General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Don Desfosse on November 26, 2014, 11:18:19 AM
For those of you who celebrate it as a holiday, and also for those that don't, I'd like us all to take a moment to give thanks.
I'd like to give thanks...
... to our families.
... to those that have in the past, those that do now, and those that will in the future, keep us safe from harm's way.
... for being as fortunate as we are. If we have a computer and high speed internet access, we are doing so much better than so many in this world who struggle to keep a roof over their heads and food in their mouths.
... for those that share peace and love in this world.
... for those that have brought, and continue to bring us VATSIM, free of charge to us (even though they pay a considerable amount every year for our enjoyment).
... for being part of such a wonderful team as we have within VATUSA. We ebb and flow, and get stronger and weaker over time, but we are generally made up of a great group of people and come together as a strong and wonderful family.
I would also like to thank each and every one of you, the members of VATUSA, especially the staff, for what you do for the network every day. We wouldn't be here or have a purpose without you. For many, this is a hobby, perhaps one of many that you engage in. For many others, particularly the training staffs, ARTCC staffs, and the VATUSA staff, your motivation and dedication to the hobby transcends the normal; you devote an important part of who you are for the success of the members and the network. For that, I applaud you, and am deeply grateful.
May the turkeys you see at your Thanksgiving celebrations be only the ones you eat, not the ones you share a meal with.
More importantly, may we all be thankful, grateful, loving and sharing, and may we all have a safe, healthy and Happy Thanksgiving.
I just wanted to take a quick moment and thank everyone for volunteering so much time into consistently developing the division and VATSIM network into what it has become today. A lot of individuals dedicate a large amount of time with administrative, technological, and other tedious duties that benefit our users. In my opinion, they do not get nowhere near the amount of praise that they should. A lot of individuals have spent a good amount of money to keep the network running at the stellar capacity that it is.
I am a strong believer that everyone has something positive to contribute towards the network. This can be done in so many different ways. Thank you for constantly being resilient and adaptable to the changes that happen on our network. Thank you to anyone who currently holds, or has at one time held, a staff position. Thank you to anyone who has ever lent a helpful hand to a fellow member. Thank you to anyone who has contributed their valued skills towards creating the network which we enjoy today. Thank you to everyone who has contributed their opinions through our forums (and other means). Thank you to anyone who has ever left feedback (whether good or bad) to an ARTCC team.
I am thankful for vATIS...oh wait...
On a more serious note, a huge "thank you" to all those who have dedicated (and continue to dedicate) countless hours both behind the scenes to keep things up and running and to those who dedicate their time to help further the training of our current (and future) controllers. This network surely wouldn't be what it is today without you. I am also thankful for the friendships that I have formed because of this network.
Happy Turkey Day!
Normally I tack on a little sentiment of my own, but there's nothing I can say that isn't already covered in what Don has said above.
Happy Thanksgiving, and please keep our troops and first responders in mind as you enjoy your day.
Well said Don! Happy Thanksgiving from the McMinn family and all at Fort Worth!
Normally I tack on a little sentiment of my own, but there's nothing I can say that isn't already covered in what Don has said above.
Happy Thanksgiving, and please keep our troops and first responders in mind as you enjoy your day.
What Tom said! Happy Thanksgiving!