Cargo Flying

Greg Calderin

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Cargo Flying
« on: February 18, 2017, 04:24:17 AM »
Hello everyone,

A lot of us have had a bit of queen fever ever since the 744 was released, especially me (I've flown that thing more hours than I'd like to admit), and I was wondering if anyone had a few unique and interesting cargo legs that they enjoy flying. I've been doing military base to military base to mix things up, but I'd like to hit some off-the-grid airports in South America or Asia.


Brin Brody

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Re: Cargo Flying
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2017, 01:20:43 PM »

While I myself am unfamiliar with South America and Asia, I am quite familiar with the airports of the great state of Alaska...

We have a lot of smaller, un-towered airports that for the most part are used by cargo aircraft, as you stated you were interested in.  We also have a few (cold war era/current) Air Force/Military bases that you can use, if you were interested in continuing that.  The total airspace is around 2 million square miles large, so it leaves room if you want to do cargo flights inside the state.  In addition, its proximity to Russia (Eurasia?) and Asia is very helpful as well for such flights.

Of course, I'm biased, but I'm inclined to think it's a viable recommendation.  Hope to see you in the skies soon. ;)

Rick Rump

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Re: Cargo Flying
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2017, 02:26:59 PM »
Doing Lima to Miama which Polar Air Cargo does along with Campinas and Sao Poulo.

Brad Littlejohn

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Re: Cargo Flying
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2017, 05:18:55 PM »
Hello everyone,

A lot of us have had a bit of queen fever ever since the 744 was released, especially me (I've flown that thing more hours than I'd like to admit), and I was wondering if anyone had a few unique and interesting cargo legs that they enjoy flying. I've been doing military base to military base to mix things up, but I'd like to hit some off-the-grid airports in South America or Asia.


How about an iPhone run?

Here's what I mean. Over the past 5 - 6 iPhone releases, those who are diehard in wanting to know where their phone is go even as far as not only tracking their package via UPS or FedEx, but tracking the flight that their phone is on, and correlating that to what they see on FlightAware - to the point where FA set up their own iPhone tracking page:

This tracks every UPS flight leaving Hong Kong, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Seoul, and other places in the area that an iPhone would ship from. This also gets really busy right around the time new phone purchases go live.

But you can take these routes and fly the same route as if you're carrying a couple hundred thousand iPhones in tow, from say, Shenzhen - Anchorage - Louisville or Ontario - insert airport here.