General Discussion / VATUSA sponsored event (1 JUL 22)
« on: July 02, 2022, 07:30:05 AM »
VATUSA's sponsored "Fly American" FNO last night was for the most part (75%) a success with the exception of one of the featured airports (departure) KMIA which was not staffed at all, no GND, TWR, APP, or CTR. There were over 35 departures out of KMIA with no controllers in site. We at joinava dot org did our best to promote this event, reaching out to other VA's to join, and they did only to log on at KMIA to no ATC. It was very disappointing and frankly unacceptable. The other ARTCC's involved (Jacksonville, and DC) did an outstanding job sequencing the aircraft into Philly, and other airports in the area. ZMA did staff up after more than half of the aircraft had already departed and into ZJX airspace. IMHO, this was a management issue and should be addressed.