General => Events => Topic started by: Vi Jackson on September 09, 2024, 10:28:27 AM
Posted on behalf of the VATSUR Events Manager:
VATSUR is teaming up with VATUSA to announce the second edition of the VATSUR FNO. This time we will fly in Caracas (SVMI), Bogotá (SKBO), Rionegro (SKRG), Guayaquil (SEGU), Quito (SEQM) and Lima (SPJC) on October 4th, 2024. From 23:00z to 03:00z, our air traffic controllers will be online ready for you to experience the joy of flying in South America!
South America is thrilled to once again host one of VATUSA's renowned Friday Night Operations! Come and enjoy a night flight in the north of our continent! You will be able to depart and arrive at any of the airports that we will set up for this event, with high quality air traffic controllers all around. Don't miss it!