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Topics - Manuel Manigault

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News / New VATUSA Division Director Selected
« on: February 04, 2023, 06:53:56 PM »
I'm pleased to announce Brandon Barrett as the next VATUSA Division Director!  Brandon has been a VATUSA member since 2011.  He has held numerous staff positions such as ZHU ATM, VATUSA Deputy Division Director for Training and VATUSA Deputy Director for Air Traffic Services.  Recently Brandon became a Supervisor.  He has a good rapport with VATUSA members and staff.   I am confident he will assist me with online activity growth, ATC provisioning, and ATC training within VATUSA.


Thank you Anthony for your contributions as VATUSA Division Director.  You have provided a good foundation for Brandon to build off of.  I look forward to continuing to see you on the scopes and in the community!

NOTAMs / POSITION POSTING: United States Division Director, VATUSA1
« on: July 17, 2022, 12:00:05 PM »
POSITION VACANCY: United States Division Director, VATUSA1

Applications are now being accepted for the position of Division Director for VATUSA.
The Division Director is an important link between the "front line" of the network and the VATSIM Americas Region. The duties listed below are intended for further delegation, in part, but ultimate responsibility lies with the Division Director. A Division Director is expected to be able to commit to at least 2 years to the job, and should take this into consideration before applying.
REPORTS TO: VATSIM Vice President - Americas, VATGOV3
RESPONSIBLE FOR: Management of the VATUSA Division, including but not limited to, the following duties:
 - Providing strong leadership, direction and vision to Division staff
 - Monitoring, reviewing, and enhancing all existing Division programs, including training and membership
 - Inviting applications and appointing qualified personnel to fill vacant staff positions
 - Work to improve the infrastructure of the Division, including the website and social media
 - Regularly reviewing ATC progression, and ensuring that upgrade recommendations for qualified candidates are acted on promptly
 - Ensuring that an online presence of ATC is maintained which encourages maximum coverage, looking for growth opportunities
 - Establish and maintain partnerships with Virtual Airlines, developing relationships for continued collaboration
 - Ensuring that events are arranged regularly, both within the division and in cooperation with adjacent Divisions and Regions
 - Compile quarterly Division reports to the VP - Americas Region
 - Other tasks and projects assigned by the VP - Americas Region
MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: The successful applicant will meet the following minimum standards:
 - A familiarity with United States ATC operations and regulations
 - Held a previous leadership position on the network; demonstrated leadership skills in previous staff roles
 - A familiarity with pilot operations and programs
 - Minimum of C1 rating, and be in good standing within the VATSIM Network
 - No major suspensions or suspension involving questionable morals or integrity
 - A commitment to maintain a strong online presence throughout their appointment
 - The ability to communicate clearly and professionally through various mediums to people of different experience levels and cultures
 - An active member of the network
 - Fluent in the English language
 - Excellent problem solving skills
Please email your CV including relevant real-world experience, elements of your VATSIM history, including any staff positions and cover letter to m.manigault[at]

Applications will be accepted until 2359Z on 24 JULY 2022. Any applications received after this deadline will not be considered.

I am excited to congratulate Ray Salvagnini on his selection as the new Central Region Deputy Division Director.  Ray has been a VATSIM member since 2008.  He has almost five years of ARTCC senior staff experience including 2.5+ years as ZDC ATM.  He has a strong grasp on issues facing the Central Region, and he presented an Action Plan that is in alignment with the Division.

I wish to thank all those who applied.  We had a strong pool of candidates to choose from.  The level of interest in this position was encouraging.

Please join me in congratulating Ray on his selection!

USA Division Updates / From the Desk of VATUSA1
« on: May 29, 2022, 11:28:10 AM »
Hi everyone.  In February, I shared with you VATUSA's 2022 initiatives.  Here is an update on our progress.

Training Services: The Academy is successfully weeding out those who may not have the appetite for the work that is involved in transitioning from an OBS to a S1 and beyond.  2022 YTD OBS growth is -15%.  2022 YTD S1 growth is +15%.  OBS30+ population shrunk by 18% 2021 YE and is currently flat.

Work continues on a process to give new members multiple options for their initial ARTCC choice.  ATMs are working on ARTCC descriptions to aid new members in making informed decisions on their initial choice.

Support Services: Congratulations to Brandon Wening on his selection as Deputy Director - Support Services.  Congratulations to Shane Friedman on his selection as Staff Development Manager.  Congratulations to Alexandria Robison on her selection as Technical Manager (formally Data Services Manager).  VATUSA Events Manager interviews are in progress.  Second half FNO bidding process should be beginning soon.  We are considering piloting some Single Facility FNOs.

Air Traffic Services: ATM Advisory Board is in pilot.  First meeting was successful, but it pointed out that we need to further nail down the structure and responsibilities of the Board. We will be meeting monthly to start in order to properly set up the process.  Once the process is established and we work through the backlog of issues, Board meetings will be probably be reduced to bi-monthly.  My first impressions are that the Board will become an established part of the Division.  I'll know more for sure after the next meeting or two.

With the Board in pilot and based on feedback from ATMs, General Members, ZHQ Staff Members; I have decided to terminate the Region Manager concept, leave the VATUSA General Manager (VATUSA2) position unfilled, and reduce the number of regions to three (Western/Central/Eastern).  Region Managers are now known as Deputy Division Directors - Air Traffic Services.  Their currency requirements have been reduced to match other ZHQ Staff Members. The DDD - ATS's as a group will be overseeing Air Traffic Services.  As their positions become more strategic, day to day tactical decisions will be passed on to the ATMs.  If this process is successful, the ATMs will feel more invested in the Division.  They will be able to confidently champion the Division's vision to their ARTCC members because they will have a direct hand in developing that vision.

With the reduction of regions to three, Cody Cochrane and Paul Semeran will be leaving ZHQ.  Both of them did a great job as Region Manager.  They just got caught in the change of direction that Air Traffic Services is experiencing.  The position is no longer the same position they signed up for.  I have no doubt that either or both of them will be back at ZHQ in time if they so choose.  I would like to see a well-established VATUSA ATM with demonstrated results apply for the open DDD-ATS Central role.

Effective June 1, 2022  Air Traffic Services will be structured as follows:

Western Region - Rick Rump
  • PCF
  • ZLA
  • ZOA
  • ZSE
  • ZLC
  • ZDV
  • ZAB

Central Region - Open
  • ZMP
  • ZAU
  • ZKC
  • ZID
  • ZFW
  • ZHU
  • ZME

Eastern Region - Brandon Barrett
  • ZOB
  • ZBW
  • ZNY
  • ZDC
  • ZTL
  • ZJX
  • ZMA

In closing, I wish to thank you all for taking in so much change in such a short period of time.  Change can be unsettling.  Anyone who has been with VATUSA for a significant period of time, fully understands the issues the Network and the Division are facing.  They have been established issues for many years.  I am attempting to be bold in my proposed solutions.  Time will tell if these solutions are effective or not.

Even with all of these changes, there are some bedrock principles that I rely on in my decision making process:

  • A new member's controlling journey leads to a personal relationship between the member and a Mentor/Instructor.  I still fondly think of my relationship with my first Instructor.
  • A controller's enthusiasm for VATUSA/VATSIM is greatly influenced by their Air Traffic Manager.
     Are you in a lively and enthusiastic ARTCC, or are you in an inactive ARTCC where you feel alone and isolated?
  • In a top down environment, the C1 and S3 rated members are the most valuable.  They can provide the most air traffic controller services.  We have to strive to be top heavy in S3s and C1s to meet the growing online pilot demand.

Have a Happy Memorial Day weekend!

News / POSITION VACANCY: VATUSA Deputy Division Director - ATS
« on: May 28, 2022, 08:04:49 PM »
Applications are now being accepted for the position of Deputy Director for Air Traffic Services (Central Region)


RESPONSIBLE FOR:  Management of the Central Region consisting of ZAU, ZFW, ZHU, ZID, ZKC, ZME, ZMP


  • Assists the Division Director with identifying, developing, and implementing strategic goals and initiatives, and general support and supervision of all staff members within VATUSA-ATS
  • Maintains an active online presence within the Division, Region, and on the VATSIM Network
  • Supervises operations at assigned ARTCCs
  • Coordinates with adjacent DDD-ATSs on inter-regional operations and issues
  • Administers the selection of ARTCC ATM candidates using established guidelines
  • Ensures assigned ARTCCs comply with Division Administrative Policies
  • Coaches and mentors the subordinate ARTCC ATMs at assigned ARTCCs
  • Functions as a VATUSA staff member and attends meetings as necessary
  • Reviews the VATUSA Forums, VATUSA Discord, and VATUSA Social Media Channels regularly


  • Active member of the network in good standing for at least 12 months
  • Considerable experience and success in an ARTCC Senior Staff Role (ATM/DATM/TA)
  • Ability to effectively lead in a team environment
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills
  • No significant disciplinary record or history of unprofessional behavior
  • Minimum rating of C1


  • A minimum of twenty-four months current VATUSA ATM Experience
  • Demonstrated project management skills
  • Demonstrated possession and utilization of a high degree of energy, commitment, and dedication
  • Demonstrated qualities of understanding, patience, and maturity

To be effective, the successful candidate must devote a considerable amount of time to the position. VATUSA Staff Members must spend 9 hours minimum per calendar quarter connected to the live network in any capacity as a Pilot, Controller, Mentor, Instructor, or Supervisor. Candidates must commit to devoting the time required. Only those who fully understand and meet the requirements and will make the appropriate commitment should apply. Candidates can expect an initial evaluation of their application after which they may be contacted for a comprehensive interview.

Interested members should submit their application via this link by Tuesday June 7, 2022 2359z

USA Division Updates / Division Meeting Minutes Jan 31, 2022
« on: March 14, 2022, 08:18:37 PM »
Meeting minutes from ZHQ January 31, 2022 meeting are attached.

News / Please Welcome our New Division Support Manager!
« on: February 25, 2022, 05:25:07 PM »
Please join me in congratulating Brandon Wening on being selected as the new VATUSA Support Manager (VATUSA4). Brandon has previously served as the Fort Worth TA, both the Denver DATM and ATM, and most recently as the Events Manager and Pilot Community Manager for VATUSA. During his time in VATUSA, Brandon has been able to improve the event planning process by redesigning how FNOs are scheduled, created and fostered a collaborative environment for all the VATUSA Events Coordinators to interact with each other in, and has created division partnerships with pilot organizations committed to improving the user's experience on the network.

Brandon has plenty of great ideas on how to improve the division's communication with its members and staff, fostering a professional and more collaborative environment within the division, and how to continue developing the relationship between the division and pilots. This position will oversee and manage the VATUSA Support Services team, in addition to acting as the central point of contact for communication from the division. Brandon's drive for success and continued willingness to improve foreshadows a bright future for the VATUSA Support Services team.

Please join me in congratulating Brandon on his new role!!

USA Division Updates / VATUSA 2022 Initiatives
« on: February 24, 2022, 09:51:14 AM »
It is hard to believe that we are almost through with the first two months of the year!  ZHQ has been busy planning for 2022, and I wanted to take this time to catch you up on the initial details.  Currently ZHQ is focused on the following initiatives:

Continued expansion of the VATUSA Academy:  Anthony and Meg have done a fantastic job leveraging their educational backgrounds to create a very effective Academy.  I have been very pleased with initial results I have seen since we started the Academy.  The Academy has been effective in setting expectations with New Members and weeding out those who may not have the appetite for the work that is involved in transitioning from an OBS to a S1 and beyond.

We wish to extend setting proper expectations from the Academy to the initial ARTCC selection.  Our most popular ARTCCs as I am writing this are ZNY, ZLA, ZBW.  The training demand in those three ARTCCs is crushing.  We are working on a process to give new members multiple options for their initial choice.  ATMs are working on ARTCC descriptions to aid new members in making informed decisions on their initial choice.  More to come from Anthony and Meg later this year.

Support Services Wing:  Wes and I are close to finishing the interviews for Support Services Manager.  The purpose of this wing is multifold.
  • Maintain and improve the website
  • Communicate Division updates through various channels
  • Pilot Outreach
  • VA Outreach
  • Social Media
  • Professional Development so we can identify future VATUSA leaders and aid them in being the strongest candidates they can be.
  • Create ATM job aids such as an ARTCC Operations Manual and a model to show ATMs the health of their facility.

This list is not exhaustive.  I see this wing as the Division's swiss army knife.  New initiatives that are not Operations or Ratings Training related will be in this wing.

ATS Evaluation: ZHQ and ATMs had their 2022 initial planning meeting February 21.  One piece of feedback I received was concern that there were too many Region Managers.  The primary purpose of the Region Manager is to be active in their regions through controlling, being in their facilities' Discords, holding Regional Town Halls, receiving feedback from members and staff in their regions and delivering the feedback to ZHQ, and informing ARTCC staff and their members of ZHQ initiatives.

Over the years, VATUSA has had 4 regions, 3 regions, and 5 regions.  The primary reason I expanded to five was to give some of our most senior ATMs an avenue to join ZHQ and be the bridge between our members and the Division.  I was also thinking that by elevating these senior ATMs to ZHQ, they would have a runway to show off their skills and put themselves in a position to become the next Division Director.   I can share with you that as of now only one senior ATM has ever applied for one of these positions.  If senior ATMs do not wish to take advantage of the opportunity, an argument can be made that the talent pool for the Region Manager position is exhausted.

Based on feedback from the ATM Planning Meeting, I decided to not fill the Western Region Manager position and add a fifth Region Manager to our staff.  Rather, I decided to reduce the number of Region Managers to four using our existing Region Manager staff and to realign the ARTCCs.  ATMs and Region Managers will be meeting over the next week or so to candidly discuss the Region Manager position.  Wes and I plan to attend the meetings as well.  ZHQ will consolidate the feedback and determine next steps.  It is possible we may reduce the number of regions further. More to come as the year progresses.

Staff to Member Ratios: Similar to ATMs' concern that ZHQ may be too large, I am concerned that some ARTCC staffs are too large given the number of members.  Our current model calls for 105 recognized ARTCC staff members.  I have asked the ATMs to discuss this topic with their RMs.

DP001 Fifth Revision:  DP001 is in need of further revision.   During ZHQ's Planning Meeting, we reviewed DP001 and offered suggestions.  ATMs will be meeting with their RMs to review the document and offer their suggestions.  You may see multiple revisions to DP001 over the course of the year.

ATM Board: ATMs and ZHQ are exploring the possibility of officially adding an ATM Board. I picture this board as being an Advisory Board reporting directly to me.  ATMs will be discussing with their RMs whether the board is necessary, how many members, purpose of board.  More to come as the year progresses.

Unified Admin Policy: At the ATM Planning Meeting, I agreed to have ATMs create and publish their Operation Policies without upfront Region Manager approval.  Region Managers will review these operational policies after publication and communicate required revisions if any.  Currently, ARTCCs create administrative policies as well.  Revisions to these policies will continue to require Divisional preapproval prior to publication to determine if these policies are in alignment with DP001 and network policy.  It may make better sense to consolidate the 21 policies into a unified division policy and incorporate that into DP001.  ATMs will be discussing this with their RMs.  More to come.

As you can see, management has a full plate!  Our goal continues to be "to provide a realistic air traffic control simulation for the United States on VATSIM network while also providing a fun and welcoming environment for members."

Thank you for your contribution and participation on the network.

NOTAMs / VATUSA Region Realignment
« on: February 23, 2022, 10:55:57 PM »
Effective immediately, VATUSA Air Traffic Services will aligned as follows:

Western Region - Cody Cochran VATUSA8
  • PCF
  • ZLA
  • ZOA
  • ZSE
  • ZLC
  • ZAB

Midwest Region - Rick Rump VATUSA6
  • ZMP
  • ZAU
  • ZKC
  • ZDV
  • ZFW

Southern Region - Paul Semeran VATUSA5
  • ZMA
  • ZJX
  • ZTL
  • ZME
  • ZHU

Northeastern Region - Brandon Barrett VATUSA7
  • ZBW
  • ZNY
  • ZDC
  • ZOB
  • ZID

News / Position Vacancy: VATUSA Division Support Manager
« on: January 24, 2022, 05:46:52 PM »
Applications are now being accepted for the position of VATUSA Division Support Manager.

REPORTS TO:  VATUSA Division Director, VATUSA1

RESPONSIBLE FOR:  Management of the VATUSA Support Services Group


* Manage the strategic development of the VATUSA Professional Development Program
* Manage the strategic development of VATUSA’s Social Media strategy
* Manage the strategic development of VATUSA’s Pilot Community Manager program
* Provide oversight of the Division’s web and data services
* Recruit, hire, and retain qualified staff to ensure seamless delivery of required ancillary services to VATUSA Air Traffic
   and Training Services
* Functions as VATUSA staff member and attends meetings as necessary
* Reviews the VATUSA Forums, VATUSA Discord, and VATUSA Social Media Channels regularly
* Other duties as assigned

Core Requirements:
* Demonstrated experience as a VATUSA Air Traffic Manager for at least 24 months
* Demonstrated project management skills
* Able to effectively lead in a team environment
* Able to effectively lead others through influence and motivation
* Excellent written and oral communication skills
* No significant disciplinary record or history of unprofessional behavior
* Minimum rating of C1

Desired Skills and Capabilities:
* Experience in internet, social media, or print/radio/video production processes
* Extensive experience as a pilot on VATSIM.
* Experience in Instructional Design
* Experience in web development
* Demonstrated possession and utilization of a high degree of energy, commitment and dedication
* Demonstrated qualities of understanding, patience, maturity

To be effective, the successful candidate must devote a considerable amount of time to the position.  VATUSA Staff Members must spend 9 hours minimum per calendar quarter connected to the live network in any capacity as a Pilot, Controller, Mentor, Instructor, or Supervisor.  Candidates must commit to devoting the time required. Only those who fully understand and meet the requirements and will make the appropriate commitment should apply. Candidates can expect an initial evaluation of their application after which they may be contacted for a comprehensive interview.

Interested members must provide a letter of application, including full name, active email, CID, rating, and a resume that includes a description of VATSIM experience including leadership roles. Additionally, the letter of application should outline the applicant’s vision for the VATUSA Support Services Group to include goals, strategies, plans and timelines. Finally, the application should detail the applicant's reasons for wanting to lead the VATUSA Support Services Group with compelling evidence to show how the position requirements are met and how Support Services will thrive under the applicant's leadership.

SUBMIT APPLICATIONS TO:  Mani Manigault, VATUSA Division Director,
                                                  Wes Miles, VATUSA General Manager   

Application deadline is February 14, 2022 at 23:59Z.

News / POSITION VACANCY: Western Region Manager
« on: January 23, 2022, 07:05:44 PM »
Applications are now being accepted for the position of Western Region Manager for VATUSA.

REPORTS TO: VATUSA Division General Manager, VATUSA2

RESPONSIBLE FOR:  Management of the Western Region consisting of PCF, ZLA, ZOA, ZSE, ZLC.  The Western Region Manager is also a VATUSA Nominated Representative on the VATSIM Pacific Partnership Board.


* Directs the Division’s objectives within the Region
* Maintains an active online presence within the Division, Region, and on the VATSIM network
* Guides and mentors the subordinate ARTCC ATMs (and staff, if necessary)
* Approves ARTCC SOPs and LOAs
* Addresses disciplinary situations with the Division General Manager
* Administers the selection of ARTCC ATM candidates using established guidelines
* Approves the selection of ARTCC DATM candidates
* Approves the selection of ARTCC Webmaster candidates
* Coordinates with adjacent Region Managers on inter-regional operations and issues
* Prepares and analyzes relevant data and/or reports
* Functions as a VATUSA staff member and attends meetings as necessary
* Reviews the VATUSA Forums, VATUSA Discord, and VATUSA Social Media Channels regularly

Core Requirements:
* Active member of the network in good standing for at least 12 months
* Considerable experience and success in an ARTCC senior staff role
* Able to effectively lead in a team environment
* Excellent written and oral communication skills
* No significant disciplinary record or history of unprofessional behavior
* Minimum rating of C1

Desired Skills and Capabilities:
* Demonstrated experience with the management of ARTCC operations within the past 24 months
* Demonstrated project management skills
* Demonstrated possession and utilization of a high degree of energy, commitment and dedication
* Demonstrated qualities of understanding, patience, maturity

To be effective, the successful candidate must devote a considerable amount of time to the position.  RMs are expected to work a live ATC position in each ARTCC they manage. Frequency is expected to be every six months but is still under discussion at the time of this posting.  Candidates must commit to devoting the time required. Only those who fully understand and meet the requirements and will make the appropriate commitment should apply. Candidates can expect an initial evaluation of their application after which they may be contacted for a comprehensive interview.

Interested members must provide a letter of application, including full name, active email, CID, rating, and a resume that includes a description of VATSIM experience including leadership roles. Additionally, the letter of application should outline the applicant’s vision for the region to include goals, strategies, plans and timelines. Finally, the application should detail the applicant's reasons for wanting to lead the region with compelling evidence to show how the position requirements are met and how the region will thrive under the applicant's leadership.

SUBMIT APPLICATIONS TO:  Mani Manigault, VATUSA Division Director,
                                                  Wes Miles, VATUSA General Manager,

Application deadline is February 13, 2022 23:59z

News / 2021 Top 25 Positions for Uptime
« on: January 06, 2022, 08:53:18 AM »
Courtesy of Statsim, please join me in congratulating the following facilities for their top 25 standing in uptime!

News / Brandon Wening to Oversee Pilot Community Inititative
« on: January 04, 2022, 08:30:39 AM »
VATUSA continues to see growth in the Pilot Community.  Having a liaison between the pilot and controller communities has been a Division goal for some time.  Please join me in congratulating Brandon Wening!  He will be both the VATUSA Pilot Community Manager and the VATUSA Events Manager.  The two positions complement each other well.  The newly combined position will be in the Support Services Branch.

General Discussion / Happy Thanksgiving!
« on: November 24, 2021, 09:08:27 AM »
On behalf of the VATUSA Divisional Staff, I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!  Thank you for your contribution to our community.  I was able to attend FS Expo for the first time this year and meet some of you in person.  It reminded me that the primary purpose of VATSIM and VATUSA is to celebrate flight simulation with others.  It's the relationships and friendships that make VATSIM and VATUSA so special.

Here's to safe travels, hearty Thanksgiving dinners, and bonding with family and loved ones!

News / Ryan Parry ZHQ Retirement
« on: November 16, 2021, 03:22:40 PM »
Please join me in thanking Ryan Parry for his service as VATUSA's inaugural Western Region Manager.  He has decided to step down from the role and return to ZOA. 

Ryan was instrumental in revitalizing the Pacific Partnership, an oceanic agreement between VATPAC, VATNZ, and VATUSA that allows eligible members to control airspace between Auckland and Anchorage.  I appreciate Ryan for stepping up into a newly created position.

Brandon Barrett will be covering Western for the time being.

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