General => Events => Topic started by: Umar Ashraf on June 04, 2023, 02:36:01 PM

Title: [07/16/2023 1700z - 2000z] New Jersey Turnpike Spectacular
Post by: Umar Ashraf on June 04, 2023, 02:36:01 PM

Get in the car plane, everybody! We’re going on a trip on the famous New Jersey Turnpike (home to the only major highway that has a Cars Only lane). But, we’re not driving, because we’re plane geeks cool kids!

The New York ARTCC is pleased to present a fun Sunday afternoon event. Fly into or out of Newark, Philadelphia, or both! No matter what you choose, you’ll get to enjoy a toll-free afternoon with our controllers.

Event Fields: EWR & PHL
Date & Time: July 16th 2023, 1:00pm → 4:00pm Eastern (1700z - 2000z)