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Topics - Don Desfosse

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Simple Insanity / April Fools! GRP Updates Released
« on: April 01, 2015, 03:01:26 AM »
The VATSIM Executive Committee, as previously announced (, has implemented the update to GRP removing the provision for major airports in an attempt to speed the time for students to be able to control on the network and improve retention.

"The network sees the implementation of major airports to be a restriction to the access and enjoyment of student controllers.  GRP v4.1 solves that by removing the onerous restrictions that have been holding people back, and lets them get on the network much faster" according to Matt Middleton, VATSIM Director of Access (VATDOA).

So what does this mean for VATUSA?  Well, as indicated in the original 2014Q3 EC minutes, to ensure a consistent level of quality on the network, the GRP update mandates:

4.1.2:  The training and assessment required for a student/controller should be reflective of them being able to control at any tower/airspace in their Division.

Unfortunately, as I feared may happen, this update has been released without any coordination between the EC and the Divisions, and an expectation of immediate compliance.  But in order to bridge the gap and speed our compliance to the updated GRP, I met with Tom Seeley and Ryan Geckler to discuss the best implementation for VATUSA, and we agreed that to preserve the desired quality level on the network, with the side benefit of not setting our students up to go down the tubes during events or other heavy traffic periods, we would train all VATUSA students, through the soon-to-go-live VATUSA Academy, at one of the two most challenging airports/airspaces in VATUSA, either KLAX/SOCAL/ZLA or KJFK/N90/ZNY.  These were selected based on data analysis that included "normal" traffic levels, FNO/Major Event level traffic levels, airspace complexity (including proximity to military facilities), and associated LOA complexity.

Although the eventual plan is to allow students to choose which facility they want to train at, and offer both as options, in order to comply with the GRP as quickly as possible, we will design just one into our suddenly-accelerated Academy release plans.  We've also decided to give our members the ability to choose which one.  Look for a post later today that will include a poll for the membership to select which of the two selections will make it into the first Academy release.  Although simple votes are important, your comments and rationale are probably at least 10 times as important in helping with the selection; please feel free to include your comments, feelings, data, charts that show complexity, and graphics to explain the point (please do not post trademarked graphics, though).  The poll will remain open for one week.

We also tried to get out in front of any concerns.  After significant discussion, we figured the only real concern for ATMs and ARTCC staff would be the predisposition for students to want to choose either ZLA or ZNY as their home ARTCC, since that's where all their training was, which would create an unfair situation for the other 20 ARTCCs.  In order to prevent against this, I have altered the VATUSA new member join code script to place all new members in the Guam FIR, which is where all new students will be homeroomed for their training until they have earned their certifications and are ready to be deployed.  With Ryan's experience working for the RW FAA, including knowledge of controller assignment procedures, we will now solicit from students their top 3 choices of where they would like to be assigned upon completion of their initial Academy training, and will place them where the need is greatest.  Facilities (ATMs) will also be able to check off a flag showing whether their ARTCC is open to new students or not, and the VATUSA Controller Assignment System will place the students where the greatest need is.  This should keep it more fair for the non-ZLA and non-ZNY ARTCCs.  For example, ZLA and ZNY both currently have 173 and 144 controllers on their roster today, compared to our "lowest staffed" facilities, six of which have fewer than 30 controllers on their roster today.  We wanted to ensure that new students, just because they'd be comfortable at ZNY and/or ZLA facilities, because that's where they trained, didn't all select ZLA and/or ZNY.  So this will be a tremendous benefit to the lower-staffed facilities that will receive a great influx of new students, based purely on their staffing numbers.  With this methodology, statistically, all facilities should (over some number of months) end up with essentially the same number of controllers.

There is no change to the handling of Oceanic/FSS airspace; these are still considered major and require special endorsement.

I'm sure, just like every significant change, especially where we are racing to adjust our policies and methodology to comply, there will be questions.  For those of you who, in general, get it, please hold off until tonight or tomorrow to assist the others after we've had a good chance to see all the comments, concerns and questions, and find a way to best answer them all in the most efficient manner.  For those who don't really get it, by all means, post your questions, comments, and concerns, and after the dust settles a little today (and after I get home from work), we will do our best to address them all.

Just like every change to GRP, this one will take some getting used to, patience and cooperation.  We can and will make it work for the betterment of the Division.  Of course, my staff and I will do absolutely everything we can to provide the right advice and guidance to all to make it work for everyone.  As we all know, the only constant in life is change.  So let's embrace this new change as an opportunity to speed the time to network for our controllers, standardize training, ensure high-quality students, and improve the fairness of roster levels for all of our facilities.  Although initially I was against this implementation, we're working hard to make sure this is a win-win situation for everyone.

General Discussion / Nice!
« on: March 11, 2015, 08:44:04 PM »
Oh, my Lord!  All 22 ARTCCs staffed right now!  All of the USA is lit up.  On just some random Wednesday night.  Nice!

May we all aspire to be this good...

The ability to think quickly and remain calm under pressure while maintaining a situational awareness are all unique qualities that air traffic controllers possess. Without their willingness to jump right in to resolve complex situations, offer a reassuring voice to those on the frequency and coordinate their efforts with other controllers, this group of dedicated professionals wouldn't be as successful as they are today at maintaining the safety of the National Airspace System.

While many controllers often feel that they are "just doing their job," their hard work is often viewed by others as remarkable and extraordinary. Named after the first air traffic controller, this program highlights a variety of saves, some which involve a team of controllers working together and others which are the result of one controller's efforts.

Air traffic controllers juggle a variety of variables and complex scenarios. Their ability to adapt to ever-changing situations while keeping their composure is a skill they have mastered. As a result of their commitment to perfection, our aviation is the safest in the world.

Air traffic controllers who helped out when pilots faced dangerous situations were honored March 4th at the annual Archie League Medal of Safety Awards. The National Air Traffic Controllers Association selects the award winners from nominees around the country.Click here for the complete story of this year's winning events. The live ATC tapes from each event also are posted online, and they make interesting listening.

"The ability to think quickly and remain calm under pressure while maintaining situational awareness are all unique qualities that air traffic controllers and flight service station employees possess," NATCA President Paul Rinaldi said. "They all have a willingness to jump right in to resolve complex situations, offer a reassuring voice to those on the frequency and coordinate their efforts with other controllers."  

"The Archie League program, named after the first air traffic controller, captures what our membership and profession is all about; putting our unique skill set, mindset, training and experience to the maximum effect to positively influence the events under our control. Day in and day out our workforce goes to every length possible in the relentless pursuit of safety."

NATCA recognized controllers in nine regions for their dramatic saves in 2015.  A panel of judges, including NATCA Safety and Technology Director Dale Wright, AOPA Air Safety Institute Senior Safety Advisor and past president Bruce Landsberg, and ALPA Aviation Safety Chair Chuck Hogeman, viewed 53 nominations to select controllers who rose to the occasion in extenuating circumstances.

Additionally, the AOPA Air Safety Institute presented awards for notable flight safety assists:;WT.mc_sect=sap

I highly encourage all students and controllers to take the time to listen to how our real world brothers and sisters handle emergencies professionally, and pattern your own handling of emergencies after these fine examples.

Events / Nice!
« on: March 01, 2015, 06:23:36 PM »
Looking good, team USA!  This calendar week features 5 out of 7 nights with USA events, and starting Wednesday, 6 days in a row with USA events!  I strongly believe that a strong, fun community, events and training are the some of the most key elements of success for our network.  I love it!

General Discussion / DRAFT VATUSA logos
« on: January 22, 2015, 02:36:06 PM »

The revitalized VATUSA Data Services and Integration team is hard at work with multiple projects already in progress.  One project is a revitalized website.  I\\\'d love to get some public input on either updating, or not, the VATUSA logo.  Please see the logos below and vote in the poll for your favorite.  Pay no attention to the size (I am just too lazy to resize them).  Thanks!



The Control Room Floor / Great video of Seattle Final Approach
« on: January 10, 2015, 11:57:06 AM »
TRACON students could watch this and learn a lot!

General Discussion / Happy Holidays!
« on: December 23, 2014, 10:25:28 PM »
It’s that time of year again...  Too much food, too much egg nog and too much of that Aunt that we try not to talk about.  Just about enough time has passed to forget what she did at Thanksgiving....

I'd like to share with you an old aviation tome that puts a smile on my face every year when I read it.

You have my sincerest and best wishes for a very safe, healthy, blessed and happy holiday season!

A retelling of the 19th-century story, especially for aviators.
This has been floating around the Internet for years in various forms -- and probably was passed around as photocopies for years before that.

[size=]'Twas the night before Christmas, and out on the ramp,
Not an airplane was stirring, not even a Champ.
The aircraft were fastened to tie downs with care,
In hopes that -- come morning -- they all would be there.

The fuel trucks were nestled, all snug in their spots,
With gusts from two-forty at 39 knots.
I slumped at the fuel desk, now finally caught up,
And settled down comfortably, resting my butt.

When the radio lit up with noise and with chatter,
I turned up the scanner to see what was the matter.
A voice clearly heard over static and snow,
Called for clearance to land at the airport below.

He barked his transmission so lively and quick,
I'd have sworn that the call sign he used was "St. Nick."
I ran to the panel to turn up the lights,
The better to welcome this magical flight.

He called his position, no room for denial,
"St. Nicholas One, turnin' left onto final."
And what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a Rutan-built sleigh, with eight Rotax Reindeer!

With vectors to final, down the glideslope he came,
As he passed all fixes, he called them by name:
"Now Ringo! Now Tolga! Now Trini and Bacun!
On Comet! On Cupid!" What pills was he takin'?

While controllers were sittin', and scratchin' their heads,
They phoned to my office, and I heard it with dread,
The message they left was both urgent and dour:
"When Santa pulls in, have him please call the tower."

He landed like silk, with the sled runners sparking,
Then I heard, "Left at Charlie," and "Taxi to parking."
He slowed to a taxi, turned off of three-oh,
And stopped on the ramp with a "Ho, ho-ho-ho..."

He stepped out of the sleigh, but before he could talk,
I ran out to meet him with my best set of chocks.
His red helmet and goggles were covered with frost,
And his beard was all blackened from Reindeer exhaust.

His breath smelled like peppermint, gone slightly stale,
And he puffed on a pipe, but he didn't inhale.
His cheeks were all rosy and jiggled like jelly,
His boots were as black as a cropduster's belly.

He was chubby and plump, in his suit of bright red,
And he asked me to "fill it, with hundred low-lead."
He came dashing in from the snow-covered pump,
I knew he was anxious for drainin' the sump.

I spoke not a word, but went straight to my work,
And I filled up the sleigh, but I spilled like a jerk.
He came out of the restroom, and sighed in relief,
Then he picked up a phone for a Flight Service brief.

And I thought as he silently scribed in his log,
These reindeer could land in an eighth-mile fog.
He completed his pre-flight, from the front to the rear,
Then he put on his headset, and I heard him yell, "Clear!"

And laying a finger on his push-to-talk,
He called up the tower for clearance and squawk.
"Take taxiway Charlie, the southbound direction,
Turn right three-two-zero at pilot's discretion"

He sped down the runway, the best of the best,
"Your traffic's a Grumman, inbound from the west."
Then I heard him proclaim, as he climbed thru the night,
"Merry Christmas to all! I have traffic in sight."

[img]\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" class=\\\"linked-image\\\" /]

NOTAMs / Executive Committee Postpones Proposed GRP Changes
« on: December 08, 2014, 06:50:32 AM »
From Mark Richards, EC Chair:

Following the announcement in the VATSIM Executive Committee minutes from our Quarter 3 2014 meeting that the EC were proposing changes to the Global Ratings Policy to remove major airport validation requirements, significant discussion has taken place within the membership and in these forums.

Healthy discussion such as this is essential for VATSIM to continue to grow and develop and the discussion has been welcomed.

As a result of these discussions, the Executive Committee, supported by the BoG and Founders, has decided to postpone the proposed changes until 1 April 2015. Between now and the middle of January, Regional Directors will be meeting with Division Directors and Training Directors to evaluate the future training plans of Regions and Divisions. We want to know what works, what does not work, do we have enough staff to deliver training in a fast and efficient manner to ensure we get controllers onto the Network quickly, etc.?

Members with ideas and thoughts should provide these to their Division Directors or Training Directors in the next couple of weeks so that they can attend the meetings in the New Year with all available information, not only from the staff perspective, but how you, as members, want to shape the future of VATSIM ATC.

It is important to remember that there has to be a fine balance between simulating the real world, as we do, and striving for a level of mastery that our real world counterparts spend years crafting.

The key goal is to encourage members online as Controllers and to ensure that this can be achieved quickly with low overheads for staff so that they too can get on and enjoy the Network.


Mark Richards (811451)
Regional Director - VATSIM Oceania
Chairman - VATSIM Executive Committee

NOTAMs / Requesting assistance from Supervisors
« on: December 08, 2014, 06:46:12 AM »
An interesting thread has been developing in the Supervisor community regarding the initial request for assistance from Supervisors.  This post is aimed at all current controllers and students, as well as all ARTCC Training Administrators to weave this information into their initial ATC student training syllabi.

Oftentimes, the way a request for assistance is phrased will allow a Supervisor enough information to start working a request for assistance directly, as opposed to playing 20 questions with the controller.  This is all-the-more important when the Supervisors are already busy, juggling multiple cases, and can make the difference between getting your request for assistance worked on quickly, vs. waiting for a Supervisor to be available to start the 20 questions drill.  A request for assistance should, when possible, indicate enough information to allow the Supervisor to start to understand the issue and the urgency of the request.

Examples of good requests for assistance:
.wallop ABC123 in my airspace not contacting ATC, and not responding to multiple requests for contact.  No immediate conflict.
.wallop ABC123 using rude and vulgar language on frequency
.wallop Need help with someone who has a hot mic
.wallop ABC123 not squawking Mode C and says he doesn't know how to

Examples of not-so-good requests for assistance
.wallop Help
.wallop SUP
.wallop Hi

The more info you can give, in many cases, the faster the Supervisor can start working the issue, just asking clarifying questions and providing feedback/resolution to the controller.  Of course, there will be some "unique" situations where this may not help, but it's generally felt that amplified requests for assistance will help in 90% or more of the cases.  

Request everyone implement more descriptive requests, as appropriate.

Simple Insanity / Taking matters into their own hands...
« on: November 26, 2014, 05:11:30 PM »
Presenting Russia's newest low cost carrier....

If the pax had to do that for a pushback, I wonder what they had to do for engine start!

General Discussion / Happy Thanksgiving!
« on: November 26, 2014, 11:18:19 AM »
For those of you who celebrate it as a holiday, and also for those that don't, I'd like us all to take a moment to give thanks.

I'd like to give thanks...

... to our families.
... to those that have in the past, those that do now, and those that will in the future, keep us safe from harm's way.
... for being as fortunate as we are. If we have a computer and high speed internet access, we are doing so much better than so many in this world who struggle to keep a roof over their heads and food in their mouths.
... for those that share peace and love in this world.
... for those that have brought, and continue to bring us VATSIM, free of charge to us (even though they pay a considerable amount every year for our enjoyment).
... for being part of such a wonderful team as we have within VATUSA. We ebb and flow, and get stronger and weaker over time, but we are generally made up of a great group of people and come together as a strong and wonderful family.

I would also like to thank each and every one of you, the members of VATUSA, especially the staff, for what you do for the network every day.  We wouldn't be here or have a purpose without you.  For many, this is a hobby, perhaps one of many that you engage in.  For many others, particularly the training staffs, ARTCC staffs, and the VATUSA staff, your motivation and dedication to the hobby transcends the normal; you devote an important part of who you are for the success of the members and the network.  For that, I applaud you, and am deeply grateful.

May the turkeys you see at your Thanksgiving celebrations be only the ones you eat, not the ones you share a meal with.

More importantly, may we all be thankful, grateful, loving and sharing, and may we all have a safe, healthy and Happy Thanksgiving.

NOTAMs / Appropriate Controller Information
« on: November 19, 2014, 10:28:41 PM »
Team USA,

There has been a recent spike in instances where controllers are including inappropriate remarks in their (ATIS) Controller info.  This includes, but is not limited to, intolerant remarks toward new members, suggesting that new and/or non-English-speaking and/or non-voice members fly elsewhere, log off, etc.

Not only is this a violation of the VATSIM Code of Conduct, sections A1 and A10, it's incredibly poor form and reflects badly not only on the controller, but on VATUSA.  That kind of intolerance is not welcome here.  Yes, I've been frustrated by folks without skills before, they often come at a bad time, but we were all new once and everyone deserves as much help as we can reasonably give them.  They don't deserve disparaging and harmful remarks.  That behavior needs to stop.  Right now.  It will not be tolerated within this Division, nor anywhere on VATSIM.  Thank you in advance for raising the bar, not lowering it.

General Discussion / Thank you, Veterans!
« on: November 11, 2014, 06:58:34 AM »
Veterans Day is a time when we honor those who have exhibited selfless service and sacrifice for our Nation and our way of life. 

I'd like to take some time to say thank you for your service to every veteran, and their families who also sacrifice much in the name of our country.  You made daily sacrifices for the sake of serving America and your fellow citizens.  I am proud to have served our country, our families, and our freedom, and I know you are too.  This day allows us to recognize and appreciate those who have served to protect our lifestyles and freedoms, as well as remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice; those who never came home.  We remember and honor our teammates who sacrificed their lives in defense of freedom, and we honor their families who remain behind.  Please think about, and pray for, our wounded warriors who bear the scars of combat and those who bear mental scars as veterans.  I ask you to pause today, Veterans Day, and remember our veterans.  Thank every one that you can find.  Go out of your way to do it.  We never asked for any thanks when we made the commitment to our country, our citizens, and our freedoms.  But your appreciation is very welcome.

To every man and woman who preserved our liberty this year, and for all who have ever proudly worn our Nation's uniform, join me in a resounding, Thank you!

The following is an excerpt from a published public letter from Kyle-Ann Shiver.  I have reproduced the paragraphs that I wished to say, but that she said so much more eloquently than I could.

For the dozens of freedoms that we ordinary citizens have enjoyed every single day of our lives in America, we are grateful to you.  We take it all for granted, you know, and only express our thanks one day a year.  I'm ashamed of that, truly ashamed.

We hardly ever stop to even consider the sacrifices you have made and are making this very day in far away places, with scant comfort, if any at all, and yet you don't complain.  You just continue to serve and give and demonstrate genuine love for us every day.  Day in and day out.  In danger.  In fatigue.  In strange places all over the world.  We are more indebted to you than we will ever even comprehend.

And it is also true, that unless one has been in battle, one does not truly understand the depth of your passion for liberty.  To families that have borne no soldiers, you are an enigma.  To cowards, you are a shaming presence, a constant reminder of their weakness.  To your parents, you represent both the mountaintop of pride, and the deepest valley of concern that mothers and fathers can ever know.  And to most of us ordinary citizens, you are the unseen, under-appreciated protectors of all that we hold dear.

I have lived in America all my life, and every single night when I have laid my head upon my pillow, you were somewhere watching over my safety.  For every single one of those nights of peaceful rest, I simply say, "Thank you!"

You serve and fight for the greatest Nation in the history of civilization.  There has never been a grievous wrong that good Americans have not sought to rectify.  There has never been a just cause on which America has turned her back for long.  You, our soldiers, have been and continue to be, the greatest force for freedom and human rights ever gathered.  You have raised our flag around the world, not for domination, but to bring greater liberty and a better way of life.  You are the reason America remains a beacon of hope to the entire world.     

You seek neither glory nor riches, nor even fame.  You are our best, our brightest, our bravest.  Please always know that even when we don't show it, we love you.  We appreciate you.  We thank you.  And we will never forget you or forsake you.

Events / [22 Nov 2014 16-22Z] Cross
« on: November 04, 2014, 12:41:07 PM »
VATIL sent me a note personally inviting all of our members to participate.  

[img]\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" class=\\\"linked-image\\\" /]

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE [/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]Dear Members,

VATSIM Europe Division as well as VATIL introduce a new events series called ''Cross The Mediterranean''. This event will take place 2 times per year,each time with different airfields once Eastbound and once Westbound. Our first event of this series will be on 22nd of November from 1600z and the airfields that you can choose to depart from are the following:

LPPT: Lisbon,
LEPA: Mallorca,
LIRN: Napoli,
LMMM: Malta.

And the designated airports for arrivals will be:

LGIR: Heraklion,
LCLK: Larnaca,
LIRN: Napoli,
LLBG: Ben Gurion,
LMML: Malta.

The event's website can be found under from where you will find a redirection to the bookings system (Hosted by VATUK - Thank you!) as well as a wealth of information for our airports and the routes of course. Please note that in order to see all the bookings you should deselect all the aircraft type specific search.

Waiting to see you online![/quote]

Events / WorldFlight 2014!
« on: September 26, 2014, 06:32:50 PM »
[size=]Update 04 Nov:  A big thank you to all VATUSA members who supported WorldFlight by controlling, flying and/or donating to the charity![/size]

[img]\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" class=\\\"linked-image\\\" /]

A huge thank you to all VATUSA controllers who come out for this great event!   It is a great experience working 40-80 aircraft in a short amount of time!

Some additional information below.

VATUSA Schedule Highlights:

Depart UHPP Zulu: 11/2 2240Z, Local: 11/2 1040L   Arrive PAFA Zulu: 11/3 0310Z, Local: 11/2 1810L
Depart PAFA Zulu: 11/3 0440Z, Local: 11/2 1940L   Arrive CYOD Zulu: 11/3 0810Z, Local 11/3 0110L
Depart CYOD Zulu: 11/3 0910Z, Local: 11/3 0210L   Arrive KSEA Zulu: 11/3 1110Z, Local: 11/3 0310L
Depart KSEA Zulu: 11/3 1210Z, Local: 11/3 0410L   Arrive KSLC Zulu: 11/3 1410Z, Local: 11/3 0710L
Depart KSLC Zulu: 11/3 1510Z, Local: 11/3 0810L   Arrive KMEM Zulu: 11/3 1735Z, Local: 11/3 1135L
Depart KMEM Zulu: 11/3 1835Z, Local: 11/3 1235L   Arrive KORD Zulu: 11/3 2000Z, Local: 11/3 1400L
Depart KORD Zulu: 11/3 2100Z, Local: 11/3 1500L   Arrive KEWR Zulu: 11/3 2300Z, Local: 11/3 1800L
Depart KEWR Zulu: 11/4 0000Z, Local: 11/3 1900L   Arrive KRDU Zulu: 11/4 0125Z, Local; 11/3 2025L
Depart KRDU Zulu: 11/4 0225Z, Local: 11/3 2125L    Arrive KMIA Zulu: 11/4 0425Z , Local: 11/3 2325L
Depart KMIA Zulu: 11/4 0525Z Local: 11/4 0025L    Arrive MDSD Zulu: 11/4 0740Z, Local: 11/4 0240L

Full schedule here:

Controlling WorldFlight, and cooperating with WorldFlight Controllers
Reminder that WorldFlight controllers are authorized to control any USA airspace where VATUSA controllers are not present.  Most will defer is a VATUSA controller comes online, but are not required to.  Best bet for good relations is if a WF controller is online and you'd like to staff, come on as an OBS, identify yourself as a home ARTCC controller, and offer to either relieve the WF controller if they wish, or ask where you can be most useful.  The idea here is to stay friendly, keep up good relations, and make it a great experience for everyone.


It's that time of the year again!  Prepare yourself for one the biggest events on the VATSIM calendar and you are invited to join in the fun!
WorldFlight 2014

This year, WorldFlight will be celebrating 14 years of operations and will start in Sydney (YSSY) on Saturday, 1st November at 2200hrs UTC and will finish 7 days later on Saturday, 8th November.

WorldFlight is a virtual round the world flight that raises money for selected charities around the world. There will be a number of fixed based simulators participating in the event. Full ATC coverage from both local and international controllers will be provided throughout the event as it makes its way around the world.

Join us this year by participating in the event as it makes its way through your region, by flying one of the 45 designated flights. You are welcome to start your journey anywhere along the event, expect congested airspace and challenging approaches into a number of locations around the world.

For more information, including route details, flight plans, suggested scenery links and updates throughout the event, please visit: go to the OPERATIONS|DOWNLOADS to get the files.[color="#2E8B57"][/color]

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