Looking for ARTCC support for your group flight? Or for your Virtual Airline? We have a easy simple to use solution for you! Instead of trying to find ARTCC websites, staff emails, etc...Here at VATUSA we have a system that will make your job easier!
If you would like to get in contact with ARTCC staff the easiest/quickest way will be using the Support Ticket System on VATUSA.net
Here is a quick guide:
1. Go to VATUSA.net
2. Click on Support - Open New Ticket
3. From the pull down menu select ARTCC
4. Select EC from the staff menu
5. If no EC is in position select other staff or Unassigned to send to all staff
6. Write message

If anyone has any questions or concerns feel free to contact me directly at vatusa5@vatusa.net or reply to this thread.
Thank you!!