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Topics - Brandon Barrett

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News / VATUSA Deputy Training Director
« on: September 03, 2018, 08:00:45 PM »
I am pleased to introduce Rick Rump as VATUSA's Deputy Training Director. Rick was former TA, DATM and recently the ATM of the Washington ARTCC. Rick has been instructing on the network for over five years. He has experience in project management and organization development. Rick has a lot of energy and ideas to bring to the division! Welcome!   

News / Position Open: ZHU Facility Engineer
« on: August 04, 2017, 07:18:22 PM »
Houston Facility Engineer Position Opening

The Houston ARTCC is currently seeking qualified applicants for the position of Facility Engineer.

Job Description:

- Reports directly to the Deputy Air Traffic Manager.
- Maintains and updates ZHU sector files, SOP’s, and LOA’s upon direction/approval of the DATM or ATM
- Works with VATUSA and other ARTCC’s to approve LOA’s and SOP’s on behalf of the Deputy Air Traffic Manager once the LOA/SOP has been approved by the DATM.

Minimum Qualifications:

- S3 and higher rating is preferred
- Candidate must be in good standing with ZHU ARTCC.
- Ability to create and/or modify VRC sector files, vSTARS, vERAM and vATIS files
- Must have knowledge of obtaining resource materials to produce Sector, POF, and Alias files.
- Commitment to the facility and position.

Desired Qualifications:

- Ability to create Tower Trainer/ Euroscope files for training purposes
- Experience as an ARTCC Staff Member
- Basic coding knowledge

Interested applicants must submit the following to the ZHU ATM and DATM

- Letter of Interest
- List of previous experience, if any
- Brief description of qualifications
- Candidates from outside ZHU must submit a letter of recommendation from their ATM, DATM, or TA

ATM - Brandon Barrett -
DATM - Mark Jeffreys -

Qualified candidates can expect an initial evaluation of their application after which they may be contacted for a comprehensive interview within 1 week of the submission.

Applications will be open until the right candidate is found.

News / Position Open: ZHU Training Administrator
« on: July 22, 2017, 10:56:48 PM »
ZHU is now accepting applications for the Training Administrator position.

Duties and Responsibilities:

* Oversees and actively develops training program
* Manages training staff
* Reports directly to the Air Traffic Manager and VATUSA Training Director
* Maintains and implements training materials and documents
* Tracks the progress of student controllers
* Quickly and accurately responds to training related inquiries from students, mentors, and instructors

Required Qualifications:

* Be an active member of the VATSIM network in good standing with no previous derogatory marks
* Currently holds at least a rating of Controller (C1) or higher
* Have held a rating of I1 for at least 30 days at any given time prior to hiring date
* Capable of working well in a team-oriented environment
* Strong knowledge of the United States Airspace and Air Traffic Control systems
* Excellent written and oral communication skills

Desired Qualifications:

*Instructor/Mentor experience
*Previous or current ARTCC Senior Staff experience
*Management experience in virtual or real world
*Real world aviation experience (pilot or air traffic control)

Interested candidates should be aware that this is not an entry-level position. The workload is considerable and should not be taken lightly. Only those who understand the requirements and can make the appropriate commitment should consider applying. Candidates can expect an initial evaluation of their application after which they MAY be contacted for a comprehensive interview.

Please include the following in your application:

*Full Name, Active E-Mail, and VATSIM CID
*Letter of Intent and Resume (please include real world management experience if applicable)
*Candidates from outside ZHU must submit a Letter of Recommendation from a Senior Staff Member (ATM/DATM) at their current ARTCC

The applications will be open until the right candidate is found.

Please submit applications to

Events / Fort Houston Live
« on: June 18, 2017, 12:50:09 PM »
Another annual live event done! Thank you all for coming out. Both ZHU and ZFW received a great turnout (25 controllers). Thank you Mark Hubbert, Matt Bartels, and Kevin Copeland for attending. See y'all next year!

News / Houston's New EC!
« on: June 14, 2017, 10:51:13 AM »
Please join me in welcoming Evan Bradley as Houston's newest Events Coordinator. Evan is currently a paramedic for his local 911 service in Austin TX. On VATSIM, Evan has worked side by side with the former EC learning the ropes. Congrats Evan! 

News / ZHU Seeking EC
« on: June 06, 2017, 04:33:34 PM »

The EC:
* Reports to the ARTCC's Deputy Air Traffic Manager and the divisional Events Director (VATUSA5)
* Maintains an online presence on the VATSIM network
* Functions as VATUSA staff member and attends periodic meetings to report on ARTCC
* Coordinates with divisional and neighboring ARTCC’s for event support and planning purposes
* Acts as the primary liaison between virtual aviation organizations and the ARTCC
* Develops ideas for events which promote the ARTCC, potentially including but not limited to member gatherings, group flights, and fly-in/fly-out events.
* Provides for coordination of position assignments and position restrictions when necessary.
*Develops and distributes marketing material (graphics, news posts, forum posts, etc) to promote events and the ARTCC.
* Must be available for regular correspondence (via the primary means of e-mail), as well as routinely checking
VATUSA forums and other outlets for official notices.

Core Requirements
The successful candidate:
* Must control at least the minimum number of hours required by the ARTCC facility policy to maintain active membership.
* Must be an active member of the network in good standing.
* Must have excellent written and oral communication skills.
* Must be able to work in a team environment.

Highly Desired Skills and Abilities
The successful candidate will:
* Possess a high degree of energy and commitment appropriate to the requirements of the position.
* Set an example as an active controller both during events and normal daily operations. The best leaders lead by example.
* Demonstrate at a minimum the qualities of understanding, patience, maturity and when necessary, restraint.
* Understand and commit to a high level of participation with the knowledge that the position requires considerable devotion and commitment of time.
* Experience and certification within the ARTCC is a plus. Candidates currently active on the roster will be given first consideration.
* Have no significant disciplinary history or record of unprofessional behavior.

Candidates can expect an initial evaluation of their application after which they may be contacted for an interview.
Applications should include:

* Full Name, active e-mail, and VATSIM CID
* Resume
* Plans and vision for the facility as related to the events department.


Please send applications, along with a brief explanation of your plans and vision for the facility, to the following individuals:

Brandon Barrett -
Mark Jeffreys -

News / New ZHU TA
« on: May 24, 2017, 04:02:27 AM »
Please join me in welcoming Cole Connelly as Houston's newest Training Administrator. Cole was previously Houston's Events Coordinator. Cole has also been a mentor for well over a year and recently became an I1.  I am happy to have him part of the Houston team, congrats Cole!

News / Position Open: ZHU Training Administrator
« on: May 13, 2017, 03:21:26 AM »
ZHU is now accepting applications for the Training Administrator position.

Duties and Responsibilities:

* Oversees and actively develops training program
* Manages training staff
* Reports directly to the Air Traffic Manager and VATUSA Training Director
* Maintains and implements training materials and documents
* Tracks the progress of student controllers
* Quickly and accurately responds to training related inquiries from students, mentors, and instructors

Required Qualifications:

* Be an active member of the VATSIM network in good standing with no previous derogatory marks
* Currently holds at least a rating of Controller (C1) or higher
* Have held a rating of I1 for at least 30 days at any given time prior to hiring date
* Capable of working well in a team-oriented environment
* Strong knowledge of the United States Airspace and Air Traffic Control systems
* Excellent written and oral communication skills

Desired Qualifications:

*Instructor/Mentor experience
*Previous or current ARTCC Senior Staff experience
*Management experience in virtual or real world
*Real world aviation experience (pilot or air traffic control)

Interested candidates should be aware that this is not an entry-level position. The workload is considerable and should not be taken lightly. Only those who understand the requirements and can make the appropriate commitment should consider applying. Candidates can expect an initial evaluation of their application after which they MAY be contacted for a comprehensive interview.

Please include the following in your application:

*Full Name, Active E-Mail, and VATSIM CID
*Letter of Intent and Resume (please include real world management experience if applicable)
*Candidates from outside ZHU must submit a Letter of Recommendation from a Senior Staff Member (ATM/DATM) at their current ARTCC

The applications will be open until the right candidate is found.

Please submit applications to

News / New ZHU DATM!
« on: March 24, 2017, 04:11:01 PM »
Please join me in welcoming Mark Jeffreys as Houston's newest Deputy Air Traffic Manager. Mark is currently a CFI for the University of Oklahoma. On VATSIM, Mark has served as an I1 and Training Administrator in the Fort Worth ARTCC. I am happy to have him part of the Houston team, congrats Mark!

News / ZHU Seeking DATM
« on: March 12, 2017, 03:00:43 PM »

The Houston ARTCC is currently seeking applications for Deputy Air Traffic Manager who will assist the Air Traffic Manager in providing effective management and leadership.

Key Accountabilities:
* Reports to the ZHU Air Traffic Manager
* Maintains an active online presence within the facility TeamSpeak and on the VATSIM network
* Functions as ARTCC Staff Member and attends periodic meetings as necessary
* Provides for coordination of position assignments and position restrictions when necessary
* Provides guidance and help to assigned controllers or guests
* Assists in the coordination of events that may affect the ARTCC's airspace
* Assists in management of the VATUSA Houston ARTCC Roster
* Other duties as assigned by the Air Traffic Manager

Required Skills:
* Must be an active member of the network in good standing with a clean history
* Currently hold a rating of Controller (C1) or higher
* Capable of working well in a team-oriented environment
* Must have excellent written and oral communication skills

Desired Skills:
* Real world managerial or supervisory experience
* Demonstrated possession and utilization of a high degree of energy, commitment, and dedication
* Instructor or Mentor experience on the network is a plus.

Interested candidates should be aware that this is not an entry-level position. Only those who understand the requirements and can make the appropriate commitment should consider applying. Candidates can expect an initial evaluation of their application after which they MAY be contacted for a comprehensive interview.

Applications should include:
* Full Name, Active E-Mail, and VATSIM CID
* Resume and Cover Letter
* Candidates from outside ZHU must submit a Letter of Recommendation from a Senior Staff Member (ATM/DATM/TA) at their current ARTCC

Applications should be submitted to the Houston ARTCC Air Traffic Manager at Application deadline is March 19, 2017, 2300z.

Events / Houston Live from New Orleans!
« on: May 31, 2014, 08:30:54 PM »
Time: 23:00 - 05:00

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Houston Live 2014! Fly into Houston Intercontinental(KIAH) or New Orleans (KMSY) for ZHU's first annual live event! Controllers that are traveling for the event will be staffing up New Orleans, Friday the 13th (2300z-0500z), FNO style! Please, no black cats or broken mirrors during the event!

Some controllers create bad habits and don't even realize it! It could be phraseology or vectoring an aircraft and clearing them for an approach. I mean your not going to get the death penalty however for me I try to use  and simulate the real world procedures  as much as possible while also helping the pilot understand what I'm talking about.

Here are a couple tips I found typed up by a real world controller and his views on what he saw different with VATSIM ATC and real world ATC. Keep in mind we're not all perfect. I screw up the simplest procedures sometimes.

Remember that a transponder is not required for radar identification. In the RW most towers provide a “roll check” that allows the departure controller to radar identify the aircraft as long as he is observed on the departure end of the appropriate runway, transponder or not. Meaning that if an aircraft checks on climbing, no need to make him level off just to turn his transponder on. Instead say “radar contact, climb and maintain… , squawk normal”. We may or may not be doing roll checks on the network, but we are simulating that we do them.

The use of MARSA is not required between aircraft joining up as a flight, only concurrence from both aircraft.

Coordination is minimized in the real-world. Traffic is so light on the network that it is difficult to establish routines or common traffic patterns, but I hear VATSIM controllers coordinating every airplane, or saying “coming to you”. He knows he’s coming because he took the handoff, and he knows the pilot is on his frequency when he checks on his frequency. If an aircraft doesn’t check on prior to entering your airspace simply call the sending controller, “Try switching that American again.” Bad habits of over-coordinating seem harmless until an event, then the workload for 5 airplanes gets overwhelming when the airspace could handle 25 airplanes. It reduces capacity and efficiency and snowballs into chaos as we have all seen.

No need to tell an aircraft to hold short of the runway that he has been instructed to taxi to. RW aircraft switch to tower on their own. Also, no need to make an aircraft stop at the hold short line, clear him for takeoff before he gets there. RW turbojets are expected to be ready upon reaching the runway. They just get a “cleared for takeoff” without having to call the tower. If they’re not ready, then they’ll tell you.

If an aircraft is conducting practice approaches and intending to make a planned missed approach always issue climb out instructions. “Climb out instructions, turn left heading 270, maintain 2K.” or “Climb out instructions are as published.” Don’t forget to coordinate that with the tower controller if online.

VFR aircraft are not altitude restricted unless required for traffic. VFR departures are usually assigned altitudes by Clearance Delivery according to local procedures, but they usually coincide with the altitude assignments given to the IFR aircraft. “N123AB, cleared out of New Orleans Bravo airspace, maintain 4K, expect 8,500 10 minutes after departure…” This has to do with departure control knowing what airspace to protect for departures blasting off of the airport, IFR & VFR alike.

When vectoring an aircraft to an instrument final approach course aim his base leg at 5 miles outside the FAF. I see 15 and 20-mile finals on VATSIM all the time. It is a disservice to the pilot, is unrealistic, and backs up the traffic. Again, a bad habit that reveals itself during busier periods.

All Class B and Class C have radar separation requirements, therefore all VFR departures are assigned a squawk code and switched to departure, radar identified, then sent on their way. I recommend avoiding the question “are you requesting flight following?” because they must have it initially. If they wish to terminate at any time, they will advise, no need for the question. Class D can be different. “Cleared for takeoff” then “frequency change approved” is the minimum required. Likewise, a VFR aircraft entering a Class B or C should be radar identified and sequenced to the primary airport along with other aircraft. This means vectoring them if required. Just as IFR aircraft must be cleared for some type of approach, VFRs must be told “make straight-in RWY 13”, “enter right base RWY 13” etc by the radar controller, not the tower controller. Class D VFRs don’t require separation or sequencing by radar, this is accomplished by the tower controller. An airborne aircraft should not be cleared into a Class B airspace until radar identified, but I have heard this fudged both on the network and RW.

If an aircraft calls the field in sight, he wants a visual approach, no need to ask. Also, vectors to a visual approach are overdone on the network. Just have the aircraft direct to the airport or the final approach fix. If on a vector then a slight vector to a 5-mile final is plenty. He can be cleared from anywhere, he does not need to be lined up with the runway.

Coordination can accomplish anything. “Cross Runway 12L until advised” etc.

Low and high center sectors are most commonly split FL230/240. The method used is for the high “descend and maintain FL240” or pilot’s discretion to FL240, hand off, then the lower crossing restriction is issued by the low sector. This does not apply to STARs with “descend via” clearances.

Be friendly to newbies. They’re nervous and scared often times. A green newbie can very quickly turn into an avid and experienced FS user. We need all the pilots we can get on the network. Be friendly and offer assistance. I have personally seen this result in repeated future visits by that pilot. The welcoming attitude goes a long way to provide traffic in the future. As I type this I am working a VFR text-only newbie pilot into KGTU. He is obviously grateful for the friendly and patient service. He writes “Hope to be around often now that I’ve discovered this awesome vatsim world. Again, thanks for your help!”

I hear overuse of “report midfield downwind” and other similar instructions to report. This should be used only on occasion if a controller thinks he’ll need a memory jogger for some reason. It is least needed if traffic is light. You “see” the airplane is on a downwind. We constantly train RW new controllers to look out of the window and retain control and situational awareness of where all of your airplanes are. It is bad form to not know. That being said, if you want the report or need the report, then by all means use it.

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