, or some other disbanded airline on historic routes all the time. I'm happy to handle them. My recommendation would be get off your high horse, take constructive criticism, and move on :)

Based on all the gradations of "realism" I don't think that any controller should be using their position to express their personal opinions about realism while in the sim. If you express an opinion about realism in the forums I can choose not to listen. When a controller PM me in the sim I don't have any choice, I'm forced to listen. And if they use that position to push their own personal views on realism that aren't supported by any policy then they are over-stepping.
There is absolutely no harm in a controller attempting to politely educate based on a perceived knowledge gap. The pilot has the equal right to respond saying they respectfully decline the assistance or suggestion. I take pride in helping newer pilots on the network learn their way around the aviation industry and the VATSIM network because I was there once! I remember being unsure which airline to fly and where and what controllers to contact. Previous controllers helped me along and VATSIM helped me become a better pilot in my earlier stages. Now I try to do the same. Pilots usually receive the constructive criticism in a positive way.

General Discussion / Re: Improper use of airline callsign?
« on: October 04, 2017, 08:46:12 PM »
The question is not about whether you're entitled to using an airline callsign for your flight, it's the particular callsign you selected. Air Carriers are certificated based on the aircraft they operate and if they wish to add aircraft to their operations, they need to add it to their operating certificate. Currently, Virgin America exclusively operates Airbus 319, 320, and 321 aircraft. That's where the argument of "unrealistic" comes into question.

The kind of operations they perform (IFR or VFR) are determined by company SOPs and varies from airline to airline. There definitely are airlines that operate VFR. In the Cape Cod area specifically, Cape Air (KAP) frequently operates under VFR if the weather permits.

Now, are you bound by the Code of Conduct to fly realistic callsigns? No. Callsigns are not enforceable like Toby said so long as they are appropriate.

News / Re: VATUSA Announces new Southern Region Air Traffic Director
« on: October 01, 2017, 10:05:31 PM »
YASSSSS! Congrats Brighton! Well deserved!

News / Re: ZFW Has a New EC!!
« on: July 06, 2017, 10:22:47 PM »
Congrats Ethan!

News / Re: New ZHU ATM
« on: March 17, 2017, 02:27:14 PM »
Congrats, BT! Hope to still see you around BVA :)

To echo most of what people have said, it's the responsibility of both sides. But we have to look at all areas on the spectrum of experience. Most of us here got into aviation because of VATSIM or looked to further our involvement in aviation with it. Regardless, we all started at what most of us would consider a "noob" level at some point. The typical brand new pilot to VATSIM has zero knowledge of airspace or even ARTCC boundaries.

When I started on VATSIM back in 2011, I never heard of VATSpy or Vattastic and I hadn't even started my real world flight training yet so I was the stereotypical noob. I remember calling Jacksonville Center sitting on the ground in Atlanta to ask if I needed to contact him. I had no idea how to tell or where to go to find that information. I've experienced that from pilots countless times while controlling Boston Center so how can we expect everyone to know when they're in you're airspace. If you let someone skirt your airspace and wanna complain that they haven't contacted you, consider that maybe they honestly not know that they're in your airspace.

Now obviously this is a case-by-case issue, but don't be quick to push the blame on the pilot all the time. I personally will let certain aircraft go who will only be in my airspace for less than 50 miles and I'll use the same number before I start sending contact requests unless I expect there to be a conflict in which I'll initiate that process earlier.

News / Re: ZTL has a new EC!
« on: January 29, 2017, 10:22:27 AM »
Congrats Meg.

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