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  • Tuesday Nights in New York: February 07, 2023

[02/07/2023 2359z - 0200z] Tuesday Nights in New York

Umar Ashraf

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[02/07/2023 2359z - 0200z] Tuesday Nights in New York
« on: January 22, 2023, 03:21:58 PM »

Every Tuesday, the New York ARTCC will staff one of our four major airports bringing you guaranteed coverage! The expectation is nothing more than having some great ATC for a few hours on a weeknight where you can get in your favorite short-hop or start a long-haul before you head to bed!

This Week
Event Field: KEWR
Date & Time: Tuesday | 7pm - 9pm Eastern | 2359z - 0200z
« Last Edit: February 05, 2023, 10:54:59 AM by Umar Ashraf »