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Topics - Jeremy Peterson

Pages: [1] 2 3
NOTAMs / Notice of Guidance on Authorized TMU Callsigns
« on: November 07, 2021, 04:17:57 PM »
ATTN: All TMU personnel (including VATUSA Command Center Staff, NTMOs, NTMS', and VATUSA ECs)

Effective immediately, all personnel performing TMU duties on the network must utilize callsigns detailed in Notice 7210.931, Authorized Traffic Management Unit Callsigns. This policy reflects notification made in the vATCSCC Discord to STMCs (VATUSA ECs), TMCs, and Command Center NTMOs/NTMS' on 23 October 2021 (and amends and adds to it).

Please direct all questions, comments, and concerns to the VATUSA NOM at

NOTAMs / Cross the Pond Eastbound 2021 Feedback
« on: October 31, 2021, 06:32:13 PM »
If you participated in CTP Eastbound 2021 and haven't done so already, please take a few minutes to give your thoughts on how your experience was!

If you controlled, please fill out this form:
If you flew, please fill out this one:
If you were part of the traffic management personnel, please submit this form:

News / New Hire! VATUSA Operations Planner (VATUSA14)
« on: October 09, 2021, 08:10:47 AM »
Please welcome Aidan Deschene to the VATUSA team as the Operations Planner (OP, VATUSA14) for the VATUSA Command Center!

Aidan has the dedication, motivation, and skills to help run and grow the Command Center. There will be a transition period during which Aidan will be dual-/tri-hatted as Cleveland's TA and WM while he, the facility, region, and VATUSA Training Department work to ensure the hard work he has dedicated to ZOB is left in good hands.

News / Position Posting: VATUSA Operations Planner (Command Center)
« on: September 19, 2021, 08:15:24 PM »
Position: Operations Planner, VATUSA14
The VATUSA Command Center is seeking qualified and motivated applicants for the position of Operations Planner (OP).

Job Description:
The OP is responsible for assisting the VATUSA National Operations Manager (NOM) in ensuring the PERTI process is implemented in support of NAS-wide event operations. They are also under direct supervision of the NOM.

Specific Duties:
- Collaboratively schedules telcons leading up to events to ensure planning is accomplished
- Furnishes the PERTI Plan, Operations Plan, and any other necessary planning documents
  - The ability to furnish these documents independently (i.e., with little guidance from the NOM) is desired
- Manages information exchange between, to, and from facilities and the Command Center
- Establishes and maintains common situation awareness during Command Center operations
- Communicates traffic management information (e.g., advice, proposed plans, current initiatives) with facilities accurately and timely
- Engages NTMOs, NTMS’, and facility TMU personnel (e.g., STMCs, TMCs) in training and continuing TMU education opportunities
- Regularly produces or supports the production of data reporting, collection, and analysis
- Functions as a VATUSA staff member and contributes to Division meetings as necessary
- Regularly reviews the VATUSA Forums, VATUSA and vATCSCC Discords, and the VATUSA Social Media channels

Minimum Requirements:
- S3 rating, major-certified for at least 6 months
- 6 months experience as the principal events manager (i.e., EC) within a VATUSA facility
  - This period must have included at least one large-scale, high-volume, or complex (i.e., TMU Operating Level 3 or 4) event
- No significant disciplinary record within VATSIM, VATUSA, or VATUSA facilities
- Demonstrated ability to work proactively, collaboratively, and with a high attention to detail
- Ability to lead using a collaborative decision making (CDM) approach

Desired Qualifications:
- C1 rating
- Reasonably high degree of availability (e.g., can frequently support FNOs)
- Ability to dedicate an average of 6 hours per week to OP/Command Center functions
- Demonstrated skills in detailed data analysis
- Demonstrated skills in communication, collaboration, and coordination
- Demonstrated experience in air traffic flow management (ATFM), either real-world or on VATSIM

This position will be constantly balancing Command Center operations with the NOM. To be effective, this position reflects the high availability of the Command Center, meaning a considerable amount of work and time is expected.

Submit a relevant resume and a one-page cover letter outlining your fitness for this position to:
- Jeremy Peterson, VATUSA NOM,
- CC: Wes Miles, VATUSA General Manager,

NOTAMs / Notice of Guidance on Interdivisional TMU Communications
« on: September 14, 2021, 02:51:36 PM »
ATTN: VATUSA ECs and designated TMU personnel

Please observe Notice 7210.930, Interdivisional Communications, regarding notification requirements for traffic management initiative (TMI) coordination with facilities in other divisions. This requirement is intended to ensure TMI coordination is accountable to both facilities involved and the Command Center.

Please direct any questions or concerns to the VATUSA NOM at

Events / [03 OCT 2020 23Z - 03Z] Liberty City Fly-In
« on: August 07, 2020, 01:35:16 PM »

Fly into/out of Kennedy or LaGuardia airports, the two airports which influenced the design of GTA IV's Francis International Airport. We promise you, no stars will be given for arriving or departing these airports ★★★★.

Events / [30 AUG 2020, 19Z - 23Z] Surf 'n Turf Crossfire
« on: July 30, 2020, 08:26:46 AM »

New York is famous for their steak, The Bahamas is famous for their seafood. On August 30th from 1900Z-2300Z, the Nassau FIR and NY ARTCC is proud to present 'Surf N Turf' a crossfire between Nassau Bahamas (MYNN) and New York (KJFK). Come on down to The Bahamas for some delicious seafood, or fly up to New York and enjoy a nice juicy steak! (Eric Boxerman, Nassau ATM)

Events / [17 SEP 2020 2330Z - 18/0330Z] the dunder mifflin fly-in
« on: July 25, 2020, 10:03:09 AM »

Fly into the home of The Office, Scranton, PA. The paper industry may be dying but aviation isn't!


Come fly VFR in/out/through New York City! If you take any good screenshots, let us know about them.

Twitter: @NYARTCC
Instagram: @NYARTCC
Facebook: New York ARTCC

Please (please) make sure you are familiar with NY SFRA procedures by reviewing the obnoxious link below:
NY SFRA Quick Reference Guide (adapted from the original).

Events / [26 SEP 2020 23Z - 03Z] Retro NY Fly-in
« on: July 03, 2020, 05:32:41 PM »

Bring your DC-10s, Boeing 767-200s, and your Connies to New York LaGuardia (LGA) as we host the second round of the Retro New York Fly-in!

Route information:
If you will be flying an aircraft into/out of N90 that meets any of the following navigational/equipment criteria, please file “RQST TMU APVL” in the “Remarks” section of your flight plan and expect TMU to process your flight plan before you depart (the alternative being controllers passing along your flight plan while you sit on the ground, waiting for TMU to find it):
  • AIRAC cycle prior to 1806 (June 2018)
  • Non-RNAV capable (any suffix other than /C /G /I /L /S /V /Y /Z)
  • Unable to find ANY of the N90 departure fixes in your FMC/FMS database (N90 Preferred Departure Gate Diagram)
  • Unable to fly ANY preferred or previously filed flight plan (utilizing PRD and FlightAware IFR Route Analyzer)
  • Plan on filing a known historical flight plan route which cannot be found in current flight plan databases.
By filing this note in your remarks, TMU can silently approve flight plan amendment requests and get you off the ground more quickly!

Parking information:
If you know your parking location, please include the following information in your “Remarks” section of your flight plan:
  • Terminal
  • Taxiway entrance to enter the ramp.
If you do not know your parking location, after landing, exit the runway immediately. During busy periods, it is more important to CLEAR THE RUNWAY than it is to receive taxi instructions.

Events / [25 JUL 2020, 14Z - 20Z] ZNY RealOps
« on: February 26, 2020, 09:07:23 PM »
ZNY will once again feature RealOps, where pilots will have the opportunity to book flights into all four of ZNY's major airports: PHL, EWR, LGA, and JFK.


Fly into any of the three major NYC airports-JFK, EWR, and LGA-while NYARTCC controls Live from Newark, NJ remote from...everywhere!

Here is a booking link for ARRIVALS INTO JFK/EWR/LGA.

(Join us on Saturday for another RealOps event featuring Live controlling from Newark too!)

Also...from the VATSIM Forums
Dear Pilots,

We are proud to invite you to the unique "New York - Tel Aviv FNO" event.

This event is an example to special cooperation between 2 far away divisions in purpose to serve 1 target - let the pilots some fun!

That event happening for the first time this 6 years!

The event will take place on July 25th between 01:30-14:00 UTC.

Departures from JFK will occur between 0130Z and 0400Z!

Click here to book your flight with our flight booking system!

You can expect full ATC service at New York and Tel Aviv.

The flight distance is about 5000 nm and the estimated flight time is 10 Hours

Come and join to an enjoyable event with great ATC service!

We hope to see you in the air.

Recommended route:



Charts: KJFK / LLBG

We wish you a successful and enjoyable event!

Events / [27 JUN 2020 23Z - 28/04Z] Get Out of Newark!
« on: February 11, 2020, 04:17:22 PM »

There are no spoils of war when it comes to dealing with Newark. There is only despair. I'm using this font to convey the pain and suffering associated with this "airport". Your best bet is to depart and hope there aren't thunderstorms in the vicinity because, as some of us already know, storms in Virginia can shut down the airport. If you plan on arriving, fuel extra for holding, delay vectors for meeting miles-in-trail (MIT) restrictions, and flying at 6,000 for what will feel like an eternity. More details, banner, and routing info to come.

Arrival Metering into EWR, colorized

Don't take the hot takes™ of this post too seriously.

Events / [16 MAY 2020 23Z - 17/03Z] Light Up Liberty
« on: February 11, 2020, 02:07:44 PM »

Fly into and out of New York LaGuardia, Newark Liberty, and their satellites for a quick trip into nearby Manhattan. Expect madness/chaos!

Routes to EWR, LGA, HPN, and TEB available here:

Events / [22 AUG 2020 1230Z - 1500Z] JFK - AMS Crossfire
« on: February 09, 2020, 09:38:35 PM »

There are two routes:

BETTE ACK KANNI NICSO 4850N 4940N 5030N 5020N SOMAX ATSUR GAPLI M197 REDFA (40 flights)

MERIT HFD PUT J42 BOS ALLEX JOOPY 4950N 5040N 5130N 5120N LIMRI XETBO LIFFY UL975 WAL M16 DOLAS L603 LAMSO (20 scheduled + all non-scheduled flights).

If you are not scheduled, please file the MERIT route!

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