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Messages - Jonathan Cox

Pages: [1]
The Control Room Floor / Radar tracking at TWR level
« on: April 29, 2012, 08:46:35 PM »
I've heard of some ARTCCs that have their tower controllers actually radar track aircraft, like overflights through the airspace. Others don't.  Supposedly, we can't teach S2s the procedure since it's not part of the official VATUSA training, meaning we'd only be able to do it at designated major airports. Is that correct? Also, I'm curious what the reasons are for and against tower controllers using radar tracking.


The Control Room Floor / Color Palettes
« on: February 08, 2012, 09:46:33 PM »
I took a look, I like many of them, but one more thing I can't quite figure out.

Which of the color profiles should be used with ARTS radar mode? If I remember correctly, ACD and ARTS-IIIE have radar targets that look like STARS ones. So I'm kinda confused on what goes with what. (Obviously the STARS and DSR go with their respective radar modes, I'm not sure about all the ARTS ones though.)

The Control Room Floor / Color Palettes
« on: February 07, 2012, 07:46:05 PM »
Hello folks,

I'm working on building color profiles based on color palettes used in the real world. I've found this document referencing ACD for CARTS and TCW for STARS. I'm looking for something similar for other radar systems, especially DSR and ASDE-X. If they are available for other types as well, that would also be cool. I've searched Google to no end and have had almost no luck.

If anyone can point me in the right direction, I'd greatly appreciate it.


General Discussion / SANTA Flies on VATSIM!
« on: December 25, 2011, 10:22:14 PM »
Somebody beat me to it. I was actually planning on this. I like the radar scopes btw.

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas, or whatever you celebrate, hope it was fantastic.

General Discussion / A Christmas Poem
« on: December 20, 2011, 08:56:42 PM »
I think I've heard this one somewhere before. Always love reading it!

General Discussion / C3 Rating
« on: November 30, 2011, 11:09:02 PM »
I think if it would resolve a lot of these kind of issues, bringing it back would be cool. I didn't know S2 and C2 didn't exist at the time, I had heard those were part of the rating system then too.

General Discussion / C3 Rating
« on: November 30, 2011, 10:04:09 PM »
I wasn't around when they changed the way the ratings work, could someone fill me in on why they changed? I'm wondering if it would ever make sense to go back to the way it was and make the C3 actually stand for something (i.e. CTR certified).

General Discussion / C3 Rating
« on: November 25, 2011, 11:26:28 AM »
Personally I think the C3 should just disappear. It's nothing more than a "badge" rating (as everyone else has said) and serves no extra purpose, and if it's going to sit, confuse people, and bring up issues of people "wanting" it, it's better to just remove it or make a firm decision that nobody will get it.

Although John, I politely disagree with what you said about the forums/emails signatures. In my view, that has nothing to do with any sort of "score" or recognition, when people see me post and they ask "who is this guy?" they can see who I am and what I do in terms of Vatsim. And I would hope it would be the same with others.

General Discussion / Oh no...
« on: November 16, 2011, 01:08:24 PM »
Skyvector will be okay. They posted on their forum that they intend to keep it running, and access for us will continue to be free. Finally, a break in the clouds.

General Discussion / Oh no...
« on: November 14, 2011, 01:06:28 PM »
Harold, that is a great idea. I would be HIGHLY interested in a petition. This angers and frightens me greatly that I might struggle to be able to continue to be a part of this great hobby. If skyvector goes down, I'm in real trouble, as I currently can't afford any paid subscriptions.

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