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Messages - Zachary Beard

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Events / WorldFlight 2014!
« on: November 05, 2014, 12:43:43 PM »
Getting them down into Salt Lake was a good time. Always happy to help Worldflight.


Events / The 3rd Continental Congress [14 June 2300z ~ 0300z]
« on: June 14, 2014, 01:08:04 PM »
The banner image is so great. Do you guys control in "Ye Olde" English for this event? ;-)


General Discussion / Our Teamspeak Environments are in Shambles
« on: June 13, 2014, 01:24:56 PM »
Quote from: Matthew Bartels
However, everyone has been guilty of talking bad of another facility or controller...

This is one idea I'm concerned about. How has this become the norm? What constructiveness comes out of this activity? VATSIM is a learning environment to some (large) extent, so I don't have the expectation that every controller is going to be retired-FAA quality when I fly, or even observe. That being said, if someone knows of a controller doing something blatantly (or even slightly) wrong by the book or otherwise, what is stopping a more well-versed controller from improving the other's knowledge/skillset? In my opinion, we should be using those moments of receiving poor or less-than-perfect quality ATC service as a pilot on the network to teach, if the controller is open to it. All in the name of improvement, you know? Nobody is forced to do this, of course, but when a pilot who is also a well-versed controller on VATSIM talks behind another controller's (or pilot's) back with their friends, that's when the real "holier than thou" activity rears its ugly head.

I agree with you about Teamspeak activity being a place where groups can do whatever they want, that's a given. I'm calling for us to do a little better. There are points when I'm frustrated by ATC service on VATSIM (and yes, the occasional pilot as well) but I've realized the opportunities these create to teach. It isn't our responsibility to, as I hinted to before in this reply, but if you have the time, why not? A good deed goes a long way for the network. I don't personally believe in karma, but I do believe in making a difference, no matter how small. Not sure how somebody could disagree with this idea, but people have tried tirelessly to prove me wrong on here before.

I guess what this specific reply is trying to address is the idea that we can all do better to improve the network with a little effort, if not just restraint. Nobody likes a snob, especially in a learning environment. We should have fun here how we see fit of course, but always consider the implications of our actions and words.


General Discussion / Our Teamspeak Environments are in Shambles
« on: June 12, 2014, 10:37:17 PM »
Quote from: Harold Rutila
It's not really another discussion if your complaint is centered around TS behavior. It's best to just bring it up with the ARTCC's regional director or Don rather than making a generic post where nobody knows who you're specifically complaining about. Unless you visited over 50% of the ARTCCs and seen the same behavior, it's hard for someone like me to look at this and say "We have a widespread problem in VATUSA." It's likely just one or two ARTCCs that need a little work.

You might be right logistically speaking. However, I think the discussion has been fruitful thus far, and could continue to be so provided that people give their ideas about palpable issues related to these behaviors. What's a conversation but a discussion that starts in one direction but ends up going in a direction that focuses on what's (potentially) been on the minds of the majority anyways?

Looking for open minded thought on VATSIM members' priorities on the network, not a quick and dirty solution to 1 or 2 ARTCCs' behaviors, at this point. Maybe discussion about generally caustic/elitist attitude problems existent on the network as of late is in order. That's at least one of the causal background issues that made me want to write this post.

"Measurable effectiveness" of a post, or however someone would like to word it, is not something I wish to discuss here personally. Broad discussion is something these forums are good for in my opinion.


General Discussion / Our Teamspeak Environments are in Shambles
« on: June 12, 2014, 09:31:59 PM »
I really appreciate the thought-out insight so far. A VATUSA-run Teamspeak is great in theory, but as DK mentions each ARTCC will likely find it difficult to abandon the developed member usage of their private Teamspeak servers. Perhaps an incentive to use a VATUSA Teamspeak server, if one was to be created, would be in order to help consolidate our division's communications.

From a controller's perspective, I think being able to coordinate with intrafacility controllers via voice would be a wonderful perk of this proposed VATUSA Teamspeak server.

Please continue to discuss.


General Discussion / Our Teamspeak Environments are in Shambles
« on: June 11, 2014, 09:36:33 PM »
Hello members,

Firstly, this is an honest discussion. Please be honest and reasonable in your replies, I welcome all opinions that are posted in good faith.

Recently, being a visitor at several ARTCCs and frequenter of each ARTCC's Teamspeak servers, I've noticed unfriendly "discussion" among members and staff/senior staff regarding other ARTCCs and VATSIM members.

Behavior and conversations I've observed have ranged from friendly and acceptable banter and discussion (of which I have no concern for and contribute to members feeling welcome), to outrightly unacceptable and unfriendly talk about other ARTCCs and VATSIM members. It's disappointing to me that a network where people are supposed to be able to enjoy learning about aviation in an acceptable environment are subject to this kind of degrading speech and atmosphere in Teamspeak channels. When senior staff are cussing out other ARTCC staff members, and talk of "coup de'tats" of other ARTCCs come up I start to get worried about our priorities and principles as VATSIM members, but that's another discussion.

Teamspeak servers are, in my understanding, owned and operated/monitored by the ARTCCs themselves, but I've noticed a VATUSA-wide ordeal here that ARTCCs alone will have difficulty combating, especially because senior staff members are contributing to this fiasco.  

People leave ARTCCs, or VATSIM as a whole because of this kind of behavior; let's keep each other accountable.

Likely some people don't see this the way I do of course. I understand that because ARTCCs manage their Teamspeak servers they can choose to allow anything they see fit to happen on them, but I am not interested in the faux-legalities of the issue, I'm interested in discussing the moral obligation I believe we have as VATSIM members to, "at all times, be courteous and respectful to one another." If you participate in these kind of discussions, please be reminded that you are likely driving people away from VATSIM by making it appear crude and unwelcoming.

Please discuss.


P.S. Let's discuss staff positions and the implications associated with your behavior provided you become a staff member as well.

Hi there:

Speak clearly, don't mumble. Say things the same way format wise, everytime; change it up for clarity if needed. This is why we have such laid-out phraseology. Spot conflicts early and make corrections; don't wait until two aircraft are 10 miles from each other to try to fix it. Tell the pilots what they need to know, and they'll never ask questions. Get in their head and be able to expect what they might ask you. This saves time and helps you to: control the radio, set the pace for the pilots, it's like a ballet sometimes. This is most important.

Just a couple general tips, and welcome to ATC.


Simple Insanity / April Fools! USA Division Changes
« on: April 01, 2014, 11:07:52 AM »
You got me for two seconds. Two seconds of, "whaaa??"


The Control Room Floor / Want to Win Big at ZAU ARTCC?
« on: February 11, 2014, 03:38:36 AM »
Interesting idea! Digging the creativity.


Simple Insanity / The funniest things heard while controlling/flying
« on: December 25, 2013, 08:39:36 PM »
Had a good one tonight (Christmas evening):

Pilot: "Albuquerque Center, I gotta go offline, the Scrooge wants me in at 7 in the morning."


The Control Room Floor / Looking for ZKC Sector File
« on: January 04, 2013, 06:32:58 PM »
Hello, as the ZKC website is down, I am looking for an accessible download of a ZKC sector file so I may observe operations!

My e-mail address is [email protected]

Thanks to anyone who can help me out!

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