General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Christopher Mauro on March 26, 2013, 09:05:29 PM
Anyone else having problems with the VATUSA website, specifically in the Member Management panel?
Yes, I was just going to post in here too. Looks like everyone was removed from their ARTCC's?
Sequestration guys. Guess we're all shutting down
It appears I'm no longer the TA at fort worth. I'm opening my services up to the highest bidder.
That's right Dhruv! I managed to somehow keep my job through sequestration (so far) but lost my virtual one... the irony is not lost on me!
I noticed this too. How odd...
VATUSA has experienced a breach of security. An unnamed members account was hijacked and used to set a number of little fires around the site. The issue is being dealt with as quickly as possible.
Anyone that has suddenly lost their access or finds themselves removed from a position, post here and we will fix as soon as possible.
We did not fire anyone because of the sequester.
I am listed as as C1 on the website.
EDIT: All set, thanks Bob!
I am unable to login to the website, or admin links, etc. - getting "Error: Login Incorrect" - however I can still access the forums.
Should be ok now.
Able to access everything again. Thank you Michael!!
I should have been added as an S2 in ZTL (as the rating change was issued about a week ago), but that hasn't happened yet. Could the rating change be being delayed by this issue? Thanks!
Mr. Edwards,
Your profile shows that you recently passed the S2 examination, however there is no record of an actual promotion. Please contact your ARTCC Training staff to resolve this situation.