General => Events => Topic started by: Umar Ashraf on June 25, 2023, 11:25:19 AM

Title: [09/10/2023 1700z - 2000z] Sunday with The Sopranos
Post by: Umar Ashraf on June 25, 2023, 11:25:19 AM

Hey, you! Yeah, we’re talkin’ to you, bud. Grab your favorite plane and come  on over to the Garden State, but don’t forget to swing by BADDA BINGG before you get there, or you might as well fuhgeddaboudit.

Join the New York ARTCC on a fine Sunday afternoon as we staff Morristown (KMMU). Land the ILS 23 for the iconic BADDA BINGG waypoints. Just follow our friendly controllers and you won’t become gabagool for our next live event.

Event Field: KMMU
Date & Time: September 10th 2023, 1:00pm → 4:00pm Eastern (1700z-2000z)