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Topics - Matt Bromback

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News / Position Posting: ZJX Training Administrator
« on: February 13, 2024, 07:52:38 AM »
The Jacksonville ARTCC is currently seeking applicants for the position of Training Administrator.

Duties to include:
Attends all ZJX Staff meetings.
Responsible for overview, development, and implementation of all training programs and materials.
Approving all mentor applications upon completion of the mentor-in-training program.
Nominating and managing all instructors, mentors, and mentors in training.
Serves as acting Air Traffic Manager in the absence of the Air Traffic Manager and the Deputy Air Traffic Manager.
Maintain an active online presence.

Minimum Requirements:
I1 rating or above.
No significant disciplinary record and no history of unprofessional behavior.
Be a home controller at the time of appointment.
Be in good standing on the VATSIM network.

Preferred Skills:
Have previous senior staff experience in a VATSIM ATC facility or current/former Instructor.

Application Information
Applications may be submitted to the Jacksonville ARTCC Air Traffic Manager via email:

Application Must Include:
Full Name, Email Address, and VATSIM CID
Cover Letter and Resume
Letter of Reference from Current ATM/Supervisor

Applications should be submitted

What to Expect
Interested candidates should be aware that this position requires a SIGNIFICANT time commitment and should not be taken lightly. Only those who understand the requirements and can make the appropriate commitment should consider applying. All applications will go through an initial evaluation. Candidates who pass this evaluation will be contacted for a comprehensive interview. All candidates will be notified if/when a selection is made.

Any questions about this posting are encouraged and should be directed to the Jacksonville ARTCC Air Traffic Manager via email:

Applications will be accepted until February 29th at 2359z.

News / Jacksonville has a new Webmaster!
« on: November 30, 2023, 08:22:13 AM »
Please join me in congratulating Samuel Valencia in his new role as the ZJX Webmaster! He has been a member of ZJX since 2022 and wants to contribute his time and knowledge to the community. He has an extensive background in website development and will be a great fit for the Jacksonville ARTCC here in VATUSA. Give him a warm welcome!

The Control Room Floor / Whats up with all these visiting agreements?
« on: April 30, 2019, 08:57:01 AM »
So recently in the past year I have seen the visiting agreements start to spring up everywhere all over VATUSA. Some of them go as extensively as allowing transfer of "Major Airport Certifications", others are just agreements for minor fields.

What is the point of being a member of a ARTCC then? If you can join one and visit 9 other places? Is this being used as a recruiting tool to say "hey join my ARTCC!!"??

I guess I am little old school in this but I say revert it back to the way it was done for years....
Just make it so every controller can control anywhere per their GRP rating all across VATUSA. Then if you want a major airport checkout you seek out a instructor at that facility.

General Discussion / New Nassau/ZMA Airspace Agreement
« on: February 01, 2019, 07:14:10 AM »
Apologize if this is not the forum area to post this, if you feel it needs to be moved please do so.

This is a FYI for anyone that flies/controls around the Nassau / ZMO Oceanic areas.

There's been some big changes that have come to the Nassau FIR and Miami Oceanic airspace. We've detailed these new changes on a post on the VATCAR website. Before your next flight around the Bahamas, check this post out to find out about these changes!

The Flight Deck / Descent Modes Boeing Version
« on: January 22, 2019, 09:00:37 AM »
So by now you have all read my climb modes post (hopefully!) Here is a little insight to how a B737 descend modes are managed, and how you can manipulate them to what you need to do.

Lets start with the basics:
Calculation of 3:1 Descent Ratio
A 3:1 Descent Ratio means a descent rate of 1,000 feet every 3 miles.
Equation is very simple (altitude to lose/1,000) x 3 = distance required
Example - at FL350 need to descend to 10,000 (35,000-10,000) = 25,000ft / 1,000ft x 3 = 75nm. Or more simply 25 x 3.
This is a great easy math formula that you can do on the fly to see if your FMS or NON FMS aircraft is doing what you need it to do.


Ok this is the juicy part you all ready!!??

VNAV (vertical navigation) may seem extremely easy but if your not aware of what the airplane is doing it can lead you into trouble FAST.

Descent Path
The FMS generates what is called a FMS path descent, this is the most economical descent method. The path is built from lowest constraint UPWARD, at idle thrust, and any anti-ice entered into the DESCENT FORECAST page. The FMS takes into account any descent speed schedule, altitude restraints and forecast use of anti-ice.


In a normal descent with the FMS doing everything you want it to do, it should descend in VNAV PTH mode. This mode follows the PTH calculated by the FMS. The Autothrottles should default to RETARD (IDLE) mode for the most efficient economical descent, this may vary depending on type of STAR or restrictions put into the FMS.

NOTE: A PTH descent uses target speed for planning purposes only. During Idle portion of the descent the plane will prioritize holding PTH over airspeed. Example if your supposed to be doing 280kts, the airplane may disregard that in order to hold the PTH


VNAV SPD is when the airplane will be pitching primarily to hold airspeed. So example you hit the SPD INTV button while descending because ATC says "maintain 250kts". The plane will no longer be following VNAV PTH as it prioritizing pitching for SPD rather then stay on PTH. This is when you will likely see the message DRAG REQUIRED, or VNAV DES PTH UNACHIEVABLE.


What happens if I am more then 50nm from TOD and ATC says "AAL123, descend and maintain FL240"

Dial in to new Altitude into MCP then go to FMS - CRZ page and enter new cruising altitude. This will command the FMS to initiate a 1,000 FPM descent until new cruise altitude is reached. This is done to recalculate that most efficient idle thrust descent. Use caution with this method however if aircraft passed new TOD while still in cruise descent it will NOT capture VNAV PTH descent. Quick fix for this is level off temporary at intermediate altitude, put that into CRZ page, let it recalculate real quick a new TOD then continue.

If you are within 50nm from TOD and ATC issues a early descent the procedure is slightly different.

Enter lower altitude in the MCP, then on the DES page of the FMS select DES NOW. This will command a descent of 1,000 FPM until intercepting the VNAV PTH. If the aircraft levels off prior to PTH intercept you will see ALT HLD appear. If this happens simply put your current altitude into the CRZ page and re-engage VNAV.

ALT INTV mode accomplishes the same as hitting DES NOW on the FMS.

Not sure what mode of VNAV your airplane is in? Take a look at your FMS it will tell ya!

The ACT at the top left of either the CLB, CRZ, or DES page will indicate what ACTIVE mode your in :)


This method is used BEST when in terminal environment (approach). It commands IDLE thrust to descend at indicated airspeed. You as the pilot have the ability to increase or decrease the rate of descent in this mode. Example if your descending at 250kts to 5,000ft you can select Flaps 1, 2, or 5 and the drag will INCREASE your rate of descent while holding that 250kts. Conversely if your descending to quickly you can manually push up the throttles and the more power you give it the slower rate of descent will occur. THIS MODE HAS NO VNAV FUNCTION OR PROTECTIONS

Where can I find Descent forecast winds?

If you use SimBrief scroll down the flightplan until you see WIND INFORMATION. Here is what that looks like, simply put those altitudes and wind speeds into the FMS DES page, FORECAST section and your done :)

The Flight Deck / NOTAM: Zibo 737 Bank Angle
« on: January 21, 2019, 08:29:14 AM »
I have been noticing a lot of people are flying around the Zibo 737 mod for XP11. Its a great airplane and best part its free!!! However there is something critical that people are missing when flying on VATSIM with this bird that makes it a hard on ATC.

When in the terminal area (approach) make sure you set your BANK ANGLE on the autopilot to 25 or 30 degrees. The default setting for this when loading up the airplane is 15. This makes it extremely difficult to vector you onto final when we expect your going to turn at a normal 30 degree bank.

This is what it looks like when you load the aircraft before a flight.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Set it to this once below FL180 and entering the terminal area.

Thank you!!

The Flight Deck / Climb Modes Boeing Version
« on: January 21, 2019, 08:20:36 AM »
This post will discuss how to climb your Boeing airplane in a efficient manner. I have witnessed many streams and planes on the network that may appear they do not how this is done.


This is probably the most commonly used AP function in climbing your airplane up to altitude. What does VNAV do however? Well next time your flying take a look at your PFD (Primary Flight Display) and it will say N1, LNAV, VNAV SPD. This is telling you the FD (Flight director) and it turn the AP are doing. In basic terms this is commanding the airplane to go to the N1 setting for CL (climb) and climb the airplane on the VNAV SPD which is set in the FMS. So the airplane is pitching to maintain that speed, whichever climb rate you achieve will be based on weight, weather, etc...If the speed starts dropping the FD will lower the lose, conversely if the airspeed starts increasing the FD will pitch the airplane up. This is a screenshot of this type of situation.

The VNAV SPD is all controlled through the FMS on the CLB page. It will have stuff in there such as CRZ ALT, TGT SPD, and SPD/REST. They have similar but different functions. The TGT SPD is what VNAV will follow when you see VNAV SPD in the PFD.

Lets say ATC issues an instruction departing a busy airfield, "AAL123 maintain 280kts in the climb until advised". To accomplish this you have a few options. As in the screenshot above you can go to the CLB page of the FMS and change the TGT/SPD to 280kts. This method is generally only used when the pilot expects a long climb at 280kts, to revert back to normal speed simply hit the ECON button. Another method is to simply just hit the SPD INTV button on the autopilot control panel. This allows you to manually override the VNAV SPD without having to go through the FMS. If ATC issues normal speed you simply hit the SPD INTV button again and it reverts back to FMS control of the SPD. These methods both accomplish the same thing while maintaining VNAV SPD.

NON-VNAV modes of climb

Ok so you hate VNAV or its simply not working for you on this flight today. Thats OK!! We have other options you can use to accomplish the very same thing.
LVL CHG on the AP control panel will allow you to climb in N1, LNAV, MCP SPD. What does MCP SPD mean? It simply means your climbing at the speed set in the Mode Control Panel (autopilot IAS/MACH window). The plane flies exactly the same it does in VNAV minus the FMS is not in control of it, the pilot is. Also when using this mode NO ALTITUDE RESTRICTIONS ARE PROTECTED. Whichever altitude is set into the ALTITUDE window the airplane will climb up to at the speed you set, so if your issued a climb VIA you have to manually set in any altitude restrictions manually.

Of course finally you have the V/S MODE (vertical speed) this is the most INEFFICIENT way of climbing. Why is it you ask? Well airplanes save fuel the higher and quicker they get to altitude. By using V/S in a climb you may be limiting how quickly you can reach higher altitudes. The F/D commands the airplane to the following MCP SPD, LNAV, V/S. This means the throttles will go to whichever setting is needed to maintain that speed, and the airplane will pitch to whatever it needs to maintain the set feet per minute.
This mode can lead to STALLS if your not careful, another reason why pilots will hardly EVER use this mode while climbing to altitude. Why is a stall a threat when using this mode? The airplane prioritizes V/S over any other mode, so if throttles are at the max they can go the airplane will maintain its pitch to hold that 1,800 ft per minute, no matter what. As you climb that airspeed will slowly bleed off and if your not watching will lead to a stall.

I hope this provides a little insight to how Boeing airplanes manage their climbs. It is important to be familiar with all modes your MCP can do and what they mean when flying in a online environment. Next time your flying try some of these techniques and see how the airplane performs differently. This example I used a 737 as it is probably the most common flown Boeing airplane out there, there may be small differences in other Boeing aircraft, but they should all follow this basic guideline.

Any questions just ask!

The Flight Deck / Those important NOTES on RNAV STARS
« on: December 30, 2018, 08:33:53 AM »
Thought I would take the time this morning to explain some very important and often over looked notes on the ever increasing number of RNAV STARS. Many people who fly on VATSIM take these procedures for granted falsely believing their FMC will save them from any errors, this is not the case at all. Remember its your responsibility as the pilot to comply with all notes, restrictions, etc...on a published STAR.

If you take a look at the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) it explains everything you need to know about STARS (traditional and RNAV) under section 5-4-1. Lets digest some of the important NOTES section:

1. When otherwise cleared along a route or procedure that
contains published speed restrictions, the pilot must comply with those speed restrictions independent of any
descend via clearance

If we take a look at this note this is extremely important for the pilot to follow. What does this mean? This means even if you have not recieved a "descend via" or "cross XXXXX at 10,000" you still MUST follow publish speeds on the STAR.

By taking a look at this RNAV STAR into KMSP you can see the note pointed out there. This means if ATC gives you a descend via and your FMC has started you down over CMARO lets say at FL270 you are required to be at 280kts. The FMC will NOT have the 280kt restriction over CMARO as it is not published, it will be descending at a speed relative to what your cost index is set to. So you as the pilot MUST override the speed manually OR change the descent speed in the descent profile of your FMC. This is extremely important to do as ATC expects you to! ATC can change your speed as necessary for traffic requirements this would sound like "DAL123, descend via MUSCL3 arrival RWY 12L transition, except maintain 310kts until advised". Whats that 12L transition in there?? Lets start our next topic of discussion.

Runway dependent RNAV STARS

This is another area where it gets a lot of VATSIM pilots on not fully understanding the arrival procedure or how to program the FMC correctly. Every airport in the US that has runway dependent STARS can be confusing, as they have their own little twist in the way its published, cleared, and flown.

Using KMSP again from above you can see this note here:
NOTE: Expect "descend via" clearance and runway transition assignment by Center. Approach will assign landing Rwy.
MSP is a great example of being a little different as many RNAV STARS you do not get a runway transition from center. The ZMP controllers can provide insight on this in more detail, but this was developed this way because it works for ZMP. Important thing as a pilot you have verify your FMC is programmed correctly for the clearance received. Planning ahead can save you lots of headaches during crunch time when you actually start your descent. Check that ATIS as soon as your in-range as it will give you runways in use, do what we do in the RW take a educated guess to what you will get in your clearance.   

This example into KATL the NOTES section tells you what runway you NEED to have programmed. If flying the GLAVN1 arrival you MUST have it programmed correctly as this STAR is runway dependent. When KATL is landing to the WEST (you know this by checking the ATIS) you must select runway 26R, if landing to the EAST you MUST select runway 09R. Keep in mind Approach can and may change your runway assignment that is different but ATC is EXPECTING you to have the right runway programmed in from the start. Unlike the MSP example Atlanta Center WILL NOT tell you which direction the airport is landing or what runway to expect. You as the pilot are expected to check the ATIS before starting descent and program your FMC correctly.

Want a tip for checking the ATIS quickly and efficiently on VATSIM?? If using V-Pilot right click on the ATIS in the controller list, click on "get controller info" this will display the D-ATIS format so you don't have to actually listen to the ATIS. This only works where controllers are using VATIS to simulate putting out a digital version of it, if you don't receive the information digitally, then of course listen to the ATIS.

That is all for today! This might seem like a LOT of information, well thats because it is! If anyone has any questions please ask away! If you like this kinda of information I would be more then happy to sit down with some of you and go over this in more detail. Perhaps maybe I can turn this into a monthly class of some sorts??



Any questions contact VATUSA5@VATUSA.NET


Hello pilots!

Air Rally is a competition for general aviation where pilots get championship points for en-route time precision and soft landings. Time precision is not racing, not about to be faster; it is about how well you can follow your planned en-route time. Soft landing is about your vertical speed at touchdown.

Now teams get championship points and compete between each other too! Are you member of virtual flying club? Maybe virtual airline? Its time to represent your team and win some trophy!

Aircraft: GA only.

Rally legs:
74S > S43 > KHQM > KAST > S45 > 77S > S45 > KAST > KHQM > S43 > KFHR

You have 10 days, choose when its comfortable for you to fly. Late entry is approved.
Event starts: Friday 16 November 17:00Z
Event ends: Sunday 25 November 20:00Z


How to join?

Step 1. Register.
You can do so via the website or Discord server, at your own discretion.

Step 2. Air Rally Client.
Download it on our website and use it for your competition flights.

Good luck, have fun!


Any questions contact VATUSA5@VATUSA.NET


Hello pilots!

Air Rally is a competition for general aviation where pilots get championship points for en-route time precision and soft landings. Time precision is not racing, not about to be faster; it is about how well you can follow your planned en-route time. Soft landing is about your vertical speed at touchdown.

Now teams get championship points and compete between each other too! Are you member of virtual flying club? Maybe virtual airline? Its time to represent your team and win some trophy!

Aircraft: GA only.

Rally legs:
74S > S43 > KHQM > KAST > S45 > 77S > S45 > KAST > KHQM > S43 > KFHR

You have 10 days, choose when its comfortable for you to fly. Late entry is approved.
Event starts: Friday 16 November 17:00Z
Event ends: Sunday 25 November 20:00Z


How to join?

Step 1. Register.
You can do so via the website or Discord server, at your own discretion.

Step 2. Air Rally Client.
Download it on our website and use it for your competition flights.

Good luck, have fun!

Events / Press Release from ZNY
« on: November 01, 2018, 07:55:35 AM »
On November 2nd/3rd, the #VATSIM Virtual New York ARTCC (vZNY) is
hosting its annual Live Event in Philadelphia, PA. It will feature
controllers, live and in-person, controlling from Center City
Philadelphia Friday night and throughout the day Saturday.

On Friday night, the main event is the Philadelphia FNO! From 2330Z
until 0330Z, on-site controllers will provide Philadelphia
International Airport (KPHL) with full ATC services.
Saturday morning, start your flight on the west coast for the
#TRANSCONEastbound event. Book your slot here: to participate in one of these
business-savvy, high-earning, corporate-sponsored flights!


NOTAMs / Statement on Event Broadcast Message
« on: November 01, 2018, 07:24:00 AM »

Official Statement from the office of VATUSA5:

Nov 1st, 2018

On Monday October 29th, 2018 a broadcast email was sent out to VATUSA controllers referencing a event taking place for ZNY on 11/2 and 11/3. This message was sent out without consultation of VATUSA5, and thus created some confusion among the facilities.

The purpose of this message was to communicate the importance of a Division wide event taking place on Saturday Nov 3rd, TRANSON: Live from Philadelphia.
ZNY Staff had reached out to VATUSA in order to help promote such a huge event to ensure adequate ATC coverage for everyone participating.

Policies and procedures are currently being developing to ensure proper protocols will be followed for any future broadcast messages specifically related to events. Event communication and promotion will to continue to follow normal protocols until new ones are established. Thank you all for your continued hard work and dedication to the VATUSA events.


Events / Cross the Pond Eastbound 2018
« on: October 16, 2018, 09:02:01 AM »

Cross the Pond Eastbound 2018

On Saturday 27th October 2018, VATSIM is excited to bring you the latest edition of Cross The Pond!

Cross The Pond has been a bi-annual tradition on VATSIM for well over 10 years. The eastbound edition sees pilots depart a selection of airports in North America and fly transatlantic to European destinations. Full ATC, including Oceanic, is provided throughout. All our recent connection records have been broken during Cross The Pond, making it VATSIM’s busiest regular event.

Departure slots will be available between 1100z and 1500z from the following airports:-

John F Kennedy International Airport (JFK/KJFK)
Logan International Airport (BOS/KBOS)
Denver International Airport (DEN/KDEN)*
Toronto Pearson International Airport (YYZ/CYYZ)
Washington Dulles International Airport (IAD/KIAD)

* Departures slots from Denver will run from 1000z to 1300z due to the increased distance.

We will be landing aircraft across the evening in Europe at the following airports:-

Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (AMS/EHAM)
Frankfurt Airport (FRA/EDDF)
Manchester Airport (MAN/EGCC)
Zurich Airport (ZRH/LSZH)

We’re excited to welcome a new airfield to this event, giving pilots opportunities to partake in this event in a new and hopefully enjoyable way. Over 500 slots will be made available, with bookings opening on Saturday 20th October at 1700z at the new Cross The Pond website. While you’re waiting, the site contains plenty of information, including FAQs, if you are new to this event, or if you need to brush up on your Oceanic procedures!

We are looking forward to another enjoyable event and thank the partner airports, ACCs/ARTCCs and divisions for their hard work.

See you in the skies!

On behalf of the CTP Planning Team

Events / MOVED: D10 to D01 Flame Run
« on: September 15, 2018, 08:00:42 AM »
This topic has been moved to Fort Worth (vZFW).
Moved to allow exposure of being cancelled due to short notice.

The Flight Deck / MOVED: Events: Tell us your thoughts!
« on: September 13, 2018, 10:48:32 AM »

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