General => Events => Topic started by: Darrol Larrok on April 29, 2014, 11:50:05 PM
I see a lot of events listed here, including some pretty big ones, that I don't see mentioned elsewhere. Perhaps it would be a good idea to post them to the main vatsim board, and all other VATSIM event lists?
I see a lot of events listed here, including some pretty big ones, that I don't see mentioned elsewhere. Perhaps it would be a good idea to post them to the main vatsim board, and all other VATSIM event lists?
Can't go past vRoute and VATTASTIC.
Yes, Darrol, that is one of every EC's job responsibilities. Rarely accomplished, unfortunately. Before there are a barrage of posts that say, "we should be able to post in one place and have it populate out", I'll say that I agree, but it doesn't exist right now, so use the band aid, do it by hand, and increase the visibility of your events.
Not sure what you mean, Aidan, by "can't go past". Are you suggesting that those are good places to post?
that is one of every EC's job responsibilities. Rarely accomplished, unfortunately.
Perhaps it's due to their pay? I think we should get some division-sponsored funding for all ECs!
I could not agree more. Thanks for agreeing to lead the EC salary fundraising committee!