NOTAMs => News => Topic started by: Daniel Hawton on July 09, 2015, 07:17:09 PM

Title: [MANUAL D1022] Unified Login Scheme - Released
Post by: Daniel Hawton on July 09, 2015, 07:17:09 PM

The Data Services team is proud to announce the new Unified Login Scheme.  It builds atop of VATSIM's SSO by providing a true-to-definition Single Sign-On system for the entirety of the division.

Reasons for facility websites to switch:
- Ease of use.  Users no longer have to worry about remembering different passwords.  Now all they need is to remember their VATSIM password and can login across the division sites that support ULS as well as VATSIM passwords.  It differs from VATSIM's SSO implementation by not requiring login at every site.
- Provides information about the user.  You get access to their VATSIM name, rating, email address and VATUSA information including their home facility, their position within the facility, etc.
- It's easy to setup.  In the manual I've included a code sample showing ZMP's configuration.  This setup works on all websites using my code base with minimal effort.  Any other webmasters desiring assistance, do not hesitate to contact me and I will do my best to help you.  This code base will work on most sites using SMF as well.
- Security.  You no longer have to worry about tracking and securing passwords.  Using ULS, you can easily set it up for not only your website, but forums, training software, etc.
- ULS is only available to VATUSA Facilities and Services.  ULS will not be available to 3rd Party sites including, but not limited to: vataware, vatview, vattrack, vroute, vattastic.

To view the ULS Manual, go here: (