Scott DeWoody

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« on: May 29, 2015, 08:40:56 PM »
I was telling someone the other day when asked if I was going to fly into or out of the FNO this week and I told them that I don't do FNO's.  For whatever reason...

So, tonight, I decided to give it another chance.. took off from Miami, no problem, no ATC in Miami, no ATC in Jacksonville, Atlanta was on, but announced over freq that he was logging off.  Which he kind of did.  Changed his freq, but remained online with 199.98.  I got several PM's asking if I was in contact with him, to which I replied NO.  So I went to unicomm.

Memphis had 2 center controllers online, but neither one had any info in their personal information explaining which was doing what, so I remained on unicomm and hoped that the one I needed to talk to would send me a "contactme"   which he eventually did, so I contacted him, but at that time I was at my TOD, which I told him, and he didn't respond to me, rather was communication with an aircraft that was at least 50 in my trail.  And then he fumbled through that communication.  So, instead of getting upset online, I just logged off and remembered why I don't do FNO's

For what it's worth.

Bradley Grafelman

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Re: FNO's
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2015, 08:44:08 PM »
neither one had any info in their personal information explaining which was doing what, so I remained on unicomm
Sounds like pilot error/poor decision-making and a breach of CoC B3 all rolled into one.

Scott DeWoody

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Re: FNO's
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2015, 09:17:55 PM »
No Bradley, it wasn't.  There are too many variables going on.  Maybe the Atlanta controller HAD to sign off, for whatever reason, because if he had still been there, there would have been a handoff to the appropriate CTR controller, and without pilots knowing which of the two MEM CTR to contact, you pretty much have to wait until they contact you.  And I'm sure the MEM CTR controllers were doing the best they could to catch up with the traffic.  B3 does NOT come into play because I was aware of the ATC, just not which one. And when he did contact me, and I did contact him.  I'm not blaming anyone, just saying that this is the reason I don't fly into FNO's..... too many variables which makes it very frustrating.  And I fail to see pilot error, or poor decision making. 

End of conversation on my part, make any other comments as you see fit.  Good night!

Bradley Grafelman

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Re: FNO's
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2015, 09:20:57 PM »
End of conversation on my part, make any other comments as you see fit.  Good night!
Are you taking your ball home with you, too?

Re: FNO's
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2015, 09:59:55 PM »
whatever reason, because if he had still been there, there would have been a handoff to the appropriate CTR controller, and without pilots knowing which of the two MEM CTR to contact, you pretty much have to wait until they contact you. 

Scott, this was discussed at length several times on the VATSIM Forums.  It's been established that you can and should follow the CoC and contact one of the CTR controllers.  If you contact the wrong one, they will forward you to the correct controller.  There really isn't a reason to not at least attempt, honestly.

Kyle Sanders

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Re: FNO's
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2015, 10:28:35 PM »
this was discussed at length several times on the VATSIM Forums.  It's been established that you can and should follow the CoC and contact one of the CTR controllers.  If you contact the wrong one, they will forward you to the correct controller.  There really isn't a reason to not at least attempt, honestly.

I very much agree.

Part of the blame should be on the ATC as well... The entire point of the Controller Info box in VRC (or other clients) is to detail information for that pilot concerning your position. yet, most ATC put a METAR in there. At ZLC we have a policy concerning this and it is enforced.

ATC should have prioritized a little bit better... if you have a pilot near TOD, you might want to take care of that before messing with someone in trail.

Re: FNO's
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2015, 11:44:21 PM »
Part of the blame should be on the ATC as well... The entire point of the Controller Info box in VRC (or other clients) is to detail information for that pilot concerning your position. yet, most ATC put a METAR in there. At ZLC we have a policy concerning this and it is enforced.

Agreed, however, some places do not train to this standard so some leave VRC's default (which is METAR).  I'm not saying the entire blame is on the pilot, in the end though it is the pilot's responsibility to contact ATC.

Anyway, going to stop this thread before it turns into another ATC v Pilot conversation.  Scott, it is highly encouraged you contact ATC, even if it's the wrong one... they'll point you to the right place.  I also encourage you to leave your experience with the ARTCC at http://www.vzmeartcc.org/pilotfeedback.php so the local staff can look into and resolve this issue at their level.