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Topics - Harold Rutila

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / Traffic Request
« on: June 28, 2012, 04:38:49 PM »
I am requesting some traffic tonight at the Colorado Springs (COS) airport to provide traffic for S3 radar training. Any types of traffic would be great, including VFR departures, arrivals, practice approaches, overflights; IFR operations; helos; whatever else you want to bring. We'll be on from 7:30-9:30 PM Mountain.


General Discussion / Denver FNO Video
« on: February 25, 2012, 02:25:09 PM »
I'd like to thank everyone who flew into Denver last night! We had an incredibly successful FNO with over 160 movements into and out of Denver International Airport. The major traffic push took place about an hour into the event. All of our controllers worked very hard to ensure this ran smoothly. Pilots, your holds were beautiful and helped us out a great bit during a small hiccup within Denver Approach airspace. You can watch the whole video below:

And just a reminder...we have one more event tonight!

General Discussion / OTS Tonight
« on: January 30, 2012, 10:09:39 AM »
I am sending out a request for some traffic at the Colorado Springs Airport (KCOS) later tonight for the purpose of having an S2 OTS. Ben Gustafson will be staffing Springs Tower for an American Virtual Airlines fly-out. I am particularly seeking some arrivals into the airport as well as VFR pattern work and IFR/VFR practice approaches. The fly-out begins at 0100Z. Thanks!

The Control Room Floor / Need C1s for an Event
« on: December 22, 2011, 05:52:36 PM »
If you're free on Friday, December 30th, and you're a C1-rated member, I could use your assistance for the Denver ARTCC FNO. We're almost fully staffed down below (TRACON/ATCT), but I could use 2 additional hands to work some high sectors at Denver Center. We are anticipating a lot of traffic.

The Classroom (Controller Tips) / Class D Tower Reference Sheet
« on: November 12, 2011, 11:52:56 PM »
I have created a simple Class D local control reference sheet for ZDV students and wanted to share it with the community. ARTCCs may distribute this under their own domain name and may modify as necessary. No credit is necessary; this is all commonly available information.

General Discussion / Need Some Traffic @ RAP Tonight
« on: November 07, 2011, 04:02:00 PM »
I need some pilots to come fly VFR at Rapid City Airport (RAP) tonight for controller training. VFR pattern work, straight out departures, and arrivals are welcome. IFR departures and arrivals are also welcome, but Class D airspace management is the focus tonight. Denver Center will be online between 1830 and 2130 MST this evening, and Denver Tower and Approach will also be up. Your help is greatly appreciated.

If you are interested in helping out, it would be great if you could post a quick RSVP below. Thanks!

General Discussion / Come to Denver Live!
« on: August 21, 2011, 08:27:38 PM »
You won't want to miss Denver Live this year! Come experience the high of ZDV air traffic control.

10+ En-Route Controllers
9 Terminal Radar Controllers
7 Tower Controllers

Denver (DEN)
Aspen (ASE)
Colorado Springs (COS)
Casper (CPR)
Rapid City (RAP)


Inquisitive Graphics

Find out more at And please read the simple Ramp Control Tutorial, too! See you at Denver Live 2011.

The Control Room Floor / ZDV Seeks C1s
« on: August 09, 2011, 07:11:19 PM »
Greetings everyone,

ZDV is currently in search of a couple C1s (or higher) who are available on August 27th between 1100 and 1800 MDT. We are looking for a handful of guys (or girls!) to help us at Denver Center during our biggest event of the year, Denver Live! You do not have to attend the event live, though you are more than welcome to do so. About 10 of us will be live at the Front Range Airport Conference Room. 17 have signed up to control, but we're looking for a few more!

Those who are interested will be assigned a sector to work with an accompanying SOP. One training session will be administered prior to the event at your convenience.

To sign up, contact me: Please indicate your home ARTCC, availability on August 27th (all day, a few hours, etc.), and any further questions you may have.

If you are a member of ZLA, ZLC, ZMP, ZKC, or ZAB (our neighbors), please ensure your ARTCC will have appropriate staffing prior to coming over to our airspace, as we will need help from our neighbors, too.

Between 2 PM MST (2100Z) today and 6AM MST (1100Z) on Monday, the area of western Colorado, which includes Aspen (ASE), Eagle County/Vail (EGE), and Grand Junction (GJT) is expecting accumulations of up to 16 inches with 1/2 mile visibility at times and with wind gusts up to 30 knots. It's a recipe for some fun flying and controlling this weekend!

I'll be on Denver Center between 5 PM and 7 PM MST (2359-0200Z) tonight (2/19). Tomorrow, we're hosting a Ski Colorado Series event featuring Denver (DEN), Rocky Mountain Metro (BJC), and Aspen (ASE), not to mention an awesome prize from Orbx Simulations. Definitely come check us out for some fun, challenging flying!

General Discussion / Ms. Caree Musick's Denver Tower Exam
« on: October 22, 2010, 11:32:25 PM »
[img]\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" class=\\\"linked-image\\\" /]

This Sunday (24th) 9AM MDT - 11AM MDT (1500Z -1700Z) Ms. Caree Musick will be taking her Denver Tower OTS examination.

The ZDV staff would like to invite all pilots to strap themselves in their favorite aircraft and fly to or from Denver this Sunday (IFR, VFR, closed traffic, helicopter traffic, anything goes). Arguably ZDV's most popular controller, Caree will likely be controlling a good amount of traffic at KDEN.

You can also expect Approach and/or Center online to make your flight experience complete. Come fly with us!

General Discussion / Apologies for the Misunderstanding
« on: October 18, 2010, 07:53:03 PM »
I received a fair number of complaints regarding my ARTCC's "lack of staffing" of the Aspen Feature Night this weekend. I feel an explanation is due to pilots who tried to fly into KASE with Denver ARTCC ATC.

1.) The Aspen Feature Night was to take place on Saturday at 1800 MDT as advertised on our banner for the event. Here is a link to the actual calendar entry:;event_id=608. Unfortunately for those who did not understand this, the VATUSA Events Calendar runs in Zulu time. 1800 MDT is also 0000Z, which put our event IN ZULU TIME on October 17th. The local time date was still October 16th.

2.) We fully staffed both Denver International Airport (KDEN) and Aspen Pitkin County Airport (KASE) on the advertised local event time of Saturday, October 16th, 2010 at 1800 MDT. All personnel remained online well past the advertised event end time.

3.) We regret the mis-communication and have worked out a solution for all future events with the same start date. Events that start at this time will now be displayed with a start time of 2359Z to allow the Zulu date and MDT date to correspond.


General Discussion / COS TRACON OTS
« on: September 11, 2010, 03:36:42 PM »
[img]\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" class=\\\"linked-image\\\" /]

Pilots are requested to fly into the Colorado Springs Airport (COS) tonight at 9:00 P.M. Mountain Time, 0100Z, for a controller practical exam.

Airport: COS
Position Being Tested: COS_APP
Time: Starts @ 1900 MDT

General Discussion / VATUSA Teamspeak Request
« on: August 07, 2010, 03:50:23 PM »
We're in the middle of Denver Live and the ZDV Teamspeak server just crashed on us. If any VATUSA TS administrators are available to move us into separate rooms we would GREATLY appreciate it. Thanks a lot!


General Discussion / Who's Going to OSH?
« on: July 06, 2010, 07:31:42 PM »
If you know you're going to OSH this year for EAA AirVenture, and if you'd like to participate, post the dates you think you'll be going below. Maybe some of us can meet up.

I believe I'll be there on the 30th and 31st.

General Discussion / Denver Center OTS on Sunday
« on: May 13, 2010, 08:35:02 PM »
[div align=\\\'center\\\'][img]\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" class=\\\"linked-image\\\" /][/div]

Calling all VATSIM members! The Denver ARTCC's very own Nils Hoefnagel will be undergoing his [size=]Denver Center[/size] Over-the-Shoulder (OTS) Examination this [size=]Sunday from 1730Z to 1900Z[/size]. All types of traffic are appreciated, especially non-towered airport operations and instrument approach procedures (one-time or practice approaches).
[div align=\\\'center\\\']
In for a challenging and/or scenic approach? Check out:

Telluride (TEX)
Aspen (ASE)
Eagle County (EGE)
Grand Junction (GJT)

In for something fun? Check out:

Centennial (APA)
Casper (CPR)
Goodland (GLD)
Steamboat Springs (SBS)
Cheyenne (CYS)[/div]

Of course, Denver International (DEN) Colorado Springs (COS) are always ready for action. Thank you for flying with ZDV!

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