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Messages - Eduardo Passos

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Check-In Responsibility
« on: February 08, 2010, 07:27:57 AM »
Quote from: Bryan Wollenberg
I'll bring it back on topic.

There are two parts of the specific CoC, and I think Tom covers it very reasonably:

A pilot must at all times check for appropriate air traffic control coverage for the airspace he is crossing at any given time.

Does this mean checking SERVINFO constantly to see if a controller is on or comes on?  Possibly, however, I know when I'm flying, I don't refresh the darned thing constantly...I'm flying my airplane.  But you should certainly make an effort to determine if a controller comes online.

So this is where the next section comes in.

or upon request to make contact with an appropriate air traffic controller  

This is perfectly clear.

So as to whose responsibility it is to make contact?  It's everyones' responsibility.  The pilot should make a reasonable effort to determine if he's flying in controlled airspace, or will be soon, and it's the controller's responsbility to contact a pilot who is entering his/her airspace.
Sorry, Brian, but first "A pilot must at all times check for appropriate air traffic control coverage for the airspace he is crossing at any given time" and if sometime later he doesn't contact apropriate ATC then "or upon request to make contact with an appropriate air traffic controller"
A pilot "should make a reasonable effort to determine if he's flying in a controlled airspace"  should be changed to must. It's his obligation, his duty. I agree that an ATC calling a pilot many miles outside his airspace or to call a pilot that will be flying above his superior limit is wrong specially if he wants to "control" that flight. But not to know the airspace where he will be/is flying and not taking notice that in his FSINN/SB program an ATC just has come in range?

General Discussion / Check-In Responsibility
« on: February 07, 2010, 03:27:23 AM »
It's really pilot's job to know where he is flying and as CoC-B3 says he must verify if an apropriate ATC is avaiable and makes contact either by voice or text. He may sent a PM to clarify this matter (do I call you? I'm flying inside your airspace? and so on...).
Although an ATC doesn't need to I never was called by or answered at a .wallop without the ATC saying "unresponsive pilot to x contactme"
I then send a PM to the "offender" in which I identify myself as Supervisor (sometimes I'm an active ATC) telling him that ATC X requested a supervisor because of a B3 violation. Once he answers things are clarified (if pilot has already left that controlled airspace I sugest that he/she contacts ATC X and clarify this EVEN if he isn't inside that particular airspace so no hard fellings are left between pilot/ATC).
If pilot doesn't answer my PM (3-4 calls) or if he is disturbing traffic (T/O from wrong rwy, entering a busy airspace, unresponsive to-not contacting an ATC/B3, not following an ATC instruction /B10, things that endanger normal operations) then he is disconnected and an email is sent to him/her.
Pilot must know that something may be wrong if an unknow/invisible ATC (or a x_SUP by the way) is trying to contact him, since an active ATC connected with SUP rating has the same obligations as a _SUP. This plus his/her flight inside a controlled airspace - that he MUST KNOW - justify his disconnection if not answering to a supervisor call.

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