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Topics - Thomas Freedman

Pages: [1]
The Control Room Floor / Which ARTCC to join?
« on: May 07, 2018, 01:29:43 PM »
Hello all, new VATUSA member here with some questions.

I'm looking for an ARTCC with the optimal balance of realism, traffic, and availability of controller slots; my real-world location is in California. I'll include my impressions of the best centers for each characteristic, based on what I've read/seen, and would greatly appreciate any additions or comments.

Realism: I've heard a lot about ZNY, ZBW, and ZDC in this regard; ZNY has been particularly recommended for a realistic environment.

Traffic: ZDV and ZMA have been pointed out as some of the busiest centers in VATUSA

Availability of controller slots/training: ZLA and ZMA seem to have some of the most rigorous training programs, as well as high availability of training and controlling opportunities.

I would very much appreciate any input from forum members regarding this.

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