NOTAMs => News => Topic started by: Joseph Kerr on October 25, 2020, 12:40:00 PM

Title: Position Posting: Pacific Control Facility Training Administrator
Post by: Joseph Kerr on October 25, 2020, 12:40:00 PM

The TA reports to the Air Traffic Manager and VATUSA Training Director, functions as a senior ARTCC staff member and oversees/directs the operation of the training program. 
•   Attends periodic meetings as necessary.
•   Maintains an active online presence within the Pacific Control Facility and on the VATSIM network.
•   Responsible for curriculum development including courses, classes, simulation scenarios, exams and all associated media/material.
•   Manages training staff/appointments providing guidance, coaching and correction where needed
•   Ensures PCF training program meets ATM goals and current VATUSA, VATNA, VATSIM policies.
•   Responsible for student progression / approves rating promotions.
•   Helps draft changes to Training Order.
•   Voting member of the Facility Advisory Board.
•   Represents Pacific Control Facility and ATM to VATUSA training staff; acts accordingly.
•   Quickly and accurately responds to training inquiries from students, mentors, and instructors.
•   Frequently checks and responds to emails and contacts in a timely manner.
•   Assumes the duties of instructor.

The successful candidate must:
•   Be a member in good standing
•   Be a member of the Pacific Control Facility, or willing to transfer upon selection
•   Hold a VATSIM Enroute Controller (C1) rating or higher
•   Have held an I1 rating for at least 30 days at any given time
•   Have an extensive knowledge of US airspace, air traffic control procedures and regulations
•   Be familiar with, at all times, the current VATSIM GRP and all applicable VATUSA and VATNA policies and changes
•   Maintain active status by logging minimum number of hours in accordance with ARTCC policy
•   Log a minimum of 2 hours available training time per month
•   Possess excellent written and oral communication skills
•   Be able to work well in a team-oriented environment

Preferred Skills & Abilities
The successful candidate should:
•   Possess and utilize a high degree of energy & commitment appropriate for this position.
•   Understand this position requires a HIGH time commitment.
•   Demonstrate qualities of understanding, patience and maturity.
•   Have a working knowledge of various training software and scenario-building processes.
•   Be skilled with Microsoft PowerPoint or Google equivalent.

Priority is given to candidates who:
•   Currently possess an I1 rating or higher.
•   Have instructor or mentor experience on the network.
•   Possess experience and certification within the Pacific Control Facility.
•   Have real-world aviation experience (pilot or ATC).
•   Have previous ARTCC (or higher) staff experience.
•   Have real-world managerial or supervisory experience.

Application Instructions

Applications may be submitted to the Pacific Control Facility's Air Traffic Manager via email:   PCF-ATM[at]   

Application must include:
•   Full name, email address and VATSIM CID
•   Resume or Letter of Intent

Applications will be accepted until November 8th at 2359z.

What to Expect
Interested candidates should be aware that this is not an entry-level position and not for the inexperienced.  The workload is considerable and should not be taken lightly.  Only those who understand the requirements and can make the appropriate commitment should consider applying.  All applications will go through an initial evaluation.  Candidates who pass the evaluation will be contacted for a comprehensive interview.  The selected candidate will be submitted to the VATUSA Training Director for final approval and may expect an additional division interview.  All candidates will be notified if/when a selection is made.