General => Virtual Airlines => Topic started by: Scott DeWoody on January 12, 2011, 10:56:09 AM

Title: American Virtual Milestone
Post by: Scott DeWoody on January 12, 2011, 10:56:09 AM
This year, AvA (, not to be confused with other AA related VA's will reach a major milestone.

We will be celebrating our 10th anniversary not only as a VA, but as a VATSIM/VATUSA partner.
That's 10 years, not 10 months, weeks, or days.... but YEARS.

To celebrate this monumental milestone, we will be having our annual "Birthday Bash" into the Dallas/Fort Worth Intl. Airport sometime around the 1st week of June.  We invite all other VA's large and small to join us for this event.  I know it's 5 months away, but we plan on this being such a large event, that we want to make sure everyone is prepared, so mark it on your calendars, and be prepared to interact with some of the most professional pilots and ATC on VATSIM.  Our goal is to launch as many planes from each of our different HUBS to arrive in Dallas covering a 2 hours time frame.  We are planning on having a great time and hope everyone that attends will also.

Check our website ( for continuing information concerning this event.
Title: American Virtual Milestone
Post by: Tim Farrell on January 14, 2011, 06:07:21 PM
Congrats, Mr. DeWoody and American! Looking forward to the celebration fly in and wish you another 10 year run.