NOTAMs => News => Topic started by: Mathew Magera on May 07, 2016, 09:19:25 PM
With our DATM moving on to bigger and better places in his life and aviation career, ZAU will be seeking someone new to take his place.
ZAU Deputy Air Traffic Manager Duties and Responsibilities
-Reports to the ATM
-Must hold C1 rating or above
-Responsible for day to day operations of the ARTCC
-Assume the duties of the ATM in their absence
-Oversees the quality and duties of the support staff
-Maintains, updates and manages facility SOPs and LOAs with the approval of the ATM
-Assist in the development and implementation of ARTCC projects as designed by senior and support staff
-Primary advisor to support staff
-Calls staff meetings with the approval of the ATM
-Stays current in VATUSA issues and policies
-Provide guidance to members and visiting controllers
-Serves as overseer of the suggestion box
-Requried to provide relevant articles to the monthly newsletter if utilized
-Maintain active online presence on the website, forum, teamspeak, and network
-Must complete a minimum of 7 hours of controlling time per month
The ideal candidate will also have staff and training experience, though not required, and be willing to serve on our training staff as a mentor or instructor.
How to Apply
Any interested candidates should submit the following:
-A professional VATSIM resume including any staff positions held in ATC and/or Virtual Airline, anticipated activity levels in the DATM position, and one sentence statement on why you would be good for the position.
-A letter of recommendation from your ATM or VATUSA staff member
-Your vision and goals for the ZAU ARTCC and ideas on how to increase activity along with potential methods for achieving this.
Application materials can be sent to:
The application process will remain open until May 31st. Interviews will begin as soon as applications are received. The position will be filled as soon as the right candidate is found, so apply soon!
This position is still vacant as of 8/15/16.