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Messages - Chris Carstens

Pages: [1]
The Classroom (Controller Tips) / Re: Let's Talk VFR
« on: May 04, 2018, 06:08:07 PM »
Great post, lots of useful stuff in here!

Regarding practice approaches, reading 7110.65X 4-8-11, I could not find the kind of split you described between controlled and uncontrolled airports. It reads as if separation can be provided or not based on controller preference. In fact, before this I thought VFR practice approaches didn't get any separation at all over normal VFR separation.

However, after digging into the reference provided (FAA Order JO 7210.3 6-4-4 and 10-4-5), I see what you're saying. It says that IFR separation must be applied to practice VFR approach aircraft at the primary airport and all secondary airports under approach control's jurisdiction. Approaches to airports with non-approach towers are governed by LOAs and communicated to pilots through Letters to Airmen (which as a private pilot, I'd never heard of, though I did find one for my local airport at that link). Non-towered airports aren't mentioned, so I guess they never get separation? Which would mean one-in-one-out doesn't apply to VFR practice approaches (though you do have to state "practice approach approved, no separation services provided").

Man, you think the 7110.65 is a long, exhaustive document until you realize how many orders and notices there are...


News / Re: Los Angeles Has a New Facility Engineer!
« on: April 10, 2018, 09:30:54 AM »
Thanks! I'm so glad you've shared such an important piece of ZLA history, Don. Did you know that that exact video was the early inspiration for the ZLA training program?

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