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Topics - Shane VanHoven

Pages: 1 [2]
Events / [21JAN17 23:59-04:00z] ZMP Presents - Operation Deep Freeze
« on: October 12, 2016, 10:42:08 AM »

Throw on your warmest socks, crank up the heat, and don't forget to pack your shovel! Come join us as we staff Minneapolis to the gills on January 21st. From 6:00 PM CST until we can't take it anymore, enjoy full staffing and realistic winter operations at KMSP. Bring in IFR or VFR traffic - makes no difference to us! If bad weather is in the forecast, expect delays for deicing, snow removal, and missed approaches - hope you brought enough fuel!

As always in anticipation of a large event, we ask that pilots ensure that they have up-to-date scenery for KMSP, including runway 17/35. AFCADs for FS2004 and FSX is available from various flight sim add-on websites. FSX users and those wishing to add accurate KMSP terminals and ramps can download William Morgan's FRF KMSP Scenery or install BluePrint Simulations' KMSP scenery.

We recommend that all pilots review our comprehensive Event Briefing Document to help prepare flights in or out of KMSP. Clear skies, and we'll see you on the 21st!

News / ZMP Seeking Deputy Air Traffic Manager
« on: August 04, 2016, 11:40:30 AM »


* Monitors the day-to-day activities of the ARTCC.
* Reports to the ARTCC's Air Traffic Manager. 
* Assists in the development and execution of ARTCC projects.
* Maintains an on line presence on the VATSIM server.
* Functions as ARTCC senior staff member. Attends periodic meetings to report on ARTCC activities and to stay abreast of VATUSA issues and policies.
* Assists in coordination of position assignments and position restrictions when necessary.
* Provides guidance and help to assigned controllers or guests.
* Conducts testing and training as defined, and in accordance with, the VATUSA Training SOP.
* Optionally, conducts additional training and testing on area-specific subjects. 
* Assumes the duties of the ATM when he is unavailable.

Core Requirements

The successful candidate:

* Must have at least a Controller rating.
* Must control at least the minimum number of hours required by the ARTCC Standard Operating Procedures to maintain active membership.
* Must be an active member of the network in good standing.
* Must have excellent written and oral communication skills.
* Must be able to work in a team environment.

Highly Desired Skills and Abilities

The successful candidate will:

* Possess a high degree of energy and commitment appropriate to the requirements of the position.
* Set an example as an active controller both during events and normal daily operations.
* Demonstrate at a minimum the qualities of understanding, patience, maturity and when necessary, restraint.
* Bring a verifiable level of experience sufficient to ensure the ability to manage a complex aviation environment.
* Understand and commit to a high level of participation with the knowledge that the position requires considerable devotion and commitment of time.
* Instructor or Mentor experience on the network is a plus.
* Experience and certification within the ARTCC is a plus. Candidates currently active on the roster will be given first consideration.
* Previous managerial or administration experience on the VATSIM network or real world is a plus.
* Have no significant disciplinary history or record of unprofessional behavior.
* Must be available for regular correspondence (via the primary means of e-mail), as well as routinely checking VATUSA forums and other outlets for official notices.

Interested candidates should be aware that this is not an entry-level position and not for the inexperienced. The workload is considerable and should not be taken lightly. Only those who understand the requirements and can make the appropriate commitment should consider applying. Candidates can expect an initial evaluation of their application after which they may be contacted for a comprehensive interview.

Applications should include:

* Full Name, active e-mail, and VATSIM CID
* Resume
* Plans and vision for the ZMP ARTCC
* Rough availability for an interview


Please send applications to the Minneapolis Air Traffic Manager:

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