Hawaiian - Virtual Now Recruiting

Viren Verma

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Hawaiian - Virtual Now Recruiting
« on: April 27, 2009, 09:24:31 AM »

I am glad to announce that newest VA Hawaiian Virtual -http://www.hawaiian-virtual.com is now recruiting pilots as well as staff member's. With hubs at PHNL, KJFK and TNCM we cover most parts of USA, Caribbean and some parts of Australia and Europe. Our ultimate goal is provide realistic experience as well as a fun and lively community. Our offical launch has not been announced as yet as we are still improving our VA day-by-day.


[div align=\\\'center\\\'][img]http://i41.tinypic.com/2ecjer4.jpg\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" class=\\\"linked-image\\\" /][/div]