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Messages - Spencer Devino

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Best wishes to VATUSA1, VATUSA3, and VATUSA9
« on: February 09, 2010, 03:02:36 PM »
Quote from: Anthony Baker
hmmm...... this posted here but no post in news...........

Whats with the mass resignations?

Just Courious

Read other forum posts... I think you'll find out why.

Spencer D.

General Discussion / Check-In Responsibility
« on: February 08, 2010, 09:45:05 PM »
Quote from: J. Jason Vodnansky
Too bad that the penalty has ALREADY been served.  Which is the whole point.

What's the sense in appealing but to expunge the record?  Which, we have to take on faith (of which there is very little) that it has been expunged...

Jason Vodnansky

There are a couple of things I do not understand and will try to make them as simple as possible. This is how they are flowing through my mind in a rudimentary explanation:

1. Why isn't there a rule about Vis Ranges! Because it's talked about so much. Having said rules would END ALL DISCUSSION.
2. Why does it take VATSIM thousand of posts on something before anything is really DONE by the upper management?
3. Pilots seem to still fly on the network even though there are corrupt SUPs- probably because VATSIM is the only network of its kind.
4. Why aren't the above stated SUPs taken care of? Why are they even around?
5. Why do the pilots and ATC get spoken to rudely when trying to speak up about problems?

Can anyone answer any of these?

Spencer D.

General Discussion / Check-In Responsibility
« on: February 08, 2010, 09:23:11 PM »
Quote from: Gerry Hattendorf
I've been reading this thread, and as it seems the heading and altitude are drifting all over the place, I just have one simple question.  Instead of us acting like a bunch of lawyers, why not just good old common sense regardless if your a pilot, ATC, SUP, ADM, etc?

If a pilot fails to call ATC on some invisible border, simple, the ATC guy calls the pilot.  If the pilot is unresponsive, it's ATC's call to determine if this will cause a problem with other VATSIM members, and make a decision to monitor the guy, or wallop a SUP.  

Checking visibility ranges, unattended connections, etc, are all part of the Supervisors duties, and as such should not be viewed as a Gestapo act, but normal "back-office" work in an attempt to keep the network usage maximized.  The job of a Sup is to help pilots and controllers, and of course an administrator if it's deemed necessary to remove a member from the network due to disruptive activity.  

Again, I'm not a lawyer so common sense takes the trump card always!


I like this post because it seems to represent what we all want from the community. Vis Ranges should not be a "gestapo" act if done kindly.

If rule is...

1. Vis Range for Airport Operations (eg. ORD Tower and Below) between 30 - 50 miles.
2. Vis Ranges for APP/DEP no more than 30 miles outside airpsace.
3. Vis Ranges for CTR no more than 50 miles outside ARTCC airspace.

SUP: I see you have your vis range @ xxx miles which is pretty high, may I ask why?
ATC: I am working Approach and have my Vis range set 20 miles out of my airspace.
SUP: ok, thanks.

^^^ the above would be great to see- nobody wants dogmatic responses from Controllers or Supervisors.

Maybe? Yes? No? Can we get a RULE? A simple add for EVERYONE to follow? (even a judgment-based rule would be nice).

Spencer D.

General Discussion / Check-In Responsibility
« on: February 08, 2010, 06:14:37 PM »
Quote from: J. Jason Vodnansky
Yet, how amazingly screwed up it has become.  This most certainly isn't your father's VATSIM.  Too bad, it was such a good place.

Perhaps someone will stand up and fix it.



General Discussion / Check-In Responsibility
« on: February 08, 2010, 11:24:06 AM »
Quote from: David Klain

Let me close with a direct response to one comment made in this thread --- a reference to supervisors as Gestapo. I find that statement incredibly offensive and insensitive. Before you think it, no I am not Jewish or German, but comparing any one of the volunteers who dedicate their free time to making this network better to the Nazi Gestapo is in poor taste, offensive and downright rude. I recognize that many of the VATSIM membership are young people who don't necessarily "think before they speak" but it is time some of you start doing just that.

David, I ask that you read my post carefully:

Quote from: Spencer Devino
There is a very good point here. When I was training for my S2 Cert. I was told you do not need to set your Vis Range higher than 50nm. This is NOWHERE in the training material. Well, here I am sitting in the Tower CAB with vis @ 90nm and I get PMed by a SUP (the almighty) saying rudely that I am wasting bandwidth and have to turn my Visibility range down now.

Nobody appreciates being talked to like a dog. Hopefully VATSIM will rid themselves of the Gestapo-like supervisors and post up some rules that people can read... Instead of shooting people down without them knowing a single thing of what the guy with the gun is talking about.

Things get done slowly around here and there is always thousands of fingers to blame... Can anybody just FIX it?

This was not the first time that I have been spoken to in the rudest manner possible. There is a way to do things, and there is also a way not to do things. When I am spoken to in a rude manner by more than one of the Supervisors that I called "Gestapo" (only trying to refer to a select few SUP) there is something wrong in the upper management.

"Absolute power corrupts absolutely" and I can guarantee that there are some supervisors who love their position for the power trip it provides to them. There are also many supervisors who are kind and considerate- they are the ones who understand everything they do affects everyone around them. All I ask is that we rid ourselves of those Supervisors and Upper Management who are there for selfish reasons (eg. the power trip). Because, as stated in the quote, nobody likes to be spoken to like a dog (which goes along with the Gestapo reference).

Oh, and to respond to the statement made by "David Klain" (quoted above), you obviously don't understand the reference made. When someone is treated like a dog on the network, especially when that person is a controller trying to serve on the network you, along with many donations, pay over $8000 a year for, it gives off the impression of exactly what I said... "Gestapo"

1. gestapo pl., -pos. A police organization that employs terroristic methods to control a populace.

And by telling someone in a rude manner that they are wasting bandwidth and must turn down the vis range now... in my own opinion they fit the terrorist methods listed in the definition. The SUP is using his implied "power", to .kill, to enforce a rule that is not written, and is judgement based, to control the populace of Vatsim pilots and controllers. This fits the description.

I also do not appreciate someone with your "stature" telling me to think before I speak because I am 18 years old. Don't you believe that is a little beyond being conceited? This implies that your judgement is better than mine and that you have some sort of elitist position in the upper management. Most ATC/Pilots on here agree with the other ATC/pilots, and most SUPs agree with the other SUPs... There is obviously a line here that seems to be holding the two apart.

Spencer Devino

General Discussion / Check-In Responsibility
« on: February 06, 2010, 06:25:02 PM »
Quote from: J. Jason Vodnansky
Since I am supposedly inaccurate in my assertions regarding "secret rules" that VATSIM supervisors have, and me offer some evidence that I have been directly involved with...

Visibility ranges.  In no written documentation, that is available to the average member, is there a limit on visibility ranges.  I have had numerous instances and conversations that have been documented on this very forum on the topic.

Unless the VATSIM forums are required reading now, which they might be, when a supervisor has been asked about where to find such policy.  The response has been either to point to the forums, or to say they are following the rules published on the Supervisor's board.

So, if the supervisors are enforcing "unwritten rules", one that can be found on the Supervisor's board, then yes, in fact then they ARE secret, as the general membership does not have access to that board, and can not be held to account for those rules.

Said another way, How can I follow the "law" if I have no way of KNOWING the law?

There are at least two fixes to this.

#1  Change the law...
#2  Stop enforcement

Seems pretty simple...

Jason Vodnansky

There is a very good point here. When I was training for my S2 Cert. I was told you do not need to set your Vis Range higher than 50nm. This is NOWHERE in the training material. Well, here I am sitting in the Tower CAB with vis @ 90nm and I get PMed by a SUP (the almighty) saying rudely that I am wasting bandwidth and have to turn my Visibility range down now.

Nobody appreciates being talked to like a dog. Hopefully VATSIM will rid themselves of the Gestapo-like supervisors and post up some rules that people can read... Instead of shooting people down without them knowing a single thing of what the guy with the gun is talking about.

Things get done slowly around here and there is always thousands of fingers to blame... Can anybody just FIX it?

Spencer Devino

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