VATUSA Social Media Team Lead

Jared West

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VATUSA Social Media Team Lead
« on: February 20, 2024, 03:45:09 PM »
I am happy to announce Christopher Lajoie as the new Team Lead for the Social Media Team.   Chris brings a ton of real world project management and process improvement experience and will be a huge benefit to the team as we gear up some big projects for 2024.  If you have the skills and desire to help out in anything Social Media - feel free to reach out to Chris!

Congrats Chris!

Christopher Lajoie

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Re: VATUSA Social Media Team Lead
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2024, 04:39:03 PM »
This is an honor and a privilege. Thank you for selecting me to work with a great team of professionals. I'm excited to lead the continued development of VATUSA's presence on social media platforms. To all who read this, if you are interested in joining our team, or are interested in exploring opportunities to collaborate with VATUSA (streamers too!), please reach out to me on Discord at @christopherlajoie. I look forward to meeting many of you and learning how you think we can continue building a culture of equality and professionalism online.

Austin Wilkins

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Re: VATUSA Social Media Team Lead
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2024, 06:26:45 PM »
Congrats, Chris!

Brandon Wening

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Re: VATUSA Social Media Team Lead
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2024, 08:09:01 PM »
Congrats Chris, and welcome to the team!!