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Topics - Joshua Daily

Pages: [1]
Events / [07/12/2024 2359-0400z] Mountains to Malibu Regional FNO
« on: June 07, 2024, 12:03:53 PM »

Embark on an exhilarating journey from the rugged peaks of the Rocky Mountains to the stunning shores of Malibu Beach, where you can experience the thrill of navigating diverse landscapes, challenging weather conditions, and high density altitude.

ZLA invites you to join ZLA, ZAB, ZDV, and ZLC for this Regional FNO where you can pick the airports of your choice and enjoy panoramic views of mountain ranges, valleys, and the Pacific coastline.

Event Date/time: Friday July 12 5pm-9pm PDT (2359z-0400z)

Events / [08/17/2024 2300-0300z] End of Summer Swarm: LAX
« on: May 30, 2024, 12:23:21 AM »

Join ZLA for the End of Summer Swarm, where we feature Los Angeles International Airport! Experience the thrill of one of the busiest airports in the country as we get ready to return for the new school year. If you've never seen SoCal TRACON working at full capacity, you're in for a treat. So load up your backpack with all your supplies, throw it in your shiny new Triple Seven, and come enjoy your Saturday night with ZLA.

Featured field: KLAX
Date/Time: Sat August 17, 2024 | 4pm-8pm PDT | 2300Z-0300Z

Events / [11/02/2024 2359-0400z] CalFlow Cargo
« on: May 30, 2024, 12:15:29 AM »
Cargo Themed event featuring LAX ONT SBD

Events / [03/31/2024 1900-2200z] The Mike Foxtrot Catalina Wine Mixer
« on: February 27, 2024, 12:53:37 AM »

Did we just become best friends? YUP!
Are you ready for the Mike Foxtrot Catalina Wine Mixer? YUP!

Come one, come all to the biggest helicopter leasing event in the Western Hemisphere as ZLA staffs a temporary ATCT at Catalina airport on March 31. Prestige Worldwide (wide..wide..) will be anxiously awaiting your arrival at the small island airport just 22 miles southwest of Los Angeles, so bring your helicopters and private airplanes as you get sweaty from watching a marathon of COPS on your second monitor (no jets permitted at the 3,000 ft airstrip per directive).

Origin airports: LGB TOA FUL SNA CRQ MYF SMO
Destination: AVX
Date/Time: Sunday March 31 12pm-3pm PDT (1900-2200Z)

Events / [03/09/2024 0100z-0500z] The FNOscars
« on: February 16, 2024, 01:45:35 PM »
Welcome to the Oscars! Come join ZLA on March 8th as we roll out the red carpet and welcome pilots to Hollywood's biggest night. 

Featured Fields: LAX BUR SAN

March 8, 2024. 5pm-9pm PST (0100-0500Z)

Events / [07/18/2024 2359z-0400z] WATSS UPDOC? SCT Class D Spree
« on: February 12, 2024, 01:27:09 PM »

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